In this HeartStream, originally given on June 20, 2024, El Morya comes with a message entitled The Magnificence of Living a Solar Life.
We answered these and other questions:
- Who are the Mercurians? What are their qualities?
- How can we go to other worlds?
- What is the inner meaning of “deserve” ?
- How do you become an “affluent chela”?
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In this HeartStream, originally given on Nov. 23, 2024, the Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America come with a message entitled Be Golden-Crystal Age Initiates Now.
We answered these and other questions:
- Who are the Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America?
- What values was America founded upon?
- What is the Great Awakening?
- What is the seventh root race and where are they embodying?
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The Ascended Master Maximus comes with a message entitled, Maximize Every Opportunity to Accelerate the Dawning of Aquarius across the World, originally given on Oct. 27, 2024.
In this HeartShare Teleclas we answered these and other questions:
- Who is Maximus and what work does he perform?
- Are you a human doing, a human having, or a human being?
- Why is solar gazing in the morning so important?
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In this HeartShare Teleclas we answered these and other questions:
- Who is Cuzco and what work does he perform?
- What is the procession of the equinoxes? What is the ‘Great Year’?
- What happens when we practice gratitude?
- Explain how Leo and Aquarius are in polarity with each other.
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In this month’s HeartStream, Beloved Saint Germain comes with a message entitled I Dare You to Live in Your I AM Presence
We answered these and other questions:
- Who is Guy Ballard today and what movement did he begin?
- How can we attach ourselves to Divine Reality?
- What are the eight heart virtues Saint Germain mentions?
- How can we awaken to who we are in God?
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In this month’s HeartStream, Beloved Vesta comes with a message entitled Creating an Aquarian Essene Civilization.
We answered these and other questions:
- Who were the Essenes?
- What is the Golden-Crystal Age?
- What gift does Vesta give us? How should we use it?
- In ancient times, why did people ingest small amounts of gold?
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In this month’s HeartStream, Beloved Clare de Lis comes with a message entitled Study to Be Approved unto God.
We answered these and other questions:
- What is Pentecost and what does it mean?
- What can we do about the warring within our own soul?
- What does “transubstantiation” mean?
- What is the “work of initiates”?
- How can we remain healthy into our later years?
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In this month’s HeartStream, Beloved Clare de Lis comes with a message entitled Study to Be Approved unto God.
We answered these and other questions:
- 1.Where is Lake Titicaca? What do Clare de Lis and Lanello do in their retreat there?
- How can we help Clare de Lis carry on her mission?
- Why are Omraam’s daily meditations important and where can we find them?
- What cities and states were most impacted by the solar eclipse on April 8? What can we do to help?
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In this month’s HeartStream, Beloved Saint Germain and Portia come with a message entitled We Rock the West Coast with Divine Light and Solar Fire!
We answered these and other questions:
- Who is Melchizedek and what is the Melchizedekian Order?
- How have you observed the Great Awakening in yourself and the world around you?
- What are the Angels of Virtues and what do they do?
- What is the Unity Field and how can we sustain it?
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Beloved Saint Germain comes with a message through David Lewis entitled A New Teaching on the Ultra Violet Ray.
We answered these and other questions:
- Who is Metatron and what is his connection to the ultraviolet ray?
- Why is it important to sun gaze only at sunrise and sunset?
- What are the five crystal rays?
- What is the practical application of the ultraviolet ray for our spiritual work?
- What new teaching on combining the rays did we learn from Saint Germain?
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Beloved Paul the Venetian comes with a message entitled The Art of Giving, the Art of Living.
We answered these and other questions:
- Who is Paul the Venetian?
- How is “true art” an expression of the Divine?
- Why is it important to master your emotional body?
- How can you be “lovely to God”?
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This HeartShare Teleclas was devoted to answering health related questions. Heartfriend, Dr. Nancy Lach, chiropractic physician since 1986 with a focus on holistic healing and nutrition since 2007 fielded questions from HeartShare participants.
Dr. Nancy focuses on cleansing stressors from the body, optimizing organ and gland function as well as addressing nutritional deficiencies. You can have a virtual visit of her Nutritional Healing Center in Corvallis Oregon by visiting She is also the head practitioner of the Healing Light Retreat, an activity dedicated to fulfilling Mother Mary's vision of providing free holistic healing and education. To learn more about the Healing Light Retreat, visit
On a personal note, Dr. Nancy is married to Dr. Dan Lach, also a chiropractor. They have four grown children. She has been a student of the ascended masters since 1981.
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In this month’s HeartStream beloved Jesus shares the Aquarian meaning of “I AM the resurrection and the life.
We answered these and other questions:
- How can we pray for loved ones who have passed on?
- Why do I AM affirmations work?
- What is the greatest virtue besides love and why?
- How can we avoid mistakes on the path?
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In this month’s HeartStream beloved Afra Speaks on Brotherhood, Unity and Love.
We answered these and other questions:
- Who is Afra and where is his retreat?
- How can we connect with the Unity Field of Beingness Afra speaks of?
- How can we have more positive interpersonal relationships?
- What do you think are some of the fruits of the Tree of Life?
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In this month’s HeartStream, Seven Archangels and Archeiai come with a message titled, “Begin Your Day with the Archangels and Archeiai.”
We answered these and other questions:
- Who are the Seven Archangels and Archeiai and what is their function?
- In what ways do they suggest we begin our day with them? How do you begin your day in prayer?
- How will they help us move forward into the higher domains of Spirit?
- Why is it important to call to the archangels and archeiai by name to help us soar spiritually?
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In this month’s HeartStream, Beloved Archeia Aurora comes with a dispensation for the protection of all life.
We answered these and other questions:
1. Why is the family unit sacred?
2. What will Earth be like when we see ourselves as One?
3. Why do you think Aurora spoke from her retreat over Poland?
4. How can we help Aurora’s dispensation to continue?
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In this month’s HeartStream, the Goddess of Liberty comes with a discourse on an interesting combination of concepts: immigration and gratitude.
We answered these and other questions:
1 Who are the members of the Karmic Board and what is their function?
2. What are the steps we can take to earn our ascension?
3. What is the inner meaning of the word “immigration”?
4. When we say the Pledge of Allegiance, what are we really pledging allegiance to?
5. Why is the Goddess of Liberty concerned about the use of the Internet?
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In this month’s HeartStream, Beloved El Morya comes with a timely message of inspiration entitled: Be Involved in Your Local Government.
We answered these and other questions:
1. How are some large cities in the US making government worse?
2. Some states have more freedom. Give examples and why.
3. How are unelected bureaucrats controlling our government?
4. How can we “uproot the darkness” in our government?
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In this month’s HeartStream, beloved Lanto comes to teach us that the nature of God is inherent in all life.
In this Teleclass we answered these and other questions:
1 . How do you enter the Great Silence?
2. What is the Superconscious Self?
3. How can we experience what the masters refer to as our “divine aliveness”?
4. We have been told that the Golden-Crystal Age of Aquarius will be a drama-filled time. Can you give examples?
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In this Teleclass Vaivasvata Manu comes with a timely message of inspiration entitled, “Saving a Civilization through Spiritual, Mental and Physical Preparedness.”
In this Teleclass we answered these and other questions:
1. Who is Vaivasvata Manu and what is a “manu”?
2. What is the greatest way to access the crystal rays?
3. What is the antahkarana of the Great White Brotherhood?
4. What is gnosis?
5. Why is keeping your body healthy part of preparedness?
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This month beloved Jesus comes to bless Israel and all mankind with cosmic forgiveness.
In this Teleclass we answered these and other questions:
1.Why was Jesus called the “Messiah”?
2. What is the Golden Rule, the core of all the world’s great religions?
3. Can you share more about Ho’oponopono, a method of radical forgiveness?
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This month Beloved Ray-O-Light, who embodies the Fearlessness Flame, comes to encourage us to Be Fearless!
In this Teleclass we answered these and other questions:
1.What color is the Fearlessness Flame and why?
2. What must you embrace in order to rise to a state of God-consciousness?
3. When will you be fearless in all things?
4. You are a ray of God! How do you see yourself?
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The Holy Spirit comes with a timely message of inspiration entitled:
Strive Daily to Be an Instrument of God’s Blessings to Life through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In this Teleclass we answered these and other questions:
1. What is “accelerated love”?
2. What is the “diamond-shining mind of God”?
3. What master is at the center of our Earth?
4. What is the key to having the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life?
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In this Teleclass, beloved Mother Mary comes with a timely message of hope and inspiration. She shares her healing heart and comforts our souls in song.
Join us on Thursday, December 29, when we will discuss following questions:
1. What is the blessing Mother Mary brings to help us through these times of great change?
2. Why is it necessary as an Initiate to go through difficult situations?
3. In what ways does Mother Mary coax us higher in the Light?
4. What does she desire us to understand regarding the five crystal-ray chakras?
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We answered these and other questions:
1. What is divine jurisprudence?
2. What is the Law of the Circle?
3. How can we safeguard divine liberties?
4. Why are daily decree sessions important?
5. What does Saint Germain mean by the Alchemy of Love?
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We answered these and other questions:
1. What is the inner meaning of the word “sword”?
2. What does “nihilism” mean?
3. What is the main tradition of Michaelmas?
4. What are some examples of the debasement of the Mother Light in today’s society?
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We will answer these and other questions:
1. Why is Mount Shasta important?
2. Who are the Nine Choirs of Angels?
3. What does ‘egregor’ mean?
4. Who are the Bilderbergers?
5. What is the Maxin Light?
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Join us as we answer these and other questions: - What is a Buddha?
