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Archangel Michael and Faith

Rosary of Faith

Compiled by the Messenger David Christopher Lewis

This Rosary of Faith invokes the powerful intercession of the Seven Archangels: Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gbriel, Raphael, Uriel and Zadkiel and their Archeiai: Faith, Christine, Charity, Hope, Mary, Aurora and Amethyst. Through the giving of this rosary, choirs of angels surround the earth to answer the prayers of those in distress, anchor God-government in the Earth and surround us with God's blessings.

PDF Rosary of Faith: (from Songs and Prayers page)

Who Are the Seven Archeiai?
You are probably familiar with the archangels yet not with the archeia. An archeia is the feminine complement of an archangel and thus wields tremendous energies of the Spirit in her service to mankind often in a gentler and somewhat more feminine manner than her masculine counterpart. Since we know the names of the archeiai of the Seven Archangels, we may call to each of them to bless us with their particular aspect of God’s consciousness for the color ray upon which they serve. Each of the Seven Archeiai: Faith, Christine, Charity, Hope, Mary, Aurora and Amethyst is a powerful intercessor for mankind, answering the prayers of those in distress in very specific and, at times, mysterious ways.

The Rosary—A Prayer for All Time
Disciples of the Spirit who have offered rosaries and prayers to the Blessed Mother may be aware that there is a long tradition of various types of rosaries that have been given over the years since Jesus’ life on earth. The original rosary given centuries ago looked much different than that which is given within the Catholic Church of today. Rather than a single prayer for all time, the rosary has become an evolution of devotion. Over the years, various mystics and saints, in communion with Jesus and other heavenly beings, have added to the hallowed tradition of the rosary. The Rosary of Faithis another step in this divine evolutionary process known as progressive revelation.

A Garland of Roses
Each rosary is, in reality, a spiritual garland of roses created by giving various prayers, most often including the “Hail Mary” which honors the words of the Archangel Gabriel spoken to Mary when she was a temple virgin, spending much of her time in prayer and meditation upon the heaven world. This rosary continues the tradition of pouring forth devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels, who has been so instrumental in answering the prayers of the faithful over the centuries.

A Rosary for the Anchoring of God-Government
This Rosary of Faith is the fulfillment of a request made to David Lewis by the Ascended Masters El Morya and Lanello. When the program for a weekend conference in Washington, D.C. in late January 2007 was given, David was also asked to have ready a completed version of a new Rosary of Faith, wherein participants would invoke the light of all seven complements of the archangels, primarily the Archeia Faith, the consort of beloved Archangel Michael. Since Washington, D.C. is the blue-ray focus and throat chakra for the United States of America, it seemed fitting that faith should be concentrate through a new type of rosary for the protection of our nation’s government and its leaders. Those of all nations may give this new rosary for the anchoring of God-government in their own country and in all nations, maximizing the light of these prayers on behalf of all peoples.

Faith Is the First and Essential Virtue After which All Others Follow
In all spiritual traditions unless there be faith and belief, the light of wisdom’s fires and the fulfillment of love in all things does not ensue. Works alone do not allow us entrée into the kingdom of God, but inspired works of compassion born of spiritual knowledge and faith flow from a profound oneness of Spirit.

Create a Cosmic Corona of Blessing Around Yourself
By invoking the light of all seven archeiai in this rosary, we create a rainbow radiance, a cosmic carona of God’s tender blessing around us. Our halos shine not only with the emerald color of Mary’s presence but with the specific pastel glory of each of these angelic mothers who can nurture us in many sublime ways. Thus, no matter what day of the week we choose to give this rosary, we can have access to all of the “seven sisters” whose manifestation of light complement each other in ways great and small.

Invoke the Presence of the Angelic Choirs to Expand Your Consciousness
We know that singing our prayers opens our hearts in a profound way, and we’ve been told that hymns of praise invoke the presence of the angelic choirs. In this rosary we pray to the nine choirs of angels, each of these focusing a specific aspect of God’s radiance at a different level of vibration in the heaven world. Some choirs live and move and have their being closer to the Godhead while others work more closely with mankind. By attuning to each choir’s specific purpose and work, we can more readily expand our own consciousness to the level of these angelic beings. And thereby they, too, may work more closely with us.

Commune with the Angels and Enter Cosmic Grace
Many of us who have dedicated our lives to the service of mankind are actually embodied angels, and thus we easily resonate with these beautiful presences that are often so close at hand to us though we often know it not. By cosmic law they cannot act within our dimension unless we invoke them by intention. Now you have in this rosary a means of communing with these wonderful friends of light and entering into their world of cosmic grace in a simple, new way.

