HeartStreams Library - Messages from the Ascended Masters

DeliveredTimeDelivered ByTitleMedia 
3/2/25 10m Venus Beloved Lady Venus: A Sacred Journey of Love in Your Merkabah of Light! Fulfilling Love’s Dream for a Harmonious World Beloved Lady Venus: A Sacred Journey of Love in Your Merkabah of Light! Fulfilling Love’s Dream for a Harmonious World
3/2/25 9m Melchizedek The Mystery of Co-Creation and the Sacredness of the Divine Arts and Sciences of Light The Mystery of Co-Creation and the Sacredness of the Divine Arts and Sciences of Light
2/8/25 45m Serapis Bey Ascension Revelations: Keys to Your Enlightenment and Self-Realization Ascension Revelations: Keys to Your Enlightenment and Self-Realization
2/12/25 16m Mother Mary I Seal Your Hearts in My Divine Embrace and Your Eyes in My Immaculate Vision I Seal Your Hearts in My Divine Embrace and Your Eyes in My Immaculate Vision
2/12/25 18m Mother Mary Use the Miracle of Bilocation to Heal Others at a Distance Use the Miracle of Bilocation to Heal Others at a Distance
12/7/24 1h 30m David Lewis Author talk: Ascension Revelations at Awakenings Center for Conscious Living, Laguna Hills, CA Author talk: Ascension Revelations at Awakenings Center for Conscious Living, Laguna Hills, CA
12/6/24 1h David Lewis Author Talk: Ascension Revelations at Mystic Journey Bookstore, Santa Monica, CA Author Talk: Ascension Revelations at Mystic Journey Bookstore, Santa Monica, CA
2/2/25 16m David Lewis How to Best Bond with Your Holy Christ Self How to Best Bond with Your Holy Christ Self
1/26/25 2m Holy Spirit Benediction of the Holy Spirit Benediction of the Holy Spirit
1/18/25 12m The Holy Family The Holy Family Blesses The Philippines The Holy Family Blesses The Philippines
12/23/24 27m David Lewis Can AI Art Be Sacred? Can AI Art Be Sacred?
1/12/25 18m Kuthumi Our Loving-Kindness Initiative Our Loving-Kindness Initiative
1/5/25 1h 28m Saint Germain Saint Germain's Prophecy and Revelations for Today Saint Germain's Prophecy and Revelations for Today
1/5/25 29m Saint Germain Darshan with Saint Germain Darshan with Saint Germain
1/5/25 24m Saint Germain Saint Germain Releases 33 Prophetic Quatrains for 2025 through 2049 Saint Germain Releases 33 Prophetic Quatrains for 2025 through 2049
12/29/24 8m Buddha of Diamond Crystal Light A Story of a Disciple’s Query of His Master on His Remaining Karmic Debts A Story of a Disciple’s Query of His Master on His Remaining Karmic Debts
12/31/24 13m Gautama Buddha Gautama Buddha Delivers the Heartform for the Year 2025 Gautama Buddha Delivers the Heartform for the Year 2025
12/24/24 11m Mother Mary Mother Mary Speaks on Mothering the Christ Mother Mary Speaks on Mothering the Christ
12/24/24 16m Lanello The Birth of Your Divine Sonship as a Christed Being The Birth of Your Divine Sonship as a Christed Being
12/21/24 22m The Lords of Sound and Music The Lords of Sound and Music Empower the Divine Director with a New Dispensation The Lords of Sound and Music Empower the Divine Director with a New Dispensation
12/21/24 11m Magda Magda Comes in Support of Jesus' Soul-Raising Sessions with Her Comfort Magda Comes in Support of Jesus' Soul-Raising Sessions with Her Comfort
12/13/24 41m Elohim of the Five Crystal Rays Darshan with the Elohim of the Five Crystal Rays Darshan with the Elohim of the Five Crystal Rays
12/15/24 11m Matriel and Vagela Matriel and Vagela: Go Forth to Save Our Earth with Joy and Perfect Love! Matriel and Vagela: Go Forth to Save Our Earth with Joy and Perfect Love!
