Bequeathing to The Hearts Center helps balance karma; a commentary on the experiences of three lifestreams.
First of all, what people have to realize is that money has a spiritual value, and the value that it has is based upon what we have put into life as we earn that money. In other words the givingness, the wisdom that we employed, the work that was invested, the energy of spirit that was invested in our work that became a tangible asset as money, an asset for us to live upon—this spiritual light energy exists as a quantifiable and verifiable quotient, an amount. And it's based on the law that energy is neither created nor destroyed. We accept for a fact, that we, through our work, invest our light, our energy in our work and then we get paid for that work.
So the amount of money that people give to a nonprofit organization or religious 501(c)(3) or whatever, is an investment. And that investment is part and parcel to the amount of energy that was invested in the securing of that money in the first place. Now when we are wise in our investments, the investments grow because it's the law of cosmos that there's a multiplication factor by the very nature of life itself and how God has invested himself in the creation as the spirit spark of his own beingness. And that has a momentum. And that momentum is carried forward.
What happens when you give through your will is that there is that momentum of light as a quotient of energy that continues. It has a life of its own because it was born from the life energies of our givingness through our work and our service. And when we captured that, in a sense, through our abundance, through our money and then we give it to someone else or a movement, then that's a part of ourselves. And so we do invest a part of our heart energies, a part of our being through that money that then moves forward. And in a sense we pay it forward through that movement.
So what happens is that our souls are really eternal if we choose to make them so by merging with our Presence. Our spirits are eternal, and they live on after our physical death and hopefully we make our ascension. And if we haven't balanced all of our karma, one of the ways that we can is by giving through this will to that spiritual movement.
What I am seeing now from the Keeper of the Scrolls is an example of one lifestream who is a very beautiful lifestream, Andrew Carnegie, and how Carnegie made a tremendous amount of money in his life. Carnegie established a fund that could be used for the establishment of many libraries across the United States. In fact, the library here in Livingston was partly born from an investment from Andrew Carnegie’s will and his desire to see his resources used for this.
So the givingness of this gift continues on through the wisdom that is gleaned by every individual who uses this library and other libraries. And it has a living energy; it is a living essence. And this investment of Andrew Carnegie is beautiful to behold. It was something that he earned, having also had a lifetime on Atlantis when he gave a tremendous amount of himself in the application of science through industry to help develop the culture at that time.
And so when he re-embodied in America, he had that within his Causal Body. He became, I believe, a steel magnate and became very rich and famous. And by God's grace, no matter what people may think of him outwardly in terms of conglomerates and the monopolies, this investment has helped him to balance karma from the state of being after his physical transition.
So in this case it was a huge amount of money. And I can see each one of these libraries as a light, as a point of illumination, as an opportunity for souls to come and learn. Libraries are almost like many universities because they house a tremendous amount of knowledge and wisdom through both the books and now through the Internet resources, the computers and all of the resources that are housed within the libraries, and now that interconnectedness of libraries across the world because there’s a lot of sharing of books in this way. So here's one example of a lifestream that created a conscious will of what he desired to use his money for after his transition. That’s one of the greatest examples.
Now here's another case of a lifestream that the Keeper of the Scrolls is not revealing the name of, one who didn’t make millions and yet has through a Baptist church [made] an investment of a certain thousands of dollars—and in this particular case this individual had not balanced enough karma to make his ascension. Through a wise investment in that particular Baptist church, millions were impacted by this person who desired that those resources be used for children. And in this particular case a number of children were positively impacted.
It's interesting to note that in the next lifetime, this individual embodied in the same community and actually used some of those resources that he had himself provided the funds to purchase because it was enlightened self-interest that he became the beneficiary of some of the giving of himself.
The Keeper of the Scrolls is showing me how in some cases you would be amazed to see how similar things occur when you give to a particular cause—that it does come back and accrue to your good, your Causal Body. And in some cases you actually become the sole beneficiary. And it's amazing to see. He is showing me that it in many cases it's about less than 1%.
So those are two examples. He’s showing me a third now of a person that had no will. And this person had tremendous resources. But for whatever reason this individual through carelessness did not create a will. What ended up happening is that there were a number of heirs that were fighting over the abundance that remained because there was no laid plan. And the dissension among them, the discord and even the violence that occurred among these heirs was disgusting.
This individual saw this from between lifetimes and [attempted to communicate with them the importance of working things out in] harmony and to come to an equitable resolution. Of course, they could not hear or see or feel the desire of his soul at inner planes. What ended up happening was that a lot of the money was squandered on lawyers’ fees. It was unfortunate. They received very little and they used it for their own personal pleasure in most cases. His fortune was basically lost.
There was no investment. It could have counted for balancing of at least one or two percent of his karma had he wisely invested by having a will and testament and setting up a trust fund or whatever in order to use those resources for the good and for the light. He could have benefited his heirs in a very direct way toward certain purposes instead of simply just giving it to them and their using it for their pleasure.
So one of the things The Keeper the Scrolls is offering as a recommendation is that we have some specificity in how we see and how we desire the money that we give within our will, trust fund to be used. It's totally acceptable and honorable to allow the individuals giving to set some specificity toward that gift if they desire that it go for children or a building fund or pilgrimage—whatever purpose within a spiritual movement.
Some people may have desires that are not currently being fulfilled [within their organization] or resources not currently utilized where they feel they should be. So if they plan accordingly and work with the leadership of a particular nonprofit or church, and in this case The Hearts Center movement, they could facilitate this happening in a very beautiful way. And those resources [willed] can balance [karma] from the other side because they do nurture life, they do allow spiritual work to be done, physical work to be done, projects to be accomplished, initiatives to be fulfilled.
The Keeper of the Scrolls is recommending that donors meet with one or two or even three of the leaders of this movement to hear what The [Hearts Center] plans are and for the leadership to be very clear about what their plans are, what their initiatives are and to see if there can be a resolution, a coming to agreement on how resources from the will can be used in the highest way. So that's kind of a change for us and also a recommendation to the donors.
David Christopher Lewis
The Beloved Keeper of the Scrolls Discourse
October 25, 2011 1:00 p.m. MDT
Livingston, Montana