- What is enlightenment?
- What are the Eight Heart Virtues?
- What is a divine alchemist?
- What is the Middle Way?
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During this Teleclass we ansered these and other questions:
- What is the Shekinah glory?
- What is the ruby light?
- What is the astral plane intended to be?
- Who are the Agarthans?
- Who is Anastasia?
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In this class we explored these and other questions:
- What does friendship with God mean and how is it a key to your victory?
- Why is it important to spend time in Nature?
- What are the keys to self-mastery in the Aquarian Age?
- What are solar sciences and how do we use them?
- Why is it important to focus on unity?
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Sir Vector encourages us to savor our I AM Presence, to be bold, and to expand our abundance consciousness!
In this teleclass we answered these and other questions:
What are some keys to living a disciplined life?
What is a download from heaven?
How can you help to bring in the Aquarian Age?
How can you increase your spiritual and physical abundance?
What is Sir Vector’s Pearl of Wisdom?
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In this Teleclass the Buddha of the Golden Light encourages us to connect with our Divine Reality.
- What does the Buddha mean by “the reality of life in 3-D”?
- What is maya? How can we displace it by reality?
- How can we live as Buddha-beings while here on Earth?
- What is Omega’s Miracle Light? How can we access it?
- What is the “New Blue”?
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In this Teleclass we celebrate Archangel Michael’s presence in our lives giving us “…victory in all things for that blue-fire radiance of God’s will to manifest in your world and for the joy of the Lord to be upon you and within you.” That is what he tells us and show us how to experience at our next HeartShare class!
Participant also shared their angelic experiences and answer the following questions:
1. What is a lightworker divine and what is a lightsharer sublime? Do they differ from a lightbearer?
2. What is the Maxin light and how do we ‘fan’ it?
3. How do you communicate with your I AM Presence, your Higher Self?
4. Why and how are we all ONE when we are all different from each other?
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Heros and Amora come to enable us to increase our love via their love for us. They tell us that we will, as a result of their visit with us, have greater compassion for others and for ourselves!! This is our goal!
During this Teleclass we answered the following questions:
- What are we really facing in this chaotic time?
- How can each of us acquire our own personal angel?
- How will Heros and Amora protect us from the plans of the fallen ones?
- Why are the Elohim grateful to us?
- How will they specifically support us during the months ahead?
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In this Teleclass we heard from the seven archangels and their archeiai through their Sept. 12, 2021 HeartStream. They tell us there are divine solutions to every dire situation, offering answers to our current world challenges. They encourage us to “…not succumb to fear and trembling.”
Discover how to become fully tethered to your Source.
Some of the questions we’ll answer ...
- What are we really facing in this chaotic time?
- What is the Unity Field of Beingness?
- How can we prosper despite the challenges? What should we focus on?
- What do the native elders have to say about this time?
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In this Teleclass, we heard from El Morya. He explained when NOT to compromise our truth, when it is time to call a spade a spade. He sets us straight on our current world conditions and tells us to “…not mince words” in reaching out to others with that truth. David explained that El Morya was standing directly in front of him during the delivery of this urgent message!
We also study one of his other HeartStreams telling us how we can prosper because of our communion with our I AM Presence 24/7.
Some of the questions that were answered
1. What are we really facing in this chaotic time?
2. What does El Morya say regarding which news media are reporting the truth and which are NOT?
3. How can we prosper despite the challenges? What should we focus on?
4. What is coming soon that is the “…upside of this entire scenario”?
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Jesus this month as he comes to tell you of the unique power of the light! He tells you and me that he is here for us whenever we hear this message, to help us understand and utilize the power of the Light of God. Then he directs us in how to pass it on to others! We know we have been uniquely chosen to be on Earth now, vital to our mission with Jesus and all the masters in going fully into the Golden-Crystal Age. He reminds us that we are essential to the planet at this time.
Join us on Thursday, August 26, when Jesus also tells us how we are bringing about divine prophecy through even more mysteries of the LIGHT that you will learn about – and MUCH MORE!
Some of the questions we’ll answer in our time with Jesus are as follows:
- How is “…all being balanced according to the Great Law?” What is the Great Law?
- What are the five elements we must nurture deep within ourselves for our victory?
- How will we change during the 1000 years of peace that is coming?
- What heavenly resources await our calls?
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Saint Germain explains what is coming that we must be prepared for, what this requires of us. There is heavenly help ready, and even eager, to make us victors at a time when our principles, values and mores are being attacked from all sides. This heavenly help is available personally to us when we are trying to overcome a bad habit!
Some of the questions we’ll answer in our time with Saint Germain are as follows:
1. When we see our values attacked, should we cave in and accede to these detractors?
2. What does it mean to rise into a new level of God-consciousness and solar awareness, and why is this essential? How do we do this?
3. When we are offended, can we go to that person in love and “clear the air” or do we partake in gossip to comfort ourselves? If we did nothing wrong, why clearing the air so hard to do?
4. How can we replace one bad habit with a new positive one? Why is this essential now? What should our final pact be with God?
5. What changes should we make in our lives in order for America to survive?
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In this teleclass Portia, Goddess of Justice, twin flame of Saint Germain, comes to tell you of the unique training you had in preparation for your current life! She tells you and me that she, along with others, came to help us optimize our talents so we would understand ourselves and know we had been uniquely chosen to be on Earth now, vital to our mission with Saint Germain, a key master of this time.
Portia explains how we were inoculated from darkness, suffused with cosmic light and embellished in the divine graces we would require at this time of turbulence that occurs at the onset of each new age.
Some of the questions we’ll answer in our time with Portia are as follows:
- How and why do we often endure suffering and darkness during our lives on Earth?
- What great gift has been given to us by Saint Germain and how does it promise to shorten the days for the elect? What does the term “shorten the days for the elect” mean in this context?
- Why do the masters often understand us better than we understand ourselves?
- In what key capacities do the masters serve us personally?
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In this Teleclass, the Goddess of Freedom comes, warning us that we are living in a time when “America is besieged by evil spirits.” She says that this is transpiring because many have “lost their way and no longer look to God ... for direction.” However , we can rejoice in the powerful solutions she brings to us! These are solutions that involve Mighty Victory, a powerful cosmic being from Venus who says, “…all that I have attempted to do has been victorious”! He has helped planet Earth many times.
Some of the questions answered with the Goddess of Freedom were:
- How and why do we utilize the energies of our I AM Presence, our Higher Self?
- What do the Goddesses of Freedom, Liberty and Justice do for us when we apply ourselves spiritually? What does it mean to apply ourselves spiritually?
- What will happen when we “attend to Mighty Victory”? What does this entail?
- Why is it essential to have 70 dedicated hearts attend our 2021 summer solstice conference? What are some sources of assistance to enable us to attend?
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Archangel Michael tells us that we are living during major shifts occurring throughout and within the earth and in the consciousness of its inhabitants. Many negative outcomes may occur if mankind doesn’t give up “practices that are inimitable to the Divine One.” Archangel Michael especially mentions abortion and child sex slavery. He seems grateful that we continue to pray for the ceasing of these two activities.
In this teleclass Archangel Michael shows us how to raise our “level of attainment” so that the shift will “manifest with the least amount of loss of human life” yet with what is essential and necessary to occur in order that many will awaken to the Holy Spirit.
Some of the questions we’ll answer in our time with Michael are as follows:
- How will we know the archangels will be with us immediately when we call them?
- What does it mean to be in a higher vibratory field of energy? How does it happen?
- Are we angels in embodiment?
- What is the Great Purge? What is happening during this purge?
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Have you heard of Verity, the Angel of Truth? This angel is very busy these days, dealing with the mainstream media. Would you like to know what he is doing and how he is doing it? Would you like to know how we can help him? We will be hearing from this very powerful angel who encourages us to only speak the truth.
In this teleclass, learn how to utilize the power of truth with beloved Angel Verity. Truth is an essential virtue, which when used correctly, will change the world!
Some of the questions we’ll answer in our time with Angel Verity are as follows:
- How does truth actually make you free? What does it free you from?
- What does truth have to do with bringing comfort to the world?
- What is being dispelled, NOW, through the emerald ray of truth?
- Is a ‘white lie’ ever acceptable?
- Why are we miserable when we ignore the truth?
- How can we always be truthful?
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One of these choirs called the seraphim are considered the highest order of angels and closest to the throne of God.
Justinius, Captain of the Hosts of Seraphim , came with some amazing information. He told us in November of 2020 that he was choosing this time to reveal his identity to humanity to assist us in our trek upward into the heaven world! He actually entreats us to walk and talk with him with resulting blessings you may only have dreamed about!
Some of the questions we answered in our time with Justinius are as follows:
1. What happens when you collaborate with angels of the sacred fire?
2. What do angels do for our bodies that are more powerful than nutritional supplements? How does that work?
3. What happens to our consciousness and mindfulness when we associate with Justinius and his bands?
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In this teleclass we heard from beloved Archangel Raphael, who wants to help us transform our lives and spiritual walk by greatly enhancing our physical and emotional bodies . He desires to show you how to obtain a new equilibrium, harmony and balance so that you no longer will accept or feel what is almost a bipolar state of the ups and down of life, of energy, of depression, of fear, of confusion!
