The Hearts Center Presents




The Hearts Center’s First International Conference, Pilgrimage and Congress

Saint Germain Comes with Great Cosmic Beings
to Anchor the Light of Freedom in South America

October 7–13

with David Christopher Lewis

The God of Freedom Sponsors our First International Congress,
a Conference, and a Pilgrimage!

It’s time to accelerate our global mission! It’s time to make plans to reach spiritual seekers in South America who are destined to step onto the initiatic path. It begins in Buenos Aires, Argentina and continues in Villa La Paz and Colonia Valdense, Uruguay.

Will you be there? Will you assist in the blessing of South America and prepare the way for the incoming seventh root race? Add your love and heart’s fire through prayer, mantra and song as we visit holy sites to anchor and radiate Saint Germain’s violet light. Come offer your ideas and inspirations for future global projects as you meet with The Hearts Center International Council.

A week filled with activity on an international scale awaits you in South America this October: a 3-day conference, a 2-day pilgrimage, and a special 2-day congress for international servitors.

The Seventh Root Race Gets a Charge of Light: Our Conference,
Oct. 7–9

At the Lafayette Hotel in downtown Buenos Aires, David will receive timely messages from numerous masters including Saint Germain, Archangel Michael and Faith, Jesus and Magda and Archangel Zadkiel. The light of faith, wisdom and love will bathe the entire city and continent. Our job, with heaven’s help, is to anchor the flame of protection and mercy in South America, especially for the seventh root race who have already arrived, and those of this race yet to come.

South American Cities Are Blessed: Our Pilgrimage, Oct. 10–11

On Monday we will sojourn through magnificent Buenos Aires, visiting cathedrals and other holy sites, and witnessing Mother Mary’s message for this city. We will get to know the citizens, the sights and sounds of Argentina’s capital so that they remain in our hearts forever.

On Tuesday, we will travel to our next destination for our international congress. We will pray and sing our way to Puerto Madero to board the ferry that takes us across the Rio de la Plata into Uruguay. There, we will board a bus and traverse the countryside to the idyllic area of Colonia Valdense and Villa La Paz, where we’ll enjoy the rural beauty of these villages, visit a few historic sites, and experience the local culture.

Global Plans for Worldwide Heartsharing: Our Congress near the Village of Peace, Oct. 12–13

And then down to business! Our purpose is to plan for greater global networking and connectedness, to share the teachings of the ascended masters in many languages, in many ways, to many cultures. Scheduled are...

  • Introductions from Ralph Raaths and David Christopher Lewis.
  • Presentations from heartfriend representatives of each country on local happenings and the status of initiatives requested by the masters.
  • Reports on the status of many nations of the world.
  • Ways we can focus on education and reaching future generations.
  • Darshans with the masters to receive their direction and encouragement.

This congress is a landmark assembly meant to alter our world view of what is possible in sharing the Word.

Join us in co-creating this expedition of light, peace and brotherhood/sisterhood!


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Messages from the Masters

February 26, 2016 HeartStream from Lanello
I call one or two from every nation to be representatives of your Hearts Centers to come and sit at the table when we will have our first International Congress to discuss what has been occurring--what you see as possibility, what your burdens are that we may address, and how we together may move forward our work for coming years and decades. Read more
January 23, 2016 David's Comments on Godfre’s HeartStream
As we gather more in the International Congress this coming September, October, and as we do our work together, we will see change on a planetary scale. So I am putting out the call, and Godfre is asking our representatives of various nations to please make the effort to physically come to this pilgrimage and International Congress. Read more
March 3, 2016 Blessing of Love Offering Casimir Poseidon
I, Casimir Poseidon, stand forth now within this movement to bless and charge this offering with the full cosmic weight of my causal body and the divine impetus of Spirit for the alchemicalization of light within these gifts from the heart of these devotees. Read more
July 22, 2016 Lord Shiva Will Attend and Support the Pilgrimage
Now, blessed hearts, I speak of the upcoming pilgrimage, of which other masters have spoken of late. And I say that I, Shiva, will be there to support the great work of Saint Germain, the Divine Director, the God and Goddess Meru, Casimir Poseidon and all of the blessed masters who will come to share with you and speak unto you through this messenger of light. Read more


