Event Description
This New Year anchor a new light in your soul and in the earth. Envision a new way of life for America and the world. Celebrate a new white page turning in your Book of Life. Be the ‘shift’ you desire to see for the world.
Learn how you can
- Increase the light of your aura
- Explore the science of spiritual self-mastery
- Practice rhythmic intoning of the sacred sounds of East and West
- Experience cosmic streams of light and energy
- Emanate quantum divine love
- Explore leading-edge revelational teachings
Join us in person or over the broadcast as we pray, sing and meditate together, raising the Earth in light, love and joy. You, too, will be uplifted. Cosmic beings, Western saints and Eastern sages will share empowering gems of love-wisdom through their HeartStreams:
- El Morya: It Is God’s Pleasure to Give You Joy
- Darshan with Lanello: You Are All Revelators of God’s Light
- The Jade Goddess from the Pleiades: Our Crystal Water Vase of Divine Joy
- The Buddha of the Crystal Ray: Blessedness Creates Divine Solutions
- The Goddess of Purity: On the Science of Reclaiming Your Immaculate Conception
- Darshan with Sanat Kumara: Our New Era of Love for Earth
- Mother Mary: Begin 2011 with Our Victory in Mind and Heart
- Darshan with Fortuna: Our Replenishing Light of Cosmic Abundance
- Saint Germain: Be Alchemists of the Spirit in the Eternal Now
- Kuan Yin: Weaving Mercy’s Carpet of Compassion
- Vairochana: Our Buddhic Year, Our Buddhic Purpose
- Green Tara’s darshan: Our Truth Is Now Your Holy Investment
- Amitabha Buddha: Our Magic Is the Victory of Buddhic Beingness