12/14/24 13m Persiel and Delfina Persiel and Delfina: We Come to Quicken and Anoint Initiates of Light Persiel and Delfina: We Come to Quicken and Anoint Initiates of Light
12/14/24 17m Oriel and Divina Oriel and Divina: America, Awaken to Your Solar Destiny! Oriel and Divina: America, Awaken to Your Solar Destiny!
12/15/24 13m Shiva Group Soul-Raising Session with Shiva Group Soul-Raising Session with Shiva
12/13/24 17m David Lewis Why Are the Elohim of the Crystal Rays Coming Now? Why Are the Elohim of the Crystal Rays Coming Now?
12/13/24 12m Astriel and Aspira Astriel and Aspira: Aspire to Be a Starry Being of Light! Astriel and Aspira: Aspire to Be a Starry Being of Light!
12/13/24 14m Regiel and Capella Regiel and Capella: Our Vision of Earth in 2050 Regiel and Capella: Our Vision of Earth in 2050
12/13/24 16m Astriel and Aspira A Teaching on Manifesting Love in Order to Create A Teaching on Manifesting Love in Order to Create
12/11/24 11m Mother Mary Mother Mary Speaks to Her Children of Love Mother Mary Speaks to Her Children of Love
12/11/24 10m Mother Mary Announcement of the Completion of the Retreat of Our Lady of Miracles of Mexico City Announcement of the Completion of the Retreat of Our Lady of Miracles of Mexico City
12/12/24 8m Kali Maha Kali: Maha Kali Saturates the Universe with Cosmic Joy! Maha Kali: Maha Kali Saturates the Universe with Cosmic Joy!
12/8/24 20m Jesus I AM Come to Impart the Ray of Resurrection to Your Hearts—Express the Light of Christ to All I AM Come to Impart the Ray of Resurrection to Your Hearts—Express the Light of Christ to All
12/1/24 30m Jesus and Kuthumi The Psychology of Oneness The Psychology of Oneness
11/27/24 22m Jesus The Power of Ho'oponopono to Resolve Conflict The Power of Ho'oponopono to Resolve Conflict
11/23/24 29m Fourteen Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America Be Golden-Crystal Age Initiates Now Be Golden-Crystal Age Initiates Now
11/10/24 29m Buddha of the Golden Light How to Retain the Light of Illumination How to Retain the Light of Illumination
11/10/24 8m David Lewis All Is Well in All of Creation, Reverence for Life in the Womb All Is Well in All of Creation, Reverence for Life in the Womb
11/10/24 12m Lanto Lanto Comes to Calm the Storms Within and to Illumine All Lanto Comes to Calm the Storms Within and to Illumine All
10/27/24 19m Maximus Maximize Every Opportunity to Accelerate the Dawning of Aquarius Across the World Maximize Every Opportunity to Accelerate the Dawning of Aquarius Across the World
10/27/24 9m Divine Director A Release of Light Engrams A Release of Light Engrams
10/27/24 12m Goddess of Liberty A Sacred Journey to the Statue of Liberty A Sacred Journey to the Statue of Liberty
10/27/24 8m Hercules Trust the Elohim, Follow the Manus and Obey the Chohans Trust the Elohim, Follow the Manus and Obey the Chohans
10/27/24 19m Laugh-a-Lot All Is Well when You Are Centered in the I AM All Is Well when You Are Centered in the I AM
10/27/24 7m David Lewis Resources to Help Maintain Your Presence Resources to Help Maintain Your Presence
10/26/24 26m Godfre Your Virtue Is Your Armor Your Virtue Is Your Armor
10/26/24 7m Godfre Teaching from David’s Visit to the Karmic Board Teaching from David’s Visit to the Karmic Board
10/26/24 27m Saint Germain A Teaching from Saint Germain A Teaching from Saint Germain
10/26/24 13m Saint Germain Saint Germain Speaks of the Miracle of Morya Saint Germain Speaks of the Miracle of Morya