About David Christopher Lewis

David Christopher Lewis

David Christopher Lewis is a spiritual teacher, author, composer, and talk-radio contributor. He is the cofounder of The Hearts Center, a spiritual movement and community dedicated to helping people everywhere realize their higher potential. He conducts seminars worldwide and hosts regular online webinars and live broadcasts on diverse spiritual topics. His published works include
Living a Soulful Life: Afra’s New teachings on Love, Brotherhood, and Freedom, Volume 1;
Saint Germain on AdvancedAlchemy: HeartStreaming in the Aquarian Age, Volume 1; Advanced Studies of the Human Aura: How to Charge Your Energy Field with Light and Spiritual Radiance; Now, Zen and Always: El Morya’s Treasury of Spiritual Quips; and Mother Mary’s Missions:Messages from the Divine Mother.

Pilgrimage Links and Information


Conference, Pilgrimage and First International Congress in English and in Spanish, with simultaneous translation.
en Inglés y en español con traducción simultánea

3-Day Conference Program

International Congress Program


Scholarship Request Form (PDF)  (Word)
Request a scholarship to attend the pilgrimage.

Q&A session (date forthcoming)

Questions or comments?

Sponsor heartfriends to attend the pilgrimage!



Conference Broadcast and Payments

Saint Germain Comes with Great Cosmic Beings to Anchor the Light of Freedom in South America
Friday, October 7–Sunday, October 9, 2016
Prayers, HeartStreams, Darshans and More
Register and pay now

Broadcast times (Mountain Daylight)
Friday: 2:45 – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 6:45 am – 3:00 pm
Sunday: 6:45 am – 3:00 pm




Registration and Payments

For those attending from North America, Europe, Africa, Australia
Registration Form for 7-day event  (PDF)  (Word)
Estimated 7-Day Costs (PDF)
Register and make payments

For those attending from South and Central America, and Mexico
Registration form for 7-day event (PDF)  (Word)
Estimated 7-Day Costs (PDF)
Register and make payments

Payment Schedule
Payment 1 due September 1
Payment 2 due September 15
Payment 3 due October 3
OR Payments 2 & 3 made be made simultaneously before October 3

For those who live in Buenos Aires and the surrounding area
To secure your space for this 3-day conference, make your payment before September 15.
Cost for 3-Day Conference  (PDF)
Register and make payments

Cancellation and Refund Policy: 
Refunds are possible for in-person registration for those who have to cancel due to health issues. Otherwise, the registration payment is non-refundable. See registration form.


Email us at with any questions.


Travel and Preparation Information

International Flights
Important information about your flights.

You will fly into Buenos Aires, Argentina, Ministro Pistarini (Ezeiza) International Airport (code EZE) in time for the first session of the conference that begins at 5 pm on Friday October 7.

You will fly home FROM Montevideo, Uruguay’s Carrasco Airport (code MVD). Please reserve your flight for a departure time after 1pm local time on Friday, October 14. We will provide transportation to the airport that will arrive there before 11 am.

Rather than buying a round-trip ticket, you will buy a “multi-destination” ticket. Check the internet flight service you use to find the “multi-destination” option.

Flight Information Form (PDF)  (Word)
Please fill this form out and email it to 

Questions?  Please e-mail or call 312-253-7600


Lodging for Intercontinental Travelers
Information on lodging for Buenos Aires conference and Uruguay congress Click Here

Buenos Aires

Friday, October 7–Sunday, October 10
A block of rooms is reserved for The Hearts Center group at the Lafayette Hotel. The group rate is also available for October 6 if you decide to arrive one day early. You will make your own reservation and payment for your room. Mention The Hearts Center to receive the group rate. The rooms with the special group rate price will be held until September 6, so please make your hotel reservation before September 6.


Lafayette Hotel
Reconquista 546
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (54 11) 4393.9081
Breakfast is included. Mention The Hearts Center when making your group- rate reservation.
Group-Rate Options (for all four nights, taxes included, per person)
Single room $403
Double room $222
3 people share $175 (3 twin beds)
3 people share $161 (2 twins, 1 fold-out)

We can assist with roommates. Email

Lodging at the Centro Emmanuel Retreat Center or at Casona de la Paz in Uruguay for the 3-Day International Congress is included in your conference fee.


