Day 3—Monday, June 28
Sacred Body Language Translations
In the evolution of consciousness, our bodies are the storing banks of genetic, experiential and collective (global) memories. With every move we make, our bodies reveal our subconscious thoughts and hidden emotions. Sacred Body Language Translations is an exploration of our words, thoughts and emotional patterns as they correspond to states of consciousness, physiological condition and well being. Robert demonstrates the unspoken conversation going on within and between individuals through physical symbols, archetypal patterns, body sensations and energies in our environment.
The beauty of Body Language Translation is realized when we see the exactness of our unconscious movements, symptoms and gestures as they relate to our internal dialogue. Come “listen” to the language of the subconscious as it speaks through our hands, feet, face, eyes, nose, body movements, fingernails, hair, wrinkles, lines, symptoms, organs, glands and bodily functions revealing a dramatically deeper understanding of who we are, what our current requirements are, and how best to respond with love.
Bio-Optic Holography™
Bio-Optic Holography offers us an eye opening road map for understanding, forgiving and transmuting our genetic and experiential reactions and limitations into choice and action. The patterns viewed in the iris, sclera and pupil in both eyes tell the story of our genetic and experiential beliefs and their corresponding relationships to thought, word and emotional patterns in the physical body.
Robert demonstrates his technique of translating iris, sclera and pupil markings, fiber structures and variations into questions which elicit a powerful healing response. Discover how to resolve and transform certain reactive patterns, suppressed emotions, genetic and experiential memories into their corresponding strengths. Each reaction sets a specific pattern for the return to our victorious life.
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