Hearts Center Radio Interviews

Allan Botkin on Induced After-Death Communication (IADC): A Breakthrough Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma

Allan Botkin on Induced After-Death Communication (IADC): A Breakthrough Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma

Induced After-Death Communication (IADC) is a new therapy for grief and trauma that has helped thousands of ordinary people come to terms with their grief by allowing them the experience of private communication with their departed loved ones. It has been called one of a few major breakthroughs in psychology in the last 100 years.

YouTube of Radio Interview of Allan Botkin: 

IADC offers hope, comfort and a new kind of peace of mind. Since his 1995 discovery of IADC while using Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR) while counseling a Vietnam vet, Allan Botkin, a clinical psychologist, has honed his treatment and taught the procedure to therapists around the country. While IADC does not directly address all post traumatic stress disorders, it can address the most deeply painful feelings of sadness and disconnect from the deceased and resolve interpersonal problems and ‘unfinished business’ with forgiveness. IADC can heal the deep sadness, and sense of grief even for lost pets.


Dr Allan Botkin, a licensed clinical psychologist and author of Induced After Death Communication: A Miraculous Therapy for Grief and Loss, has over 20 years of experience in treating patients who suffer from grief and traumatic loss. He has made a groundbreaking discovery. He found, as a result of experimenting with variations of a relatively new and very powerful psychological procedure called eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR, that he could reliably induce in his patients an experience that they believed was actual contact with the deceased person they were grieving.


After-death communications, or ADCs, are not rare, and have been reported to occur naturally and spontaneously in 20% of the population. Dr. Botkin's discovery, which he calls induced after-death communication, or IADC, makes these experiences available to virtually everyone. He and his colleagues have induced well over 3000 ADCs in the last eight years. "That's the only argument I really want to make: it works," says Botkin, "it heals people to a degree that has not been even thought to be possible."



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