Archangel Raphael describes how ONE BASIC CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE will enable you to be consistently joyful—balanced physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually.
We also spent some time in this class laughing with Sir Laugh-a-Lot and definitely with heartfriends. Did you know that laughter can help your digestion? And we answered questions and shared possible solutions for your personal health concerns.
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In this teleclass we heard some amazing information brought to us from Master Godfre, known in a previous incarnation as President George Washington! In this HeartStream he unleashes the fire of divine justice to citizens of America and lightbearers throughout the world-for our families, our communities, our states, our nations, and the entire planet. Master Godfre and our HeartShare Team will answer the following questions...and more!
- What appears to be ways this recent election has been mis-handled?
- How should we go about finding information on candidates in our region that are running for public office?
- What liberties are we gradually losing and how does this relate to Atlantis sinking and our incarnation on Earth at this time?
- How has China quietly (or not so quietly) been attempting to deceive and/or control the United States of America?
- How should we proceed in offering our prayers on behalf of the United States and its challenges?
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This teleclass discusses messages from Archangel Michael as well as Mighty Victory and El Morya. What are their concerns for us at this time in history? Michael tells us that we are “living on that razor’s edge in this moment, almost on the precipice of the greatest evil manifesting through 5G and AI (artificial intelligence) and other plans of the dark ones.” Beloved Victory tells us that if we desire “...the victory of ascended-master candidates in the coming election...” he has the solution for us. And during El Morya’s HeartStream, as he stands within our nation’s capital, we will hear his amazing prayer.
These three great beings will answer the following questions ... and more!
- Why do we know that we will experience God’s kingdom “...on earth as it is in heaven” in the future? How can we help this happen sooner?
- What can we do to maintain a state of harmony and inner peace?
- How will we successfully thwart the plans of the dark ones?
- Why can the November 3rd election be a great success for all of us?
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This month we will hear from our Knight Commander, Saint Germain, who came during our morning broadcast on September 5 with some amazing information. Are you aware of who Saint Germain is from our Biblical scriptures? Do you know how he is involved with our current events and their outcome during this pre-election cycle and beyond? Do you know what prophecies from him are now coming true?
What is happening now to many lightbearers who have “been asleep”? What is occurring with Saint Germain’s many dispensations that are affecting us today? What have you observed?
The questions above and the following ones during this teleclass
- Why is it essential that every lightbearer be involved in some way within the “greater plan”?
- What does the Bible say about Saint Germain in the book of Revelation?
- Do you know what is meant by the “science of the spoken word” and why this is essential for your progress and to assist planetary change?
- What is the solution to every issue we face in this hour?
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This month we heard from three mighty Elohim! And gained a better understanding of the work of Elohim as Arcturus and Victoria, as well as Hercules discuss what they are able to accomplish as a result of our prayers, fiats, and invocations. You will realize, if you haven’t already, that they are the Creators of Form-our bodies, the planets, and all of the universe--and that we are made in their image!
What have the blessed Elohim been up to that is of great benefit to us?
Where can we get answers regarding what the future may hold for our planet?
Why do so many people sense that we are in the middle of a “Great Awakening” or what some refer to as “The Disclosure”?
Also learn the answers to these questions:
- What happens to those who continue in their ways of darkness, those who refuse to evolve in the light?
- What awaits you when you grow in oneness with your Presence?
- What causes our suffering? What is the solution to stopping the suffering?
- What occurs as our Earth is raised in vibratory frequency?
- How will things change, especially you and me, as our planet evolves spiritually?
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Do you desire to see America thrive? In this teleclass along with the Master Godfre (who had an incarnation as George Washington), Saint Germain, and Lady Liberty at our next HeartShare teleclass. Lady Liberty brings with her the Goddesses of Freedom, Truth and Justice. These masters, through their HeartStreams, will share with us what is happening behind the scenes and where we fit in this great Battle of Armageddon! Learn how heavenly hosts work behind the scenes.
Did you know you are part of a unique army of freedom, liberty, truth and justice? What are our assignments in this army? How can we carry them out? What has gone ahead to prepare the way?
We will answer the questions above and the following ones:
- How are we witnessing a separation of the tares from the wheat today?
- What are the greater truths being exposed within our nation that our mainstream media will not report? How will these exposures help bring justice?
- Why can we know that “we are winning” this Battle of Armageddon?
- Why must the United States of America lead the way in today’s challenges Become a miracle light for the planet! Take part with us in binding the cause and core of that which has “...manifested as darkness within the minds and hearts of men...” replacing it with light! And don’t forget to charge up your smart phones so you are able to hear every word from our class-teachings that will ground you for today and the future!
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In this teleclass, we present current messages from two powerful masters: Saint Germain and his twin flame, Portia! They are presenting prophecies and strategies being fulfilled in the seventh age. You will find out why it is essential to heed their instructions and take to heart their actions and promises if you desire to make progress physically, mentally and spiritually!
Learn what these great masters are doing for us! We will be answering the following and much more:
- Why and how can we be protected from current and oncoming planetary upheavals?
- What is transpiring within our nation, and how will it help bring justice?
- What is the Battle of Armageddon? What will be its outcome as we become One with God?
Listen to the replay and become a miracle light for the planet! Take part with us in binding the cause and core of that which has “...manifested as darkness within the minds and hearts of men...” replacing it with light! And don’t forget to crank up the volume on your phones so you are able to hear every word of these two great Heart Streams-teachings that will ground you for today and the future!
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In this Teleclass we explore the powerful messages from our Divine Director and Hercules. The Divine Director tells us that once we know ourselves as God, “…we will be fine.” How can we know ourselves as God?
Hercules, who has a lot to say regarding our current world-wide challenges, also says this is a time of spiritual opportunity, a time for “higher spheres of awareness” that help us bring in a “new Solar civilization.”
Learn what these great masters are doing for us! We will be answering the following and much more:
- What is the Great Awakening? When and how is it happening?
- What is transpiring among the nations, and how will it help bring on the Great Awakening?
- Are you able to “step up into a higher definition of Light”? What does this mean?
- What Biblical seal is involved at this time, and who is the rider of the “pale horse”?
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Servatus, captain of the legions of healing angels, has come to saturate this planet with a healing ray that exposes, enlightens and fills everyone with the truth – something that has been highly promoted by the heavenly hosts recently and which can heal and enlighten us both physically and spiritually!
You will learn how a higher form of vision is emerging from within the third eye, the focus of the All-Seeing-Eye of God, within each heartfriend, lightbearer and every sovereign and divine being who calls regularly to God as the great I AM Father/Mother. We will also answer the following questions:
1. How do we accelerate the ray of victorious healing and vision within us and the world?
2. What evidence and manifestation do we see of Servatus’ work on our planet currently?
3. Now that a higher form of vision is available to emerge from our third eye, how do we receive and apply this gift?
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Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, vibrates in this Light! You will learn exactly how to do this and reap the rewards it brings to you individually and as a group.
You will also learn about the fifth ray, the emerald green ray of the third eye chakra and all that is offered by the heavenly beings who represent this ray of truth and healing. We will answer the following:
- What do we know about Pallas Athena? Her twin flame? Her role in our lives?
- Where do we see Pallas Athena at work in our country? What is the evidence of her work?
- What are the challenges we have in being honest with ourselves? How do we conquer these challenges?
- How can we tune into times when we have not been honest with ourselves?
- How can we apply the fifth ray in our daily devotions to God on behalf of ourselves and the planet?
- Once we are vibrating in the Light of Pallas Athena, how do we remain constant in that light?
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Dear Spiritual Seeker,
Archangel Jophiel and angels of illumination came to us December 20, 2019 to clear the Earth of darkness and illusion. During this teleconference we revisit their HeartStream. We'll discuss what they are doing on behalf of Earth and how it is affecting our world with our help!
We will be answering these questions and discussing the following:
- What is being cleared within the universities, colleges and places of higher learning?
- What are pockets of the astral plane? What empowers these pockets?
- What is artificial intelligence and why is it being promoted?
- Who is the All-Buddha/Lord of the World and what does he do for us?
- Who are the commanders of the sacred fire and why are they standing throughout the Earth?
- How does attending our broadcast services help fulfill your reason for being?
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In this Teleclass Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, who also tutored and directed our Lord Jesus during his time on Earth, shares some very important ‘life or death’ information for us regarding electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) we are living with, unaware of how they are affecting us. You will learn how to be victorious physically, mentally and spiritually during this challenging technological age.
We will attempt to answer the following:
- How are EMFs shortening our lives?
- What products and appliances are we using that put us in danger?
- What is required in order to offer us adequate protection?
- What food choices increase our EMF dangers?
- What food choices help to strengthen us during this challenging time?
Learn how to become a stronger light for the planet! Take part with us in binding the cause and core of that which has “…manifested as darkness within the minds and hearts of men…” as we, together, help to replace this darkness with the Light of God.
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During this teleclass we heard from Saint Germain who has an amazing alchemical gift for you! You may not have even heard of this permanent six-pointed star that he wants to implant within your soul or the miracles that will take place once you agree to receive it. In order to receive this gift, you must hear Saint Germain, who originally offered this gift to us on his Ascension Day twelve years ago, and find out what will happen to your life if you agree to receive this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
You will learn ...
