Summer 2010 World Freedom Conference
“Find Your Destiny on Earth through Solar Evolution—Experience Oneness with Nature under the Big Sky”
Wednesday, June 30–Sunday, July 4, 2010
at the Luccock Park Camp
in Paradise Valley, Montana
“The Earth itself is in anticipation of this great day. It is what the masters consider 'the great and notable day of the Lord coming' when all of the Elohim speak to us and descend to Earth. It is a power transcendent.”
“I can see a giant rainbow over the big sky as even now the elementals are in anticipation of what we will accomplish with our spiritual work. It is a beautiful rainbow of the seven colors but also a secret-ray rainbow that I’ve never quite seen before, a rainbow behind the normal rainbow with the coloration of the five secret rays brilliantly glowing, scintillating with cosmic gemstones, crystalline energy frequencies within the light of that rainbow.”
—David C. Lewis
- Five days of songs, prayer and movement dedicated to the elementals
- HeartStreams from 33 ascended masters and secret ray Elohim
- The scent of pine and fresh air
- The sounds of bubbling creeks and crackling campfires
- The sights of mountain grandeur and wildflower splendor
- Hiking and outdoor games for the whole family
- A personal clearance for each heartfriend physically present
- International Freedom Day—flags, fanfare and fun
- Community-wide talent show
- Presentations and workshops
- Morning campfire services and evening campfire socials
- Patriotic singing to fan the flame of freedom within your heart
- Organic, raw and vegetarian menu options
- Teen and youth special events
The masters have said regarding the 2010 Freedom Summer Conference: “This will probably be for each and every one of you the most powerful clearance of your aura, your chakras and the transmutation of past karmic hindrances and blocks you may have experienced in this lifetime or many lifetimes because the action of the Elohim will be engaged.
"This class will be for the strengthening of your physical bodies and all your seven bodies as the Elohim fashion you with their cosmic hands of light in the image and likeness of God anew. Those elements of selfhood that have been out of perfect alignment with your true nature can be remolded in these five days.”
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