Reconnect with the Divine Mothers-
A Summer Class for Soulful Devotion
June 18-22
Livingston, Montana
Our Divine Mothers—sixteen of them!—grace us with their exquisite presence during our summer solstice conference. Bask also in the presence of Mother Nature by enjoying summer in Montana—hiking, dancing the Paneurhythmy, soaking in the hot springs, and having fun in the sun.
Come a day early, June 17, for the Meru University outdoor class, In the Garden with Anastasia II. Learn about Solar Living for Today from the perspective of the beautiful and extraordinary young Russian mystic and visionary, Anastasia.
Experience at our summer conference…
- Daily outdoor lessons in Paneurhythmy, a dance and moving meditation that opens us to the presence and power of Spirit within ourselves and the universe. (See beautiful video from the Ideal Society below.)
- Hikes on scenic mountain trails and visits to the hot springs.
- Campfires under the stars.
- Outings and fun activities for your children.
- Our annual Talent Show. Be in it!
- Meditation sessions—instruction and practice.
Some Divine Mothers who will speak to us…
- Durga, in Hinduism known as the Goddess of the Universe, will perform a personal clearance of all misuses of the Mother light (going back lifetimes), for all physically present.
- Lakshmi, Hindu Goddess of prosperity, reminds us of the connection between inner harmony and an abundant life.
- Sarasvati, Hindu Goddess of the Word, will sing a lullaby to our souls.
A Gift from Omega!
Each one present will receive a small crystal egg which Omega, Cosmic Mother in the Great Central Sun, will charge with her essence and which all may use in healing work.
Special Blessing
For those who come to the conference in person, there will be a special blessing by the Lord of the World of Sirius, called a Confirmation by Lightning. He was petitioned to come by Gautama Buddha because of the travails on this earth and what we together, collectively, are going through. This is a grace to the soul and spirit of each one who will come.
- With Fortuna, Goddess of Supply, activate the gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to our ability to receive and use them.
- Mother Mary will share the miracle of the Sun within.
- Parvati, Hindu goddess and wife of Lord Shiva, has a surprise awaiting us that may involve her sons Ganesh (The Divine Director) and Kartikeya (Sanat Kumara).
- Kuan Yin will give a personal blessing to accelerate mercy for the seventh-age.
- Venus invites us to enter her heart, filled with solar love and joy.
- Vesta, cosmic being from the sun of our system, reminds us to look to our own Sun Presence above and within.
Be Enveloped in the Love of Mother
Clearances, Darshans, Soul Comfort Await You!
Sixteen Magnificent Mothers desire to enter into a deeper relationship with you. And this is the event where it will happen. Be enveloped in the love of Mother. Commune with Mother Nature in the scenic beauty of Montana’s big sky country. The Divine Mothers await your presence!
Be Present to Receive New Revelations and Gifts of Light!