Free Archangel Michael Prayer Poster

Free Archangel Michael Prayer Poster

FREE Achangel Michael Prayer Poster PDF

Archangel Michael and Faith Shield of Protection

Click here for a printable PDF of "Shield of Faith" poster.

Archangel Michael Poster

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Messages from Michael & Faith

9/28/24 Archangel Michael's Michaelmas Message with Faith Archangel Michael's Michaelmas Message with Faith
9/28/24 Archangel Michael's Michaelmas Message with Faith Archangel Michael's Michaelmas Message with Faith
9/23/24 New Teachings from Michael and Chamuel New Teachings from Michael and Chamuel
9/23/24 New Revelations from Michael and the Seven Archangels New Revelations from Michael and the Seven Archangels
6/2/24 The Seven Archeiai Perform an Alchemy of the Sacred Fire The Seven Archeiai Perform an Alchemy of the Sacred Fire
5/16/24 A Great Gift and Visualization from Archangel Michael, Faith and Lanello A Great Gift and Visualization from Archangel Michael, Faith and Lanello
5/3/24 Archangels Michael and Faith Bless the Earth with Their Radiance Archangels Michael and Faith Bless the Earth with Their Radiance
5/3/24 Archangel Michael Comes to Save America and the Souls of Her People Archangel Michael Comes to Save America and the Souls of Her People
3/10/24 Archangel Michael Reports on the Impact of Our Vigil Archangel Michael Reports on the Impact of Our Vigil
9/28/22 Blue Angels Matter! Violet Angels Matter! All Angels Matter! Blue Angels Matter! Violet Angels Matter! All Angels Matter!

Archangel Michael prayer cardArchangel Michael prayers and songs daily during the morning broadcasts. Join us 7:00-9:30 am Mon-Sat.
Pray to Michael anytime-
I Am Standing Now With Michael audio prayer. PDF
New Wallet Cards of Archangel Michael and other Ascended Masters.  

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Archangel Michael and Faith CD

Prayers and songs to Archangel Michael and Faith

                         CD $5.00       


Archangel Michael Miracles

Archangel Michael's Miracles Today

          Angels. They have been referred to as "angles" of God's consciousness. God thinks; they perform. We pray; they respond. Archangel Michael's Miracles Today was written to strengthen our belief that angels exist to help us move with grace and confidence through the days and years of our lives and into an unpredictable future.
          In Archangel Michael's Miracles Today, those who tell their stories know without question that those angels of protection who have come at their call are under the command of an archangel of scriptural repute throughout the world—Michael, Prince of the Archangels, protector of the children of God. 
          These are true stories—some poignant like the story of a child’s pure faith saving the day or stories describing coincidental circumstances that bring delight and confirm the presence of protecting angels. Many stories are dramatic witnesses that will rivet your attention with their breathtaking, split-second, cliff-hanging scenarios.
          At Archangel Michael’s request, this book was written for and dedicated to police officers across America. It is dedicated to those who serve in the branches of the armed forces as well as to firefighters, paramedics and all who are the protectors and defenders of a free society.

Future Plans for Archangel Michael’s Miracles Today: 
A Pocketbook Version in the hands of Our Military and Police!

          On September 29th, 2006, beloved Archangel Michael said, "I suggest that you first set forth this testimonial with the others chosen, having been submitted, as an e-book upon your website for a price between ten and fifteen dollars. And then as the resources are available to you, the artwork is accomplished, the compilation is completed, that this book go forth and be brought by each of you [to the public], given to your friends, placed in the marts for sale. [When those who will receive or buy this book read the stories] along with the various prayers within, [it will] give those serving upon earth new hope for a new earth that we see even now dawning." 
          Purchase and download your copy of  Archangel Michael’s Miracles Today now! These proceeds will help make possible the publishing of the pocketbook that Archangel Michael desires in the hands of those who serve and defend. If you would like to see this happen as soon as possible, your additional tax-deductible donation to the  Publishing Development Fund can make it happen. Thank you for whatever you can give!

Archangel Michael EBook
Archangel Michael EBook




Archangel Michael's Victory Print

Archangel Michael's Victory by Lisa Delaney, Eagle Artworks


Archangel Michael's Victory Painting
Archangel Michael's Victory (5x7)



Rosary of Faith Booklets in Spanish and English

Rosary of Faith Book
Rosary of Faith Book



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