2014 Fire Ring Prayer Vigil

Sealing the Fire Ring in Solar Light and Love—

A Weekend Prayer Vigil for the Pacific Region

Add the Light of Your Aura and Heart… Yes, and add your Solar Presence by your presence to those of the Elohim, archangels, ascended masters, David and many heartfriends, responding to the call to meet in
San Diego.

Join us in person or via online broadcast for a Valentine’s Day weekend of heartfelt prayer and joyful song, including a Kirtan session, and so much fellowship.

It is a time set aside to…


  • Pray for the stabilization of the volcanic and volatile area called the Pacific Ring of Fire.
  • Clean up all nuclear and other pollution of the Pacific waters by our visualizations of crystal-diamond light and other light-ray actions.
  • Infuse all segments of our planet, including plant and animal life, and ourselves with solar love. 
  • Fellowship with one another in the enthusiasm of our weekend mission of love.

Beautiful, Sunny San Diego--Our Weekend Destination
In addition to our times of prayer, fun in the sunny outdoors awaits us. Our meals will often be al fresco with a barbecue planned and an excursion or two to the ocean. Midwesterners, New Englanders, imagine playing in the foaming Pacific waves and strolling barefoot in the caressing sand. What a mid-winter respite!

San Diego is sending a ray of loving energy to you. Come bless my waters and all waters out into the Pacific. Come and heal by your spiritual embrace our Mother Earth on Valentine’s Day weekend. 
Ascended Masters Delivering HeartStreams:




  • Cuzco, who affirms our Christ/Buddha Consciousness and assists in averting calamitous Earth changes by releasing the light of the Central Sun at our call
  • Peace and Aloha, who bring God’s Peace and intensify the flame of calmness to all situations
  • Kuan Yin,  Goddess of  One Thousand Arms, who reaches out with compassion to relieve suffering everywhere 
  • Saint Germain, Lord of the Seventh Ray of Transmutation, who assists the cleansing of Earth with the violet flame and the violet laser light
  • Maitreya,  Representative of the Cosmic Christ to Earth, the embodiment of compassion
  • Padma Sambhava, founder of  Tibetan Buddhism, who promotes the Universal Mind, the One Mind in harmony
  • Jesus, revered teacher and Messiah to the Piscean Age, empowering us to seal the Fire Ring through his example of mastery over self, over the elements
  • The Sun King, a new master sharing his message with us for the first time.



Presentations and Highlights

PanEuRhythmy at Questhaven
Beautiful Questhaven is where PanEuRhythmy will take place on Sunday morning at 8:30 am. Click to find out more!

Beautiful Questhaven is where PanEuRhythmy will take place on Sunday morning at 8:30 am: http://www.questhaven.org Please click on the link and enjoy the beautiful scenery!

PanEuRhythmy is a dance and moving meditation that opens us to the presence and power of Spirit within ourselves and the universe. 

Everyone is welcome to join the dance as either a participant or observer.

Information and Links

2014 A Weekend Prayer Vigil for the Pacific Region

For more information email Events@heartscenter.org

What the masters say about the vigil:

Watch these videos to find out why this prayer vigil is so important!

Indian Vedic Music Playlist