Program Highlights PDF
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“I felt the Light more than I had at other events. I felt the angels’ presence while I was in Livingston more than I ever have via a broadcast to my home. I now have a greater understanding of the new Essene teachings.” —CA
“Mother Mary's darshan on healing was definitely a highlight. It was amazing! I've never seen a darshan where just about every person in attendance came forward. Mother Mary's answers and blessings were the reason. It was so personal yet at times universal, applying to all of us. I was totally engaged for the full three hours!” —LH
“There was so much light in the conference I felt elevated for days afterward.” —JG
“I like how the conference was a Meru Event. I learned a lot. Also I decided to stop eating sugar, wheat and meat. WOW! I feel so much lighter. I have really desired to come up higher in sustaining longer states of being and this Essene diet was the key for this to happen. The highlight for me was Raphael coming and telling us to get off sugar. Then during the conference not eating sugar or meat. I would never have guessed that a big diet change like this was what was required for this leap into a higher awareness of Being. I am so grateful for this teaching.”—CH
“The heartfriends themselves were what stood out for me. Everyone was like a special petal from a great flower. Each person shared their heart's love in a unique way and this offering produced a special individual presence, quintessence and aroma of God's Beingness, living within the Aura, and manifestations of all of us as one large body of light (or flower.) This collective allowed for the creation of some mystical and magical experiences to manifest in one’s world.” —GG
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