- what this gift looks like and how to receive it,
- what it will mean for you to have this six-pointed star within your solar plexus,
- how to retrieve missing soul parts, and why it is vital to do so,
- how to become saturated with violet light to change yourself and the world!
Join us Thursday, October 31st, and become a miracle light for the planet! Take part with us in binding the cause and core of that which has "...manifested as darkness within the minds and hearts of men..." replacing it with light!
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Teachings from beloved Maximus. His HeartStream begins, “I AM Maximus. And this day I come because it is time, dearest ones, for planetary transformation. With his angels of the sacred fire, Maximus descends over the chakras of every nation upon Earth and brings into alignment all within these chakras. Through his Nov. 21st message, beloved Maximus answers the following questions and performs miracles within us:
How does Maximus help us to transmute “… all manner of darkness … in your midst”?
- What enables us to assimilate light and perform miracles?
- What attracts the angels to us and enables them to bring dissolution to the cause and core, the very nadir of all darkness?
- How do the eight archangels and the archangels of the five crystal rays augment what we, as lightbearers, have invoked to clean up our planet?
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Are extraterrestrials always lightbearers? Or do some have malintent? Do they plan to remove us from this planet in times of cataclysm? What can happen if you trust in extraterrestrials to help you? Do you always know when you are communicating with an extraterrestrial being?
Gain insights into “…where you place your marbles” and thus the well-being of our planet and those who dwell thereon. Find out what God’s plan is for extraterrestrials who visit Earth, and learn why your understanding of extraterrestrials is so important to God’s plan for our planet today.
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Saint Germain comes to us with some amazing solutions, and he also performs some miracles to help us create our own miracles in order to prevent our loss of free speech, freedom of press and freedom to assemble with others. All three of these freedoms are being fiercely attacked today! Did you know you are here at this time to prevent these losses?
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Tune in to learn:
- How are Cyclopea and Virginia changing the vision of sentient beings?
- What are they ‘carving out’ for the youth in this cycle?
- What will be happening to all media sources who do not tell the truth?
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Discover what is “…already aborning within many upon Earth and which already exists…” in heaven. During our April 25th HeartShare Teleclass you will hear details about this transfer from heaven to earth. You will also find out more regarding the end to fake news and be encouraged by Mother Mary’s unique promises to us!
Get responses to these questions:
- What is meant by your soul being subsumed into the Oversoul of God?
- What is happening and aborning gradually within many people upon Earth?
- Why will “this happening” eliminate fake news?
- What is “…the miracle of the spiritual technologies” now being released?
- How can you receive spiritual technology for your personal use?
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Our beloved Archangel Michael comes again “... to infuse the Earth with blue lightning----from the Great Central Sun, stepped down through the fiery beings of all nine choirs of angels and now entering your domain for the victory of the light, worlds without end,” he says. Then he adds, “You have prayed to me; you have called forth the light ... I answer this day ....” You will hear the rest of his wonderful answers and promises on March 28th at our HeartShare Teleclass!
Get responses to these questions:
- Who are the most delicate and fragile of all spirits and citizens of the Earth?
- Why Is there a fortune being made by certain factions because of abortion clinics?
- What very dangerous calamity could occur on this planet because of the abortion industry?
- What dispensation from the Archeia Faith will help women who consider abortion?
- How can we fulfill our dharma, our reason for being, according to Archangel Michael?
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Do you know how to pray so that you can see America through to the fulfillment of her destiny? To see yourself through to the fulfillment of your own destiny? The Ascended Master Godfre, our own George Washington in a past embodiment, came to teach about powerful prayer during our February 28th teleclass.
You will be learning ...
- How to pray so that you get answers to your prayers.
- Why your prayers may not have been answered.
- The best time to pray.
- The most essential requirements for prayer.
- How prayer can relieve you of anxiety and stress.
- The different kinds of prayer.
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Here are some hints regarding four of the prophecies:
- Prophets, seers reveal the ____; as to God the ____ are bidden.
- Actors ____ come to roost; Christ’s true way receives ____ ____.
- Brooklyn slammed by ____ and ____ ; mothers pray lest ____ wail.
- Michael’s legions now unmask; ____ ____ called to task.
And also during our time together, Gautama Buddha invites you to “… feel that Spirit Most Holy within you enabling you to be the brightest, the most humble, the most loving of God’s creatures ....” Together we will learn how to apply his amazing Thoughtform for 2019 and to work with God to be aware, awake, and to pray responsibly.
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During the last few weeks of each calendar year we have an opportunity to complete projects, clean house, wrap up cycles and prepare for the fresh new white page of the New Year. Sagittarius is the sun sign of this cycle. A powerful cosmic being known as Mighty Victory can help us to victoriously address every challenge and opportunity that comes our way during what is often an intense time of year for those in the Northern Hemisphere.
David Christopher joined us on Thursday, November 29, to deliver a live message from Mighty Victory during our teleclass. Be prepared to be reinvigorated in Victory’s fiery presence and joyous radiance! Expect to receive a cosmic stimulus to propel you into 2019 with great joy and cosmic expectations!
Darshan on the Angel of the Presence, Victory's Temple, Balancing Karma and More
Listen to learn
- …how we will be protected from nefarious forces,
- ...what it means to have the “Mother Light” within us, whether we are male or female,
- …about the new dispensation given to all the archangelic hosts, and
- …how this new dispensation will gloriously affect you and all lightbearers on this earth.
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Mother Mary discourses through David C. Lewis on the loveliness of our soul, the genius of its natural and amazing intuition, and how our soul is meant to portray the Mother aspect of God! She will share the divine femininity of our true, balanced being, one with God as Father-Mother!
- What are examples of exemplifying the Mother aspect of God within us?
- Why is it so important to experience and live in the Mother Light of our soul?
- Would you like to become more intuitive, more in tune with life via your soul?
- Why should the sentient beings of this planet become one with the Mother Light to see the Golden-Crystal Age come fully in bloom?
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Fun Wey actually helps you to ‘levitate’ by learning how to build a divine legacy of happiness! Join us this month to hear answers to the following questions from Fun Wey, David Lewis, and our heartshare team!
- What is the divine legacy of levity?
- How does stress and anxiety affect your heart?
- What does laughter do for your body?
- How can we experience the holy humor God?
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Learn more about
- to boost our thymus gland
- ...what to do about thyroid challenges
- ...why pranic breathing is essential (and how to do it correctly)
- ...where silence and meditation fit in improving our health
- and supplements to consider
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Would you like to learn how to see into the etheric plane? If so, listen to this HeartShare replay with Masters Hilarion and K-17. These two beloved masters come with healing light to fortify our minds and hearts. They will challenge you to learn…
- to strengthen your third eye and your higher mind center.
- to know what is real and what is not real.
- ...why you are here at this time and why you have always known the answer.
- ...what it takes to end the plans of mechanization man upon this Earth and why we are winning!
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Our commitment to this cause is crucial as there are intense skirmishes within the heaven world between the forces of light, who are God’s angels, and the forces of darkness! Michael’s message will give us answers to the following questions and more:
- How do we work with Archangel Michael in binding the false hierarchy?
- What does the false hierarchy consist of and why is Michael binding it?
- Why does the Lord Jesus suddenly appear with Michael?
- When does the “shaking and awakening” occur such as has not been seen or felt for centuries? How do you think people will experience this?
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A message of love directly from Jesus through his amanuensis, David Christopher Lewis. This is a most unique and special opportunity few people are privileged to experience. Jesus also answered questions from teleclass participants.
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These ascended beings will teach us reconnection to our own God Presence and how to recognize truth in others and in ourselves. You will learn why being absorbed into your Higher Self is essential for recognizing deception in the media and in all areas of our daily associations, and essential for our ascension.
Our teleclass will answer these questions (and more):
- In order to ascend, what must you let go of, surrender, transmute? How do you do this?
- Who are the “thieves of unreality”? When do they attack us, and how do we prevent this? Why is this essential for our God-Self to come forth?
- Why is “change” the order of the day, and do you recognize how it is occurring world-wide? How is it happening to you?
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We will also be sharing information on health concerns, including alternative solutions to healing cancer. And as time allows, we will respond to questions you may have.
Our discourse study will answer these questions:
- How do you know if the media is telling the truth?
- Why is it important for you to know the difference between half-truth and the whole truth?
- What news sources can you trust?
- What is an example of a "veil of illusion" that we experience in the media?
- Who are the higher beings we can count on to help us discern the truth?
- What did we commit ourselves to do here on Earth before we were born?
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During this teleclass our HeartShare Team leader, beloved Donna Korth, will give us the opportunity to discuss health questions with her.
Donna has owned a health food store for 30 years and also spent many years as a public health nurse. She is a gold mine of wisdom on nutrition and health topics. Don’t miss this chance to hear answers to all your health questions!
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These are questions submitted by people who are spiritual seekers – possibly questions you might have had. These might be questions a child or a loved one might ask you. Listen to find out the answers! Be prepared!
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And did you know that you strategized with heavenly beings that would be assisting you? Melchizedek, yes, the Melchizedek of Genesis 14:18 in your Bible, explains why you are here and how he can help you!
The questions below and more were answered during our October 26th teleclass:
- How do you know when you are in alignment with and in complete obedience to your Higher Self, your I AM Presence?
- Why is it important for you to learn the deeper mysteries of life?