Lodging for Travelers from South and Central America, Mexico and the Carribean
Information on lodging for Buenos Aires Conference and Uruguay Congress Click Here

There are a several hotels near the conference location with affordable rooms where you can make a reservation for your stay from October 7 – 10, 2016. The conference will take place at:

Lafayette Hotel
Reconquista 546
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nearby hotels with affordable rates are:

The Hotel Carsson
Viamonte 650 C1053ABN, Buenos Aires; telephone: +54 11 4131-3800

Hotel Concorde
25 de Mayo 630-1002, Buenos Aires; telephone: +54 11 4313-2018


Grand King Hotel
Lavalle 560, C1047AAL Buenos Aires; telephone: +54 11 4393-4012


Hotel Conquistador
Suipacha 948, 1008 Buenos Aires; telephone: +54 11 4328-3012

You may find additional hotels near the conference site that suit your budget


Lodging in Uruguay
Lodging at the Centro Emmanuel Retreat Center or at Casona de la Paz in Uruguay for the 3-Day International Congress is included in your conference fee. We will provide your room assignment at a later date.

Passport and Visa Information
Click here

No visas are required for U.S. citizens to travel to Argentina or Uruguay. Citizens from other countries may check this web site.  For U.S. citizens, the formerly required reciprocity fee of $160 was waived in March 2016 for those visiting for fewer than 90 days. It’s possible that this fee could be reinstated, so we will continue to monitor this. Canadian citizens should check the status of the reciprocity fee with the Embassy of Argentina in Canada.

For those traveling from South and Central America, check the visa requirements for entering Argentina from your country. 

Make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 months past the completion of your trip. Have at least one blank Visa page for each country you are entering--in this case, Argentina and Uruguay.

Photocopy the opening pages of your passport that show name and number, passport pages with visas, and airline tickets. It will make their replacement easier if you lose them en route. You may also wish to carry a photocopy of your driver’s license and/or birth certificate. These can also speed up passport replacement formalities. 

Keep the copies in a place separate from the originals. It is useful to carry spare passport photos, too. You may wish to scan your passport, airline tickets and travelers check numbers, and have them as attachments to your own email address. In case of loss, you can download copies to assist replacement.

Please remember to fill out the “Emergency Next of Kin” section in your passport in pencil in case you have to change the contact address details before your passport expires.


Money and Budgeting
Checklist for incidental expenses and tipping guidelines Click here

On this trip you will require spending money for meals and entrance fees not already included, such as beverages, gratuities, shopping, and incidental expenses. As a general guideline, aim to bring a variety of means to “pay your way” for your own convenience, and also in case you have difficulties with your preferred method of payment.  

Major credit cards are widely accepted, but some shops and restaurants require a minimum purchase amount when using them, so they are not appropriate for incidentals such as snacks. Consider bringing more than one card, as some outlets may not accept all types. Due to increasing credit card fraud worldwide, be prepared to show identification (i.e. your passport) when making a transaction with your credit card.

For the best available exchange rate, you will find ATM cards indispensable. The Plus and Cirrus logos are now displayed at many ATM locations worldwide. The usual care should be exercised when using ATMs.

Before traveling be sure to

  • Activate ATM and/or credit card
  • Bring your PIN code(s), consisting of numbers NOT letters, to facilitate use of both ATM and credit card(s). This becomes increasingly important with new “chip & pin” technology.
  • Check with your bank to ensure you are able to withdraw cash on your cards abroad.
  • Advise your bank that you will be traveling abroad and plan to use your card(s) for shopping, etc. To avoid fraud they may refuse charges made overseas unless they know they are being made by the card owner.
  • Check also that cards are valid for at least 30 days beyond completion of your vacation.
  • Ask your credit card companies for emergency numbers suitable for international access, not those starting with 0800, to report loss. Always keep these numbers with you while traveling, but separate from cards and checks.
  • There is always a fee involved in any exchange transaction; sometimes it is built in to the published rate. In other places, it can be a percentage fee or a separate fixed-rate commission charge, in which case you receive better value for money if you exchange larger, rather than smaller amounts.  

For the most up-to-date currency exchange rate for your planning purposes, please visit

Travel Protection/Insurance
It is highly recommended that you purchase traveler’s insurance. Click here

It is highly recommended that you take out travel protection and baggage insurance. Foreign doctors and hospitals often require payment in cash prior to providing services, and medical evacuation can be expensive. Options are available at, AAA, American Express, and airline companies.

Luggage, packing checklist and weather. