You think that you have mastered much so far. Your
mastery is a coefficient of something that you do not yet fully
cognize in perspective and in relationship with where you
may be when you enter the Great Silence and feel the isness,
the Godness of the Creator. From the Great Silence, you as a
co-creator may be fully ensconced in that light, in that divinity, in that cosmic awareness of simply what is, what God
has always been and that you may know through the intimacy
of the stillness that arises when you are calm, when you are
at peace with yourself and when, by quieting the mind, the
body and the emotions, you arise upon the lotus of pure light,
pure and ineluctable joy.
Many seek to experience something of the Divine without, yet the greatest experience manifests within. For that
kingdom is within you, each one. The empowering comes,
the enlightenment occurs, the inspiration flowers when,
through silence, you acquiesce to beauty, harmony, balance
and the transcendent state of all Buddhas who have entered
nirvana to commune with the All-Buddha, who is the all-encompassing energy of Spirit, which weds all to oneness.
— Buddha from the Great Silence