Hearts Center Radio Interviews

Mary Kretzmann from the Ananda Center on a Healer’s Journey Knowing God is the Doer

Mary Kretzmann from the Ananda Center on a Healer’s Journey Knowing God is the Doer

Mary Kretzmann, a Lightbearer and Ananda Village resident, serves in the Sangha Office as Director of the Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry. http://www.ananda.org She is the author of Divine Will Healing, a complete handbook of Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings on healing. She is currently writing a book, tentatively titled, How to be a Hands-On Healer. She has also written a free online e-book, Finding God in Your Family. http://findinggodinyourfamily.wordpress.com


Mary is a minister, and a founding member of Ananda. She has served for many years on the Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry, including extensive counseling, writing, teaching, and energy healing. Her experience has served to deepen her natural, intuitive understanding of spiritual healing, and her ability to guide others in taking their own powerful steps in self-healing. She offers regular healing prayer classes at the Expanding Light Retreat at Ananda Village community.


Mary moved to Ananda Village in 1978, and with her husband, Tim, raised their family of three children. In her early years at Ananda, she began to explore Yogananda's healing techniques very deeply with a small, dedicated group who were praying for others. She felt inspired to put more energy into this healing ministry, developing it from its humble beginnings into what is now the Ananda Healing Prayer Council with over 650 members worldwide. Each of these members receive a list of three people to pray for each month.

Mary shares her insights and inspirations through the classes she teaches on Energy Healing Techniques. She is an active blogger on healing and family issues on Scribd. http://www.expandinglight.org/teachers/mary-kretzmann.php

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David C. Lewis

The Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar reality now through personal enlightenment. 


At Hearts Center Talk Radio, David shares the ascended masters' teachings to inspire, initiate and empower lightbearers. He invites you to engage him in discussing how these living messages and ongoing progressive revelations are relevant to your personal spiritual quest. 

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