- What does it mean to be a member of the Order of Melchizedek today?
- What does “…the crumbling of the old order and the upheavals within nature” signify for us, and what will be the end results?
- Who among the heavenly beings is overshining you, and why and how did this occur?
- How can you be certain of this support?
- What did we commit ourselves to do here on Earth while we were still in heaven? Are we fulfilling this commitment?
- Why can it be easy?
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Beloved El Morya also comes forward to confirm what Vishnu has said, and adds much more! You will be astounded when you realize the support and caring these masters have for us always and especially through today’s challenging world situations! They also cleared up for us some nagging questions during our time together.
The questions below and more will be answered:
- What have the masters shared about the falsehoods of the mass media?
- How does the manifestation of light result in planetary changes?
- What is the difference between reality and unreality and how do we see them manifesting today?
- Are current world situations God’s highest will for you, the United States of America, and our planet?
- Do you think there is manipulation of the weather by geoengineering? And if so, why?
- What does El Morya mean when he counsels, “Be prepared”?
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Through David C. Lewis, Mary Baker Eddy shared teachings on true Christian Science—how spirituality and science can be reconciled through an understanding of universal truths that are revealed to serious, yet joyous students of the light. She shared her interactions with Jesus, Martha and Lazarus, the import of spiritual families praying and studying together, and her vision of the future as well as Jesus and Magda's great plan for the Aquarian Age!
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How is the Divine Director going to do that?
The questions below, and much more will be answered during our July 27th teleclass:
- What are the perils and opportunities we face and how do we approach them?
- How do we employ the highest gifts and graces creatively to bring forth spiritual light into the world?
- How does the Divine Director offer himself to you on a daily basis? How do you use a master’s causal body for planetary transformation?
- What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how can we employ them daily?
- How do we maximize our prayers with Maximus and Progeneta?
- What is a soul-raising session and what may happen during one? How can it benefit you forever?
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Beloved Master Afra shares amazing opportunities the help us experience miraculous changes in our planet and in us, both physically and spiritually!
The questions below, and much more will be answered during our June 29th teleclass:
- What does it mean to "vow on the inner"? Are you aware of your inner vows?
- What would we see if we could "look up" and witness what is happening when we pray and sing together to Almighty God?
- What are the seven rays and five crystal rays? Who represents them and how do they help us?
- How can you feel the increase of God-power, wisdom and love?
- Why is there no harmony without 100% ONENESS with each other and God? Why is harmony essential for your ascension?
- Why are sugar, caffeine and red meat so detrimental at this time? How can they affect our harmony and success in this lifetime?
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The questions below and much more were answered in our class.
- What happens when you join our morning broadcasts? Why is that more powerful than praying by yourself?
- What are some of the divine changes occurring through our current American administration?
- What does Lotus want us to do that will help “drain the swamp”?
- What would be the results if we obey Lady Master Lotus on this request?
- What must be gone forever in order for America to fulfill her divine destiny?
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The questions below, and much more will be answered:
- What is a key purpose of your current incarnation or why did God choose you to be here at this important time in history?
- What can we do to experience successful focus, attention and presence and how can these three victories enable us to fulfill God’s will?
- How is our health affected at this time and what can we do to avoid problems?
- El Morya asks us to do 8 easy things and promises that he, Jesus, Saint Germain and Mother Mary will then attend our victorious ascension (and much more)! What are these things and what else will they do for us?
- What was El Morya’s declaration regarding North Korea and what is our responsibility for that country?
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You will be happy and relieved as you hear what Godfre and Surya are doing on our behalf as they share with us their guidance, insight and light! We can be part of their team!
The questions below, and much more was answered during our March 30th teleclass:
- What is so important about The Lord’s Prayer in this cycle?
- What do the masters feel about immigration currently?
- Why does America rely on the prayer services of The Hearts Center?
- What will happen to those who were responsible for the 2011 Fukushima disaster, and other calamities?
- What have been the results of the Fukushima disaster?
- Why does Surya come with mighty Solar beings, and who are these magnificent beings?
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El Morya also tells us that much is at stake at this hour for America and the world with many changes on the horizon. You will be hopeful and encouraged as you hear El Morya share his heart regarding what can occur if we cooperate!
When the mandates from heaven and earth are aligned, what will occur?
Who are the “money changers” and what should we be aware of concerning them?
Why is Donald J. Trump our president? What is our responsibility to him?
Why is “change” the order of the day and how do we deal with it?
What is “the lie” that people are decrying?
How is our soul-freedom at stake?
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Listen as the powerful messages of Saint Germain and El Morya in their prophecies and promises for 2017 are elaborated on. You will be encouraged and hopeful as you hear these loving masters share their hearts and insights about what you can expect and how you can thrive during this New Year.
The questions below and much more will be answered in our class.
- Why is the Brexit decision so important to the U.S.A. and the world?
- What does the return to the Judeo/Christian foundation mean for heartfriends?
- Who are the Intelligence agencies? What will be happening with them?
- What promise does El Morya have for us this year?
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Beloved Maitreya gives practical examples of four ways to experience loving-kindness:
- Toward God, and how to develop a closer relationship with the Creator
- Toward ourselves, by honoring and caring for our own bodies, minds and souls
- Toward others, and how to spiritually “win divine friends and influence all people”
- Toward nature and all creatures
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Through his HeartStream, El Morya shows us how to be free from fear and darkness to victoriously fulfill our reason for being in embodiment. El Morya, who was once Father Abraham of the Bible, cares for us and loves us as the fatherly master he is today. His message answers these questions:
- When we think we have failed, how do the masters rescue us?
- Why is it important to be creative and who helps us to be creative?
- What is my purpose?
- What is my mission?
- What should I be doing?
- Where should I be living and with whom?
- What is the "blue-fire radiance" and what will it do for me?
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Also, you will learn why we celebrate Michaelmas, and much more. His teachings will answers the following questions: How is Archangel Michael carving away the darkness on the Earth today? What is the ongoing battle involving in our upcoming U.S. elections? What can we do? How much longer are we in Armageddon and how do we deal with it? What happens when we offer ourselves in service and holiness to God?
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Mother Mary, at times, was a mediator for disputes in the original community that formed around Jesus and Magda’s mission. She will share wonderful insights on these topics, so poignant for today, through David C. Lewis.
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This class answers the following questions: How is harmony involved with keeping us vital and healthy? How are “unlucky situations” related to dis-harmony? What particular music you sing, play or listen to will heal you? What can you do when unbalanced chakras result in loss of equipoise?
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Where is the United States of America headed?
What should we do about the upcoming presidential election?
What situations represent the United States’ greatest challenges?
What will happen if we do not follow her advice?
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This teleclass features El Morya, who has been embodied as Abraham, Melchior (one of the three wise men), King Arthur and other amazing people. He is one of our sponsors. He also invites you to learn what he means when he challenges you to know, to dare, to do, and to be silent as a means to a stress-free, victorious life in the New Blue wave!
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Important information from Hercules given on April 7th by David.
Learn about the Master Hercules and how he can help us.
How to talk and work with Hercules and his twin flame, Amazonia.
How chemtrails are affecting the health of people today? Discover how to protect yourself from what some people call "chemtrail flu"?
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Would you like to have a heart so filled with love for every aspect of God’s creation that you can hardly
contain yourself? Would you like to see a planet so filled with love that everywhere you look, miracles are
occurring and people are filled with joy and givingness? Come and hear how the masters teach us to make this
happen in our lives above and beyond what we can imagine!Find out how to water the seed of love that
waits in the heart of us all!
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a replay of this class
At our 2015 winter solstice event, K-17 spoke through David concerning situations that required our spiritual attention. His message is called The State of Affairs on Planet Earth: End-of-Year Report.
We’ll study his report during our class and answer these questions: - What does K-17 warn us about for 2016?
- What must emerge on our planet to help us move forward at a faster pace?
- “Every call matters!” What does K-17 mean by this statement?
- What is CS-8 and how can we use it to perform miracles of mitigation?
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You will learn about the titles Jesus holds in heaven and the roles he desires you to play on Earth to help all the people of our planet. David reported that there was a great release of light through this teaching.
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The healing angel Servatus tells us: "Our angels come to each lend the resources of heaven for the victory of God consciousness and Solar awareness within the mind and the physical brain. And there shall be transformation ...." Would you like to find out if you are a candidate for a changed body? Servatus tells us how it all occurs. He names the Elohim and masters involved in this great happening. He also tells us how to be eligible for a completely changed mind and body, in case you are interested. In fact, if you have memory problems, you might want to know his solution!
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In this teleclass our beloved Lanello, who was Mark Prophet, founder of The Summit Lighthouse in 1961 and who ascended in 1973, says to us, “…when the truth is known of the causes and effects of what transpired on that day, freedom through understanding will come to each one.” He has much to reveal to us!
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During this session David Christopher Lewis, messenger, teacher and author with The Hearts Center Community, presented a message from a mystery master.
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And then there is Lord Lanto, who desires to show us a deeper level of meditation by taking us to his retreat while our bodies sleep. He teaches us how to prepare for this trip. During our class, we will be answering the following questions and much more! - What kind of cellular changes are occurring in us?
- How does the Holy Spirit attune us to the great solar cycles occurring now?
- How can we save this planet while sitting in our own homes?
- What is the best way to "charge our batteries" successfully?
