Campground Lodging
Check-in time: |
4:00 p.m. |
Check-out time: |
1:30 p.m. |
Sleeping Cabin with 3 Daily Meals*
* Includes a bunk bed without bedding, meals made with organic ingredients
Category |
Age Group |
Daily Rate |
Adults |
12 years and older |
$50 |
Children |
4-11 years |
$25 |
Children |
3 and younger |
no charge |
Bedding |
2 sheets, 2 blankets
and a pillow |
$2 |
Campground Lodging without Meals
- RV parking sites with electricity—$20 daily
- Tent sites—$12 daily
Meals Only at the Campground*
* Made with organic ingredients
- Breakfast—$9
- Lunch—$12
- Dinner—$14