Pray, Sing and Meditate with Us!

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Otherwise, our 24-Hour Prayer and Teachings Channel is always available, as well as our Broadcast Replays.


Looking for a place to start?

Click below for an introduction to our live services.
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Guided Meditations Playlist



Live Prayer Service Schedule



Our Broadcast Services

Inspirational Prayer and Meditation Sessions

 Be the Change You Desire to See in the World.


morning broadcast serviceDaily morning prayer sessions: 7:00-9:00 am MT

Join us for prayers, songs, rosaries, meditations, teachings from the ascended masters, and sharings from heartfriends. Light up your aura, expand your heart, and bless the Earth by joining  with us as often as you can! 

Monday evenings: Buddha of the Ruby Ray Service, 6:00-7:00 pm MT

     Originating from Mount Shasta, California, this service focuses on sending heaven's light and love into current events and the West Coast.

Tuesday evenings: Prayer Service for the Divine Economy,  5:00-7:00 pm MT

     Broadcast from New York City, heartfriends gather virtually to keep the flame for the divine economy of the United States and all nations.

Wednesday evenings: Wholeness Service5:30-7:00 pm MT

Thursday evenings: Afra Group Service: 5:00-6:30 pm MT, most Thursdays.

Africa in violet flame heart

During our 24-Hour Vigil on the first full weekend of the month, the Afra service is held on that Sunday, 2:00-4:00 pm MT. Join this ongoing live vigil for the continent of Africa. Through dedication to their weekly prayer service since 2006, the Brothers and Sisters of Afra are restoring Africa to its former glory through the application of the violet flame and the violet laser light. Visit their webpage honoring the sponsor of the African continent, the Ascended Master Afra.


purity serviceFriday evening monthly: Diamond-Crystal Purity Service, 6:45-8:30 pm MT (Tither Only)

We invoke the light of purity for ourselves and the world, cleaning and clearing our consciousness and auras, increasing our ability to hold and emanate more of the light of God as purity’s ray.


Saturday evenings: Aquarian Prayer and Song Fest, 7:00-9:00 pm MT; 2nd Saturday of each month: 2:00-4:00 pm MT

Experience rousing prayers and songs to the flame of freedom, broadcast from locations across the USA, in support of every soul and every nation to realize their freedom in God. Beloved Saint Germain and many ascended masters, angels, and heavenly beings augment our prayers and devotions.

Sunday Morning Family Service, 10:00 am-noon MT, broadcast from Livingston Sanctuary of the Heart. Enjoy our live Sunday services with David Christopher Lewis. 

                                                                                                 Check broadcast calendar here.

International Services

international prayer service 2nd Saturday of each month: International Council Prayer Vigil Broadcast, 7:00-9:00 am MT  This service brings heartfriends together from many nations, including England, Spain, Chile, Argentina, Greece and South Africa to offer prayers focusing on specific world conditions.

Saturdays,  “Wash Europe in Crystal Light” Prayer Service,12:00-2:00 pm MT from Bergvik, Sweden

Join us for prayers in Spanish:

  • Tuesday from Argentina
  • Wednesday from Chile
  • Thursday and Sunday from Mexico

Please see the Broadcast Calendar for times as these vary because of time changes in the USA and in each country.

                                                                                                 Check broadcast calendar here.