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- What is the difference between arhat and Atman?
- What must emerge within the earth for a new era to give birth?
- What are the three spheres of awareness for each of us?
- How many chakras do you have and how can you utilize each of them?
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Did you know that there is a great LIGHT awaiting your invitation and use. It is accompanied by a deep PEACE. Are you aware of its miracles? Two amazing cosmic beings, Maximus and Progeneta, want to gift you with this great LIGHT AND PEACE. They reveal loving instructions via our messenger, David Christopher Lewis.
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David Lewis, author, teacher and messenger for The Hearts Center Community, shares on How to Deal with Intense Personal and Planetary Changes.
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The following questions (and much more) will be answered in this class:
How (and why) should you visualize the person you would like to become?
- How do we resolve "issues" in our subconscious in order to ascend?
- What is the "new consciousness"?
- What happens to souls who will not ascend at the end of this age?
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The ascended master Cuzco gives us a magical formula that he says will increase the light of your blip as he observes your life on his screen! This increase will bring your life into balance with all that concerns you!
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When you fulfill the “law of being”, what does the new blue wave from Sirius do within you? And on Mother Earth? What happens to “strains of darkness” that are extracted from lower astral planes?
Listen to a replay of this class to find out.
How can Positive Imagery (instead of the dark and often evil matrices that our culture has accepted as the norm for All Hallows Eve), do miracles for us and for our planet as we approach Halloween? David Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and founder of The Hearts Center Community, will be gives teachings along with Paul the Venetian to explain and lead us in this quest.
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What is the “new blue wave” and where does it come from and what does Hercules have to do with it? Why are we dependent on this “new blue wave” for spiritual advancement?
- How can the pockets of darkness ruin your relationships?
- How does “Rock Music” influence those caught in the darkness?
- Can certain musical vibrations interfere with higher spiritual growth?
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How are our brains changing as we go into this new age? What can we do to accelerate this experience in us and others? How does it feel?
Captain of the Legions of Healing, the Angel Servatus, discourses on where we fit during “The Shift”.
- What is going on “behind the scenes” that is affecting planetary awareness?
- How do we know if we are “part of the solution”?
- Does this fit in with the reason you are alive on planet earth today?
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Beloved Master Omraam has some amazing new information for us that will give you a spiritual boost that will relieve you of stress, struggle and strain!
Tune in for an amazing hour of information that will change your life! If you have wondered about the questions below, this class is for you!
- What is the “evolution of Light” living within the earth?
- How do we know “it” exists, loves us and wants to help us?
- What is the Sun of Even Pressure?
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An amazing hour of information that will change your life! If you have wondered about the questions below, this class is for you!
- Do you feel unworthy to engage in conversation with God and higher beings?
- How do we know they exist and want to relate with us?
- How do we experience Oneness with our Higher Self? With the masters?
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Listen to discover
- What are the Archangels and Archeiai “all about” for those who remain?
- How is and how will the media be affected by the Angel of Truth?
- What role will the Four Horsemen be playing on this planet?
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Are you being called by God to help rescue your fellow sisters and brothers on this planet and keep the freedoms we began with? Listen now to learn:
- Why the rainbow rays important for our progress?
- What the Manvantaras have to do with our spiritual evolution today?
- What Solar perfection is and how the Holy Spirit uses it in and through us?
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If you have had certain "adjustments" to go through, if you are fearful, anxious or uneasy, you will want to hear Mother Mary's solutions for this also. And there is much more the masters want you to learn.
- How do we know that we are in the time of Armageddon?
- What do we do to create a new earth of love and beauty?
- What are the three perils and how are they affecting us today
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We are blessed also to have David Lewis, author and messenger from our Hearts Center Community, here to answer questions! If you have any inquiries about the Archangels, successful meditation or visualization, use of your chakras or the Hearts Center. Discover amazing instruction and answers to these questions:
- What is a dispensation and who can receive one and how does it work?
- How does Archangel Michael explain the transmutation of the chem trails?
- Where do we fit into the picture and how important is our involvement?
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How does Revelation chapter 8 apply to us today?
- What huge source of Light may help eradicate the greatest danger earth is facing?
- Where do we fit into the picture and how important are our actions?
- How do Lanello and Surya advise and help us experience victory for our lives and for our planet?
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Mother Mary tells us how to hear the music of the spheres and, thus, come into direct alignment with THE ONE!
Join us for amazing instruction and answers to these questions:
- How can we easily raise the frequency of all our chakras?
- How can songs change the world – even as we sing in the shower with feeling? How can it change our bodies?
- What flocks to our presence and emanates outward when we sing from our hearts?
Listen to a replay of this class

During this call a delightful cosmic being, who calls herself “Goddess of Joy” introduces us to the secrets of peace and abundance through JOY! David Lewis also joined the call to share some wonderful stories of the miraculous abundance he is experiencing – all the while in a state of gratitude, peace and joy!
Some questions this class addressed:
- How does joy affect everything we do?
- What timed-release healing gift is added to our spiritual abundance if we require it?
- What will always bring us peace in the midst of distress and stress of all kinds?
Listen to a replay of this class
Archangel Gabriel promises, if you will heed the lessons of this class, that you will make greater progress on your path and dissolve all the misgivings you have held about yourself and others or life in general! You will see life differently! You may wake up truly happy for the first time in your life! Some questions he answers are:
- What brings miracles and divine manifestations synchronistically into lives?
- How do we perform a simple redialing or our conscious awareness?
- Why did the special course by the Seven Archeiai not come until now?
- Who are the “Mothers of Heaven”? Why must we accept their Light?
- What happens when Gabriel blows his trumpet and chants vowel tones?
Listen to a replay of this class
This heartstream with the Goddess of Liberty is very powerful and we learn that many more efforts of the dark forces have been exposed – including their control over the media. Also discover how you are surrounded by multitudes of angels and cosmic beings that can be called upon at any time. Learn how to activate her gift of a "golden seed of light" that can boost your memory and mind power.
Listen to replay
Jesus overshone David during this class and answered questions from the audience.
- What is the difference between our Presence and Almighty God and how do we relate to each?
- Are there different acceptable names for our Presence?
- How do we know when our Presence is present?
- How can we use our Presence to help us eliminate thoughts that are awful?
- What is a way to successfully meditate with our Presence?
- Why do the masters often encourage us to get to know our Presence in order to solve our dilemmas?
- What about other presences – like the Holy Spirit?
Listen to a replay of this class
These gifts will change your life if you accept them. These gifts that Portia, Saint Germain’s twin flame wants to tell you about are essential for us and those we help, to thrive in this new age of challenges!
Join the conversation and learn:
- How to use “the miracle pouch”?
- What Portia increase in us through the violet laser light if we ask?
- How to successfully move into higher consciousness?
- What is always a solution to our dilemmas?
Listen to a replay of this class
- What four miracles will gratitude accomplish in your life?
- Why do we experience pain and suffering?
- When no one understands your struggles, what can you do?
- What is the answer to our stress and struggle here on earth?
Listen to a replay of this class
Some questions we will be answering:
- Is there a way to “help the media” tell the truth?
- How can you know “what is really happening”?
- Do we have to be perfect in order to know “the inside story”?
- How could the Boston Marathon bombing have been prevented?
- What is the answer to our strain and struggle here on earth?
- Why does God have you and me HERE at this time?
Listen to a replay of this class
We also have a guest, Patricia Mills, who will share her insights on the human aura in an interview.
- What is the human aura and how does it resonate?
- How do we accelerate the light and field of our aura?
- What does the human aura tell us about ourselves and others?
- Why should we “exercise” our aura and how do we do this?
- What does it mean to “charge” your aura and when is it fully charged?
Listen to a replay of this class
Have you ever lost a ring, “misplaced” keys, lost a garden tool – only to find them in a surprising new location? What to do? Get acquainted with the elementals who live around you! We will hear from their leadership and from Barbara Gabbert who has had unique experiences with HER elementals. You may learn how to control things that happen in your household, in scary weather and in growing plants. Some of many questions we will answer are below.
- What must happen before mankind sees a restoration of balance on earth?
- What is the sacred work of the elemental kingdom?
- How do we receive bounties from the realms of the elemental kingdom?
- Why should we attempt to cooperate with the elementals?
- Who are the Hierarchs of the Elementals?
- Why should we avoid chemical fertilizers and chemical food? How can we?
Listen to MP3 replay
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Have you experienced the power of prayer in your life? You will after this class! And if prayer has sometimes become a rote experience, you are in for a delightful surprise from Mother Mary and our guest speaker!
Some of the questions we will answer are:
- What can accelerate and amplify our prayer life?
- How do we engage our heart in prayer?
- Why is singing songs of praise and joy such a powerful prayer?
- What does it mean to release the sacred fire through our chakras?
- Can anyone master prayer through singing? Any examples?
- What is an example of a one-note melody and why can it be an accelerated method of releasing heavenly light?
- What can a person do if he wants to sing but can’t seem to “carry a tune”? Are his songs of devotion less effective?
Listen to MP3 replay
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We also will be interviewing Jackie Fleder, an expert in the area of today’s marketing and
investing concerns. She has especially become knowledgeable in abundance and has learned much from Fortuna and other masters on how to become prosperous!
- Where abundance comes from?
- How you can live a prosperous life?
- What are the forms of prosperity?
