Hearts Center Radio Interviews

David HeartStreams with Saint Germain on Your Questions About How To Transform the Earth into a Golden Crystal Age

David HeartStreams with Saint Germain on Your Questions About How To Transform the Earth into a Golden Crystal Age

Saint Germain gave his Prophecies for 2015 through David on Hearts Center Talk Radio on January 31, 2015. Now the Master Alchemist and Aquarian Avatar answers your questions, comments and concerns for “what will it take to bring in a Golden Crystal Age?” 

Buy Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy.

Call in and get a divine perspective on critical skills like gaining mastery at conflict resolution, true brother/sisterhood, religious tolerance, and invoking the integration ray of ruby love. Learn what the "powers that were" are up to and how to divinely challenge manipulation, control and deception to bring about transformative personal and planetary change. This is the show to hear and be heard!


David Christopher Lewis

Author, teacher, mystic and musical composer, David has been a student of the ascended masters and the world’s major religions for four decades. He began receiving telepathic communications from the ascended masters in 2004 and co-founded The Hearts Center Community in obedience to their request in 2005.


The Hearts Center is a non-profit spiritual activity dedicated to sharing current teachings received from the ascended masters and helping people everywhere awaken to and nurture their own divine potential. The community has grown into a worldwide movement with local centers in the United States, Canada, South Africa, Sweden, Spain, Argentina, and Chile.


David is the founder of Meru University, which offers a wide spectrum of live online and on-demand courses in an interactive environment. Each course includes direct communications from the ascended masters and inspired discourses by David. He has also founded Meru Press, the publishing arm of Meru University.


David conducts prayer services during free Internet broadcasts on The Hearts Center’s website. He speaks at Hearts Center conferences and workshops held around the world, and leads international pilgrimages. His most recent book, Advanced Studies of the Human Aura, is his first mass-market publication. He has also published the pocketbook, Now, Zen and Always, a feast of wisdom quips, and Mother Mary’s Missions, a compilation of Mary’s HeartStreams, delivered during a pilgrimage to the Spanish Missions in 2005. Among David’s other published works are a collection of more than 150 devotional prayers and mantras and a chapter on heaftstreaming, in the anthology, Healing the Heart of the World, published in 2007. David is married and lives in Livingston, Montana.

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Saint Germain's New Book on Alchemy!


Saint Germain book Alchemy
Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy
   by David C. Lewis
        $19.95   in our Alchemy Exchange bookstore                                

Read Chapter One FREE: 
"Establish the Platform for Your Advanced
Alchemical Works

Playlist of Hearts Center Talk Radio Shows:

Interviews of David with Various Radio Show Hosts




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Meet Our Host David C. Lewis!

David C. Lewis

The Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar reality now through personal enlightenment. 


At Hearts Center Talk Radio, David shares the ascended masters' teachings to inspire, initiate and empower lightbearers. He invites you to engage him in discussing how these living messages and ongoing progressive revelations are relevant to your personal spiritual quest. 

Awaken to solar, unity consciousness. Join our sacred circle of Oneness!


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