Summer Solstice 2019 Conference
Saint Germain and the Seven Archangels Speak
on Twin Flames and Aquarian Love
Livingston, Montana
June 20-23
With David Christopher Lewis
A Pre-Event Field Trip!
Can you arrive a day early? Great! On Wednesday, June 19, join other early birds for a day of exciting adventure. The amazing and beautiful Tizer Botanic Gardens and Arboretum is our first stop, a two-hour drive from Livingston to Jefferson City. Then we’re off to Boulder and the Montana Megaliths, 12-mile drive, to tour with guide Julie Ryder selected ancient sites. Be prepared for at least a mile hike to the sites, including dolmens, a type of stone monument mentioned in the Ringing Cedars Series books.1 Powerful vortexes are positioned on earth energy grid lines at these ancient healing sites.
From Paneurhythmy to Permaculture
At David and Mona’s property, every morning begins with Paneurhythmy, a movement-meditation and blessing for the Earth that starts us off daily on the right foot! And if you have danced the Paneurhthymy, you know how important it is to start “on that right foot”! David and his wife Mona live on the outskirts of Livingston on six acres, much of which have been transformed by them over the past ten years into a flourishing foodscape—a model Permaculture demonstration and teaching garden for Paradise Permaculture Institute.
On Thursday, after Paneurhythmy, we will experience In the Garden with Anastasia V. Mona will show us the progress they have made on their land since the previous Anastasia class as we tour the property with her. We’ll enjoy further teachings on Permaculture by Mona and David, as well as get some hands-on experience. And through David, Anastasia2 will share her vast wisdom regarding the importance of connecting with Nature.
Thursday afternoon, we will drive to the Healing Light Retreat for songs, prayers, fellowship, and a visit to the vaastu temple on the retreat grounds. A HeartStream from beloved Raphael and Mother Mary will define true motherhood and fatherhood as it outplays in the Aquarian Age. All in attendance will receive a third-eye and heart-chakra blessing from our beautiful archangel twin flames.
Saint Germain, Portia, and the Seven Archangels—What a Team!
As the light of our joy in divine presence accelerates during the conference, Saint Germain and Portia welcome us to a new era of twin flame love. Archangel Michael and Faith come in defense of love, Jophiel and Christine define enlightened love, Chamuel and Charity speak of love as the fulfillment of universal law, Uriel and Aurora describe the way of love made plain, and Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst bless the nations with violet-laser love.
In the final moments of our conference Jesus and Magda are with us to seal our chakras and give their blessing.
Outdoor Re-Creation and Indoor Inspiration and Just Plain Fun!
Located along the Yellowstone River, embraced by the Absaroka and Bridger Mountains, and close to the world-famous Yellowstone National Park, Livingston is a quaint town of magnificent natural beauty. In addition to our Wednesday pre-event field trip, we will enjoy Livingston and surrounding areas by taking a dip or two in the Chico Hot Springs and hiking several foothill trails. There will be time to visit Sacajawea Park along the Yellowstone too.
Enjoy singing with the Shakti Bliss Kirtan Band on Thursday evening. And on Saturday night, delight in our annual talent show. In fact, be in it!
Make your plans to join us. David, the local community, beloved Saint Germain and the beautiful archangels await you and are preparing a special place for you in the Sanctuary of the Heart!
1. The Ringing Cedars Series are books written by Vladimir Megre, chronicling his meeting and continuing relationship with a Russian woman with special powers. The books’ sales exceed 11 million copies and have been translated into 20 languages.
2. Anastasia was born in the Russian taiga (coniferous forest) near Surgut on the Ob River around 1969. At 3, after the death of her parents, she was raised in the taiga by her grandfather, great-grandfather, and an assortment of wild animals. In 1995, she met a Russian entrepreneur, Vladimir Megre, who spent a good deal of time talking with her and observing her lifestyle.
A survivor of an ancient Vedic civilization, she is extraordinary in many ways and helps people understand their true spiritual nature. Her teachings cover many subjects, including sexuality, raising children, family relationships, gardening, bees, alien worlds, the future of civilization, and more. A true mystic, Anastasia employs positive thought and imagery to improve the way people think and live.
Through David Christopher Lewis, we have learned that Anastasia is a deva, a nature spirit of great power.