- Why is it important to give in every area of your life?
- Do you have to know how your abundance will manifest in order for the laws of prosperity to work for you?
- What is the wisest investment you can make?
Listen to MP3 replay
Listen from archive
There will also be a 12-minute meditation with the Elohim Virginia, enabling us to see ourselves as we truly are through the All-Seeing Eye of God.
The following questions will be answered by David and the Elohim Virginia:
What really happened on December 21, 2012?
How does all the hype around December 21 compare to the Y2K scare of 2000?
How do we apply what David learned from the recent pilgrimage to Lake Titicaca?
Will bad things continue to happen on this planet even now?
Why must we focus on our Presence to grow spiritually? How much time does this require?
Listen to a replay of this class
Here are some questions that will be answered with Master Kuthumi (once known as Saint Francis of Assisi).
- What does Master Kuthumi offer to give us and how do we get it? And for how long?
- How does he help protect us from dark forces?
- Who works with Kuthumi to "raise us up"?
- How do we magnetize God's Presence?
- What are the plans Kuthumi has made with Masters Jesus and Omraam for those of us who are willing to work with them?
Listen to a replay of this class

During the trying times of 2012, he has bestowed upon us, for the taking, some AMAZING SUPPORT!
- What is he sending into the atmosphere daily and what does it do? How can it affect YOU?
- What does Archangel Michael promise for us who call upon him with intense fervor in our hearts?
- What is Archangel Michael's Sword of Blue Flame and how does he use it?
- What are some of the every day miracles people are experiencing today because of Archangel Michael?
Listen to a replay of this class
Now Saint Germain wants to lead you to freedom in a world that feels very scary to many of us. How will he do this?
Here are some questions that will be answered by Saint Germain . There will also be an interview with Saint Germain expert, Dwinn Dubrawsky.
- How is Saint Germain (and his "architects of light") handling our future for the enlightenment/ freedom of all mankind? What can we expect?
- What three things are essential in order for us to manifest freedom so that we and our planet will survive?
- Why is our soul freedom essential to have ultimate victory, to ascend?
- Who are the 8 masters working in consonance to safeguard the light of freedom in the government via our efforts and what must we do for them to succeed?
Our favorite author, teacher and messenger, David Christopher Lewis, will be with us LIVE! David will share how God brought him to the Hearts Center and we will hear his discourse on "LOWERING OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT".
You will have the following questions answered and more!
- What does Jesus tell us about Magda?
- Did Magda ever have children?
- What were some possible tests Magda was required to pass?
- How was Magda involved in helping people in her past lives?
- What are some lessons we can learn from Magda?
- Why or how do you identify with Magda (after this class)?

Hear what miracles can happen to you when you connect to the Sun - and how easy it is to do. Your health, when this is done correctly, can be drastically improved!! Find out about healing methods (only recently discovered) from the Sun!
Gautama Buddha said, “Yes, dearest hearts, the Sun is the key to the year 2012. For within this perfect ideal, you have the answer to every question. You have the source of life and light. You have vouchsafed to you all that you require to sustain your being and your connection with the Almighty One through your own Sun Presence of light”.
- What healings are occurring by Sun meditation? How?
- What source can answer every question we have? How?
- What have Helios and Vesta come to teach us?
- How do we live within our own Solar Light?
- How do we gain a yang or yin body temple?
- How do you achieve a balanced body Ph and why is it so important today?
- What is the most effective way to keep your memory, weight and energy at their most efficient levels?
- What happens to us spiritually if we are lacking in physical well-being?
- What can we eat/do physically to help us stay joyful, positive and harmonious?
- How can you add years to your life and life to your years beginning right now?
Listen to a replay of this class
<p><span id="dnn_ctr1552_Announcements_ctl02_LblDescription"> </span></p> <ul> <li>What is Cyclopea's solution to a "sense of lack"?</li> <li>What happens when we participate in his endeavors?</li> <li>Who is now a new sponsoring master of the Hearts Center for 2012?</li> <li>What is the special dispensation for us from this great being?</li> <li>What are the Seven Thunders of the Word?</li> </ul> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Listen to a replay of this class</a></p> <p> </p> <p align="center"><img alt="" src="" /></p>
- What does Spirit Aquarius represent? How will we change soon?
- What will our souls be able to do in this coming age? Now?
- At what moment can we receive aquarian rays and what will they do?
- What seminal act enables us to live in the Light?
- How does the messenger know when our minds are "busy"?
- Why is stilling the mind essential for coming up higher? How do we do this successfully?
Listen to a replay of this class
- What is the difference between an angel and a muse?
- Why hasn’t Inspira revealed himself to us before now?
- Who is Inspira’s twin flame and what does she do?
- Do these cosmic beings require anything in return for their help?
- What are the names of the 3 legions who come to your aid immediately when you require a big boost to accomplish something?
- Do you know why you are here and how Inspira can help fulfill you?
Listen to a replay of this class
What is a powerful way to become cleansed and perfected?
What is meant by “your greater auric field?”
Who are the Elohim of God? Who is Astrea’s twin flame?
Why is the word “Elohim” no longer in most Bibles?
What will it be like to live as an ascended one while still on earth?
How does one become an adept and what is an adept?
Listen to a replay of this class
- Who is the Spirit of Christmas and what does he do?
- Where does the Spirit of Christmas go and why does he go there?
- What gifts does the Spirit of Christmas have for us?
- How does the Spirit of Christmas work with the elementals?
- What enables the angels of this spirit to deposit gifts of life into us?
- What would enable this spirit to work with us throughout the year?
Listen to a replay of this class
- Who is Aeola from the Pleiades and why is she here?
- She told us Clare de Lis had traveled to the Pleiades to learn what?
- Where, exactly, did Clare de Lis travel and why?
- What are some of us receiving from the Pleiades and Omega and why?
- What era is ending this year and how will it affect our souls?
- What kind of awakening are we beginning to have – even now?
- What will disappear as people look into the etheric?
Listen to a replay of this class
- What is required of the angels and archangels before they go forth to engage in sacred work?
- How does the angelic kingdom acquire the energies they use to fulfill their missions?
- What is unique about the swords the angels and archangels use in their mission preparation?
- Why are human beings essential to the work of the angelic kingdom?
- How does our cooperation help toward our ascension?
- Who else does the angelic realm strategize with before planning a mission?
Listen to a replay of this class
- Where does El Morya tell us NOT TO LIVE?
- What does El Morya say are the real reasons for recent planet upheavals?
- What about multinational corporations and New World Order advocates?
- How long should we be prepared to withstand continuous planetary change?
- What is in process to dissolve pockets of darkness on this planet?
- Do you know the 3 intense energies we must be ready to withstand?
- What should we learn from the continued disturbances that will occur?
Listen to a replay of this Teleclass
- How can we victoriously change our bodies so that harmful radiation becomes harmless?
- What is the greater, higher view Jesus wants us to consider?
- What are 10 things (or more), we can do to mitigate this radiation?
- Why should we be concerned about radiation wherever we live?
- What does El Morya tell us regarding current information from radiation experts Drs. Chris Busby and Arne Gunderson?
You might want to choose the “best” radiation and eliminate the effects of the harmful, which could affect us for ten years. If you would like to know how, listen to this teleclass audio!
- How can we change water and balance karma?
- Why is our spiritual growth stunted if we ignore the water problem?
- Why is bottled water often dangerous to use?
- What is the perfect water and how do we obtain it?
- Is the current available water damaging to our brains and bodies?
If you would like to know what is really going on and how to change yourself and this planet, listen to this teleclass audio
- Why will borders and divisions be unnecessary in the future?
- What is the greater, higher view Jesus wants us to consider?
- Jesus tells us, “…all is well” as long as we do what?
- How do we become co-creators of light?
- What did Victory’s angels do to protect us from UFOs that are here to destroy our God-inspired endeavors?
If you would like to know an important way to be a part of this planet’s future, listen to this teleclass audio
- What kind of net have the archangels prepared for souls and why?
- How are the archangels strengthening our chakras?
- What keys us into our Higher Selves just by gazing into it?
- What will we all be subjugated to that will prepare us for the New Era?
- What two things are necessary in order for the consciousness of man to be awakened?
- What will this planet look like when the change is complete?
- How can we help planetary transformation occur more quickly and painlessly?
If you would like to be more prepared for the Golden-Crystal Age as described by Archangel Michael and Master Deunov, listen!
More questions we are going to answer: - What is coming that will affect our whole planet?
- What has been anchored within our Causal Bodies and how was it placed there?
- How can you add years to your life and light to your years?
- How can we assist our government processes and decision-making?
- What is our relationship to disembodied souls?
- Why is it important to understand your value to God?
Listen to this teleclass audio.
Some questions we addressed: -
What is “the great shift” now occurring on Earth? -
What is “the eternal truth of Beingness” and how can it help you? -
How can we grow spiritually by learning “the sacred art of meditation”? -
What does the God Meru convey will be happening at the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012? How will this affect Earth? -
Why are we asked to consider a pilgrimage to their retreat? Listen to our class recording.
Some questions we discussed:
- What is El Morya’s promise to us?
- What has happened in the lives of people who have pledged 10% of their abundance God's work?
- How can we better connect with our Higher Self and better understand our reason for being?
- What does your soul look like?
- What spiritual powers are available to you immediately in stressful situations?
