The Twelve Archangels Resurrect the Temple Fountains of Lemuria
Help Re-Establish Lemurian Fountains of Light Worldwide!
Bask in the presence of the Twelve Archangels and their Archeiai this winter solstice and help them re-open twelve magnificent fountains of light in the etheric plane in areas around the world. What is their purpose? Lanello has shared with us that:
- They will perform a certain action of light required today on Earth.
- They were known on Lemuria for their restorative powers.
- Beautiful in their multi-colored radiance, they brought healing and regeneration to those who bathed in the pools surrounding the fountains.
- They contain crystalline energies, irradiated with essences to refresh and invigorate.
- They are able to imbue divine knowledge.
- Their action will accelerate all the light invoked at our last conference in Vista for a purification, for a charging with an ether substance the nuclear pollution in the Pacific, and now the waters of our entire planet.
Three “M” Power Awaits You!
Feel the presence of Ascended Masters Maitreya, Methusala and Metatron. They join the archangels in helping us to radiate heaven’s light, transmuting vestiges of our 2014 karma and giving Earth the boost it requires entering 2015.
Lord Maitreya opens our hearts to experience more compassion as he discourses on devotion to God. Methuselah, with Lady Clarity, encourages us to take care of our physical forms, honoring the opportunity they provide for our spiritual evolution on Earth.
To conclude our conference, Metatron comes, offering each attendee a magnificent elixir of etheric-crystalline essence. This special heavenly drink carries to some degree a similar action as the twelve glorious fountains of light.