Hearts Center Radio Interviews

Robert Tennyson Stevens on Mastering Conscious Language to Create Life on Your Terms and Thrive

Robert Tennyson Stevens on Mastering Conscious Language to Create Life on Your Terms and Thrive

ROBERT TENNYSON STEVENS, Developer and CEO of Mastery Systems Corporation, www.masterysystems.com is a pioneer in the influence of language, imagination, facilitation, and body language on activating and enjoying our dreams — now. In providing personal, team, and corporate facilitation and coaching for more than 30 years, Robert has developed systems for attaining heartfelt outcomes quickly.


He is a masterful facilitator of individuals and organizations that choose to transform their lives into healthy, creative, loving and fulfilling experiences. Having demonstrated the influence of thought, word and feeling on manifestation with thousands of people, Robert created a unique curriculum of personal and professional empowerment technologies called Mastery Systems.


Participants in Robert’s classes receive highly effective, fast-acting tools for immediate replication in their daily lives, as well as application in our health, business, education, and other professional arenas. Robert’s compassionate nature combined with his humorous and interactive presentation style make learning fun and easy.


Author of Sacred Body Language Translations™ and Conscious Language™ – The Logos Of Now, Robert is also a master herbalist and iridologist. He studied with Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. John Christopher, and Dr. John W. Ray, and developed Bio-Optic Holography, a unique method of identifying and transforming our body’s physical, mental and emotional reality by combining iridology with the application of Conscious Language™ and Outcome Facilitation. Mastery Systems curriculum sets forth a step by step upgrade system for individuals, organizations and families committed to improving their life experiences.




“All Coaching is Self-Coaching”. Whether you are choosing to upgrade your finances, career, relationships, health, business, family harmony, or what ever is on your plate at this moment, the self-coaching techniques that make up Mastery Systems can be shared with you personally.


Mastery Systems delivers strategic life upgrade techniques through target specific media (Books, Audio CDs and Video DVDs, as well as Online Portals of advanced instruction and experience) to help you know where you are, how you got there, how to harmonize with where you are, and how to easily and systematically move into your highest choice. It may require your study, practice, review, and full participation.


Experiencing first hand the power of changing one word and the change created in your life is demonstrated in our Live, In Person and Online Events. If a picture is worth a thousand words, an experience is worth a library. Every Consciousness Upgrade Path shared through Mastery Systems (Conscious Language™, Imagination Activation™, Outcome Facilitation™, Sacred Body Language Translations™, and Bio-Optic Holography™, to name a few) is designed to awaken the participant to their own experience of Thriving, Success, Health, Harmony, and Happiness. Move from the spectator seat to the driver’s seat in your success story.


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Saint Germain's New Book on Alchemy!


Saint Germain book Alchemy
Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy
   by David C. Lewis
        $19.95   in our Alchemy Exchange bookstore                                

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Alchemical Works

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David C. Lewis

The Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar reality now through personal enlightenment. 


At Hearts Center Talk Radio, David shares the ascended masters' teachings to inspire, initiate and empower lightbearers. He invites you to engage him in discussing how these living messages and ongoing progressive revelations are relevant to your personal spiritual quest. 

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