Other times he delivers a discourse, which is also a type of HeartStream. A discourse is an inspired teaching that is more conversational and informal in tone. Our teleclass from January 27th is based on such a discourse, which addresses the following questions:
- Why do we, at times, call to the ascended masters rather than God?
- Who are the ascended masters and how do they help us?
- What dynamic occurs when we invoke these great saints?
- Why, in our invocations, do we often name several masters and cosmic beings?
- What enables us to receive special help from them?
- What are five things the ascended masters are waiting to do for us?
El Morya answers the following questions: - What must happen in order for our country's economic challenges to end?
- What is the cause of most of the economic problems in America?
- What does El Morya prophecy will happen to certain groups?
- How is "divine capitalism" manifested?
- What is required of us in order to solve our personal economy?
- Where will El Morya place his focus for the next two years, and what does God require of us?
If you would know what is happening to our economy and what El Morya plans to do about it, listen to our teleclass from November 18, 2010.
- Who abides in the Crystal Cities of Light?
- What are the functions of the archangels in these mystical cities?
- What happens to the soul who is taken to there?
- What is the main prupose of the Crystal Cities?
- How available are these cities to the souls living on Earth?
- What are "rays"? Do you know which ray you are on and what it means for you?
Find out the answers to these questions and much more: Listen.
- Who are the members of the Lemurian Brotherhood and how do they serve you?
- How can you receive a deeper understanding of truth?
- When you know “the truth,” what does it free you to do?
- What and where is Shambhala?
- How do we know who we can trust?
- What are “walk-ins”? What do the ascended masters have to teach about them?
Listen to our teleclass from September 2, 2010 for some answers.
- Who are the elementals and how can we work with them to save this planet?
- What does the Elehiom of the Five Secret Rays tell us to do for tenuous days ahead?
- Why will there be areas on our globe that experience major earth changes that mankind must learn to deal with?
- Why are the comming changes essential for mankind's progress?
- What must we do to fullfill our end of the bargain?
To answer these questions and more listen to our July 29, 2010 teleclass.
In fact Mother Mary shared with us some wonderful solutions to our “wellness challenges” in a darshan not long ago that we will hear. The masters Saint Germain, Cyclopea, El Morya, Sanat Kumara, Lanello, Astrea and others have some wonderful words of wisdom regarding what we put into our bodies. In this class, we shall hear what they have to say and you will learn those practical things you can add to your life that are helpful and healing! Some of the questions the masters well answer during this class are: - How can we easily adapt our eating habits to reduce some of the mental, emotional, and physical challenges we encounter?
- What can we do to protect ourselves when we are eating in restaurants or in situations where we don’t have control over the food we receive?
- What ingredient, when we add it to our food, actually lifts up our souls?
- How can we overcome addictions to certain foods?
- What foods balance our four lower bodies?
- What simple physical changes will add years to our life and life to our years?
Hear this class from May 27, 2010 Listen to the masters help you to have a healthier life now!
who many of us knew as Elizabeth Clare Prophet in her unascended state. This dear lady was also known to many of us as “Mother” or “Guru Ma” and took her ascension on October 15, 2009. She comes to help us overcome the challenges of life on this earth. In fact this class is called, “Victoriously Weathering Life’s Storms”. She answers the following questions for us.
- What is the two-eyed vision of man and what kind of choice does this offer?
- How do we successfully weather the ups and downs of life?
- How do we obtain a “spirit of cooperation” with heaven?
- What is one key to mastering the science of staying “in the space of love”?
- Why is our life upon Earth referred to sometimes as “a shadowed existence”?
- What is the guiding light of our life and how can we use this light to reach the pinnacle of spiritual achievement?
- What is our pact with the Divine of which most people seem unaware?
To experience less stress in your daily life, just listen to the class of April 15, 2010 and apply!
Would you like to relate to everyone in God’s love? And wouldn’t it be great if your family and friends related to YOU this way? Well, it is possible. The Elohim Arcturus, during our Valentine's Day weekend event in St. Louis, told us how to do it! He answered the questions below. - How do we access the “cosmic tea bag” and why is it important
- What is the most holy component of light?
- Why is it that there always seems to be a certain lack in our lives?
- Why is it that we do not seem to have within our hands the resources to accomplish the divine plan for our lives?
- Why is it that our bank accounts do not hold the fullness of that which we had hoped for, prayed for and seen as possible?
- What is the “universal principle” that enfires the alchemy of our dreams, making those dreams come true?
- What is Conscious Language and how does it relate to alchemy?
- How does mastering the science of The Word allow love to flow through your heart and being?
- What is the “path of love” and who is available to continually help us on this path?
Enjoy the path of love as graciously explained in this class on March 4, 2010 by the Elohim Arcturus! Listen.
Archangel Raphael and his twin flame, Mother Mary, will answer the following questions and more: - What is this holy healing science that is taught in Mother Mary's retreat (over Fatima, Portugal) that your soul can attand?
- How does this science enable you to have your Karmic substance consumed?
- Did you know that this healing method can result in a greater flow of comsic energy flowing through you? How does this happen?
- Why will this simple science eradicate blocks within you that have formerly prevented healing?
- What are the 5 Secret Rays and how are they activated?
- What musical instruments help heal or stimulate your heart, your third eye and your brain?
- Would like to know how to increase your alertness, focus, joy and love with this healing science?
You may find that Healing Yourself with Mother Mary and Rapheal may be an exprience that changes your life forever!
To hear the audio of this class from November 19, 2009, click Listen.
The Buddha of the Ruby Ray class will answer these questions and much more: - Who is the Buddha of the Ruby Ray?
- How do we attune ourselves to the presence of this Buddha and why is it important?
- What is the 8-fold path about and why should we know it?
- What is the nirvanic/Christic state and how do we experience this?
- What kind of work does this Buddha do and how does it affect us?
- What would happen to you if you began to meditate upon the heart of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray?
- How can the Buddha of the Ruby Ray change the hearts of people on this planet?
- What would happen to your DNA if you studied the instructions of this Buddha?
To hear the audio of this class from October 21, 2009, click Listen.
Saint Germain gives us a way out of confusion, fear and any sense of failure that has held us back for much too long, preventing our spiritual progress. What does he offer us and how does it work? Some of the questions Saint Germain answers in this class: 1. What can he help create positive change within us? 2. How will this change affect our lives and those around us? 3. Why are the masters offering us an accelerated opportunity for change at this time? 4. What exactly are these “new energies and frequencies” that he wants us to have? 5. How will these new energies and frequencies liberate us? 6. How do we visualize the violet laser light and what will be the result? 7. Why is this particular lifetime so important? 8. In what way can our free will choices bond us to Saint Germain and Portia? To hear the audio of this class from September 3, 2009, click Listen.
- How does the Mother make us complete?
- What can make us a representative of the Mother?
- How does the Mother direct the course of our lives?
- How does the Mother raise us to our full potential?
- If our earthly mother failed us, what does Mother Mary tell us can miraculously fill the void?
- Do we have more than one spiritual Mother available to us in heaven?
- What does the Mother promise regarding the development of our higher spiritual senses?
- How can God become personal to us through the Mother?
- In what way does the Holy Spirit work in us through the Mother?
- How can the Mother help our children without their even being aware of it?
- How can we become aware of the Mother's voice, touch and love for us?
To hear the audio of this class from July 30, 2009, click Listen.
- What are the different levels of heaven?
- On what levels in heaven do the masters work with souls?
- What determines what level a soul will go to after death and before reincarnation?
- Do we know our reason-for-being when we come to this planet? If not, how do we find out what it is?
- What are the biggest reasons why we do not ascend from this planet?
- How can we have a master take us on as a student ?
- How do souls serve God while inhabiting etheric levels awaiting reincarnating?
- What is Nirvana? What occurs there? What level is it in the heavens?
To listen to the audio of this class from June 18, 2009, click Listen.
1. What is the stigmata and why is it given to certain persons?
2. What is the purpose of evil? How should we deal with it?
3. What should we do with prophecies that say we are going to have a “nuclear winter” and that World War lll is coming?
4. Where does the Tube of Light begin and end around us? How should we use it?
The ascended master Kuthumi offers answers to these questions. He was embodied as one of the three wisemen and also as Saint Francis of Assisi. Today he works closely with Jesus, and both he and Jesus bear the title of World Teacher.
To hear the audio of this class from March 24, 2009, click Listen.
The ascended masters tell us that there is progressive revelation—teaching being released currently because some are ready to receive it. This is an amazing class, offering a brand new gift from Saint Germain—the violet laser light! The laser light action is a more powerful frequency of the violet ray. And each of us may learn how to use it.
Here are some of the questions that will be answered in the class:
1. What has been limiting us, the lightbearers of the world?
2. How do we overcome feelings of depression and a sense of failure?
3. Why should we be physically active?
4. Why is the violet laser light the spiritual solution for us now?
5. What does Saint Germain say that this new spiritual frequency will do to help us?
6. How can you visualize the violet laser light to help you change the past?
7. What qualities of God can you acquire through the application of the violet laser light?
8. What is the Oversoul and why is it necessary for our souls to unite with it?
10. What has happened to the missing fragments of our souls and how will this new frequency help bring them back?
11. What will this new frequency then do for our soul?
12. Why is our current lifetime the most important of all of our lifetimes?
To listen to the audio of this class from February 11, 2009, click Listen.