Hearts Center Radio Interviews

Dr. Melody Hart on Natural, Vibrational and Quantum Technologies and Therapies for Holistic Wellness

Dr. Melody Hart on Natural, Vibrational and Quantum Technologies and Therapies for Holistic Wellness

Dr. Melody Hart N.D., Ph.D. of The Hart Center for Alternative Medicine from Geneva IL specializes in holistic solutions to chronic health conditions. Her motto: “Believe to Educate, Not Medicate.”


She describes her mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge necessary to take command of their health and fitness while simultaneously optimizing their health and vitality. Her desire is to enlighten people to see, know and understand about physical, mental and spiritual conditions and provide assistance in their own healing through natural remedies.


She received her Doctorate of Naturopathy from Midwest University and has been in practice since 1997. She studied with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, Neural Biology, received her ILADS Lyme Literate training, and has been a Lyme disease specialist since 2003. Dr. Hart also focuses on boosting the immune system and managing stress, and providing assistance in healing through natural remedies.


Dr Hart’s speaking appearances include the 2009 AESURG Medical Conference Khajurhoa. India; La Lesche Group; Holistic Moms Network; and Chicago Lyme Support Group. She has appeared on national and local TV and radio, including WGN 9; ABC 7 Chicago; NBC 5 Chicago; ABC 2 Chicago; on Healthradio.net; and WJJG Radio. She has also been featured in Chicago Tribune; Seattle Times; Women's World; USA Weekend Magazine; Explore Magazine; Vegetarian Times; Whole Life Times-LA; Parenting; Latina Magazine; Recipes Today; Delicious Living Magazine; and many more media and publications.


Melody is a Board Member of the Midwest Lyme Foundation and InNetwork; and is a National Speakers Association - Candidate U Graduate. Her studies include: Neural Biology, Quantum Medicine under Dr. Paul Yanick, ND and Dr Jacob Liberman, OD. She is Board Certified with the American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA), American Academy of Quantum Medicine (AAQM), American Academy of Neural Therapy (AANT), American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) and National Naturopathic Council (NNC).


Her books in progress include:  7 Habits of Healthy Lifestyle, and Natural Laws of Wellness.


Naturopathy is natural health care that emphasizes holistic healthcare, preventative medicine and wellness.  The focus is on the root cause, not just the symptoms, encompasses the whole person, body, mind, spirit and Educating, Not Medicating.

Naturopathy includes:

  • Simple changes to incorporate better health whether there is an existing condition or to promote preventative health care.
  • Treats all conditions and complements traditional medicine.  A more natural, less harmful and non-invasive approach. 
  • May be most beneficial with chronic disorders, pain and multi-systemic disorders.  Examinations are performed fully clothed.  
  • Specializing in Natural Solutions to Chronic Health Conditions.  Such as Allergies, Asthma, Autoimmune Disorders, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Digestion, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Natural or Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Pain Management, Weight Loss.
  • The forms of analysis that may be used are iridology, quantum medicine such as thermography, heart scanning, allergy testing for 2000 different sensitivities (ART) and/or muscle testing; and therapeutic biofeedback with frequency.
  • Treatments may incorporate one or more of the following: herbs, homeopathy, diet, lifestyle, mineral and enzyme supplements, detoxification, nutrition, low level laser therapy, SAD/light therapy, Hyperthermia, acupressure, meditation, the subtle energy system, breathing techniques and/or simple movement exercises.




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