10/10/24 13m David Lewis Soul-raising Sessions Soul-raising Sessions
10/10/24 10m David Lewis Power Prayers Power Prayers
10/10/24 11m David Lewis The Ascension Revelations Book The Ascension Revelations Book
10/20/24 8m Shiva Group Soul-Raising Session Group Soul-Raising Session
10/20/24 28m El Morya A Formula for Establishing Heaven upon Earth A Formula for Establishing Heaven upon Earth
10/18/24 8m Jesus A Blessing and Healing Grace from beloved Jesus A Blessing and Healing Grace from beloved Jesus
10/19/24 28m Divine Director and Saint Germain Darshan with Saint Germain and Divine Director Darshan with Saint Germain and Divine Director
10/19/24 6m Saint Germain Use the Sun’s Energy from Your Own I AM Presence Use the Sun’s Energy from Your Own I AM Presence
10/19/24 23m Divine Director The Alchemy of Love, Thought, Planning and Manifestation The Alchemy of Love, Thought, Planning and Manifestation
10/19/24 10m Arcturus and Victoria The Elohim Answer Our Prayers with Cosmic Light The Elohim Answer Our Prayers with Cosmic Light
10/18/24 30m Sanat Kumara and Venus Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus Celebrate the Victories of the IHCC Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus Celebrate the Victories of the IHCC
9/8/24 1h 24m David Lewis Nevada City, CA - What It Means to Be an Aquarian Essene: Heartfriendship with Angels, Ascended Masters, and Other Divine Beings Nevada City, CA - What It Means to Be an Aquarian Essene: Heartfriendship with Angels, Ascended Masters, and Other Divine Beings
9/27/24 15m David Lewis Highlights of Our Chicago-St. Louis Speaking/Book Tour with Carol Wells Highlights of Our Chicago-St. Louis Speaking/Book Tour with Carol Wells
9/23/24 1h 45m Michael and Chamuel New Revelations from Michael and the Seven Archangels New Revelations from Michael and the Seven Archangels
9/22/24 15m Jesus Sacred Friendships Sacred Friendships
9/23/24 22m Michael and Chamuel New Teachings from Michael and Chamuel New Teachings from Michael and Chamuel
9/22/24 1h David Lewis Arlington Heights, IL - Co-Creating a New Aquarian Reality Arlington Heights, IL - Co-Creating a New Aquarian Reality
9/21/24 1h Kuan Yin Kuan Yin’s Miracle Gift of Mercy and Forgiveness Kuan Yin’s Miracle Gift of Mercy and Forgiveness
10/13/24 32m Jesus Darshan for Youth with Jesus - Part 2 Darshan for Youth with Jesus - Part 2
10/13/24 20m Jesus Contact Your Inner Child and Live in Its Christic Simplicity Contact Your Inner Child and Live in Its Christic Simplicity
10/11/24 20m Buddha of the Ruby Ray I Choose to Be Perfect Love Today, with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray I Choose to Be Perfect Love Today, with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray
10/6/24 27m Jesus Darshan for Youth with Jesus Darshan for Youth with Jesus
10/6/24 5m Jesus Meditate on the Vitality of Your Eternal, Youthful Self; Invest in Purity, Wholeness and Your Immaculate Nature Meditate on the Vitality of Your Eternal, Youthful Self; Invest in Purity, Wholeness and Your Immaculate Nature
10/4/24 1m David Lewis David Announces the Availability of Our Hearts Center Books with Spiral Binding David Announces the Availability of Our Hearts Center Books with Spiral Binding
10/4/24 4m David Lewis David Announces Jesus' Offering of a New Kind of Soul-Raising Session to Safeguard Our Lucid Minds and Remove Possessing Entities David Announces Jesus' Offering of a New Kind of Soul-Raising Session to Safeguard Our Lucid Minds and Remove Possessing Entities
