When you desire to infuse your precious little ones with loving and sacred ideas, of their own divinity within, of God above and everywhere and of all things good, where can you turn? To a good book! All kids love bedtime stories. Here is just a tiny sampling of the wonderful offerings out there. Here’s to happy dreams, and nurtured kids!
Grandad’s Prayers of the Earth by Douglas Wood, Illustrated by P.J. Lynch
This is such a beautiful, touching story of a boy’s experience with his grandad as he walks and talks with him in the woods, discovering how nature prays. In poetic words, the author has found creative and profound ways to teach us of the many ways to pray. Whether as a rock, sitting still and silent; as the towering trees reaching for heaven; or as flowers breathing their sweetness into the air, nature is praying and teaching us how to pray. When the boy’s grandad passes on and he is lonely, he himself experiences the prayers of the earth, gives thanks and feels his grandad near again. A feel-good book, that also has good educational value.

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My Invisible Friends by Michelle Whitedove
“Since the beginning of time, little souls just like you and I looked down from Heaven to see the beautiful Earth.” So begins one of my favorite books for kids. It conveys so much of what I believe about our soul coming into our body, having a heavenly contract for our life, being sent off by angels and guarded by them while on earth, coming from heaven in the beginning and so much more. I particularly appreciate the creative illustrations showing the soul of the boy peeking down from the heaven-world with his angels and looking down upon his family-to-be. What a unique book – you don’t find these teachings for kids everywhere. The world could do with more books like this!

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I Am: Why Two Little Words Mean So Much by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer with Kristina Tracy, Illustrated by Stacy Heller Budnick
This is for my husband. It’s his favorite. In rhyming verse the author tells us how God is everywhere because God is everywhere in us, wherever we go and in everything that is real. A pretty awesome lesson if you ask me! From a page in the book, “We are not separate – where you are, I am there. I am in your mind and your heart... I am everywhere!” Again and again the book emphases that God is within, that we are together and that “there’s really no line where you start and I end.” A positive, affirming book for that cherished child of yours.

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Hide & Seek With God by Mary Ann Moore
I love how this book provides a collection of parables through which to view the many dilemmas of human existence. From death to where God can be found, to how all paths lead us to God, this book is unique. And, it’s for kids! In language kids can understand, the mysteries of the Universe are poked and probed for greater understanding. Though at times, the mystery itself is part of the answer. This book is listed as ages 4-8 (it contains no pictures and is a little longer than the other books in this review), however we read it to our 3 year old anyway! To give you a better feel of this book, here are some of the story titles: God Has Many Names, God is Like the Mother of All, The Spirit of God is There When a Baby is Born, Different Points of View and The One Great Web of Life. If your kid (or yourself) is looking for God, Hide & Seek with God is a great place to find Him!

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Angels Your Friends and Helpers by Nancy Kolze and Alvera Kubal
And finally, a book by Heartfriends, this precious and unique offering includes the oft not mentioned seven archangels by name – and artwork. Beautiful artwork. This book includes kid-sized teachings, real stories, creative prayers and little rhymes about many kinds of angels. From the book, “Michael, angel of bright blue light, Protect me now with all your might. I trust in you the whole day through. Oh, Archangel Michael, I love you!” With real life stories of angelic experiences, this book is sure to set your child’s heart and mind upon the real super heroes of today, the mighty archangels!

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Note: These books can be purchased at Amazon.com, with the exception of the last item which can be purchased at The Hearts Center online store here. To support The Hearts Center with your Amazon purchases go through the following link.
What are your favorite spiritual books for kids? Please share the titles in the comment box below!