The Hearts Center Presents
Special Prayer Session for the Elections
Saturday 26- Sunday 27, October 2024
Broadcast from Silver Spring, MD

Join David on October 26 and 27 for a time of exuberant prayer to manifest the most positive outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election on November 5th. David will be onsite in Silver Spring with a team of local and out-of-state heartfriends, joined by many of us via our internet broadcast from that location. Silver Spring is a few miles north of Washington, D.C.

Please participate with us via our free broadcast. From 7:00-11:00 am MDT and then 4:00-7:00 pm MDT each day, prayers and songs, interspersed with meditation and visualization, will free many angels and cosmic beings to do their mighty intercessory work on behalf of the integrity and most optimal outcome of the upcoming election.

HeartStreams from Saint Germain and Godfre are scheduled for Saturday morning and Unkle Kenneth* and the Goddess of Liberty will share their messages of encouragement and hope on Sunday morning.

Our community has been praying continually for fair elections in the U.S. and everywhere around the world. We have been praying for the safeguarding of our sacred freedoms as granted to us in the Constitution. And we have been holding the vision for the fulfillment of the destiny of America as a stronghold of freedom for the entire planet. On the 26th and 27th, we pull out all the stops with you to move heaven and earth into an accelerated action in fulfilling that divine destiny!

- Zully Albornoz, Events Team Leader

*Unkle Kenneth is a recently ascended master who, believe it or not, works with the cosmic secret service in heaven! Also, he is always encouraging us to keep our joy and to laugh liberally even in the midst of these interesting times in which we live. “Unkle” was his spelling choice for what he enjoyed being called in the latter years of his final embodiment. His ascended master name is, again believe it or not, Laugh-a-Lot!