10/4/24 31m Lady Kristine Lady Kristine Gives Us Contemplations for a Life Lived in Grace Lady Kristine Gives Us Contemplations for a Life Lived in Grace
10/4/24 3m David Lewis Opportunity to Sponsor International Heartfriends to Attend Our IHCC Congress in Madrid, Spain Opportunity to Sponsor International Heartfriends to Attend Our IHCC Congress in Madrid, Spain
9/6/24 1h 23m David Lewis Ashland, OR - What It Means to Be an Aquarian Essene: Heartfriendship with Angels, Ascended Masters, and Other Divine Beings Ashland, OR - What It Means to Be an Aquarian Essene: Heartfriendship with Angels, Ascended Masters, and Other Divine Beings
9/5/24 1h 19m David Lewis Edmonds, WA - What It Means to Be an Aquarian Essene: Heartfriendship with Angels, Ascended Masters, and Other Divine Beings Edmonds, WA - What It Means to Be an Aquarian Essene: Heartfriendship with Angels, Ascended Masters, and Other Divine Beings
9/14/24 44m Kuan Yin Kuan Yin: Special Darshan Kuan Yin: Special Darshan
9/28/24 24m Michael and Faith Archangel Michael's Michaelmas Message with Faith Archangel Michael's Michaelmas Message with Faith
9/27/24 11m David Lewis Our New Book "The Ascension Revelations" Our New Book "The Ascension Revelations"
9/27/24 10m Cosmos Cosmos Enfolds Us in Stillness to Transcend Our Lower Nature Cosmos Enfolds Us in Stillness to Transcend Our Lower Nature
9/12/24 26m Saint Germain Darshan with Saint Germain Darshan with Saint Germain
9/15/24 14m Victoria Victoria: Live Eternally in the Violet Light! Victoria: Live Eternally in the Violet Light!
9/15/24 21m David Lewis Group Soul-Raising Session with the Holy Spirit Group Soul-Raising Session with the Holy Spirit
9/15/24 4m Maitreya Lord Maitreya Anoints Us with Sacred Fire Lord Maitreya Anoints Us with Sacred Fire
9/14/24 17m Jesus Jesus Blesses Us with an Angel of Peace Jesus Blesses Us with an Angel of Peace
9/14/24 15m Amethyst Holy Amethyst: An Archangelic Infusion of Violet-Solar Light! Holy Amethyst: An Archangelic Infusion of Violet-Solar Light!
9/13/24 16m Divine Director A Cosmic Boost for Aquarian Initiates A Cosmic Boost for Aquarian Initiates
9/12/24 55m Saint Germain Saint Germain: Engage with Me for Victorious Alchemies Saint Germain: Engage with Me for Victorious Alchemies
9/12/24 10m David Lewis Discourse on Energizing Your Songs and Prayers with Your Heart’s Fire Discourse on Energizing Your Songs and Prayers with Your Heart’s Fire
9/11/24 1h 38m David Lewis Spirit Matters Today! Spirit Matters Today!
9/13/24 22m Virgo and God Tabor Become One with the Earth and the Mountain Become One with the Earth and the Mountain
9/18/24 27m Djwal Kul Djwal Kul on Conscious Living Djwal Kul on Conscious Living
9/8/24 1h 30m Magda Manifest Your Feminine Christic Light Manifest Your Feminine Christic Light
8/30/24 8m Myani On Divine Remembrance and the Magnificence of God's Presence On Divine Remembrance and the Magnificence of God's Presence
8/23/24 29m Lady Amity Lady Amity on Personable HeartSharing Lady Amity on Personable HeartSharing
8/19/24 38m Leto David's Comments and Darshan with Mexican Heartfriends David's Comments and Darshan with Mexican Heartfriends
8/19/24 22m Leto The Power of Holy Light, Immaculate Sight and Divine Flight! The Power of Holy Light, Immaculate Sight and Divine Flight!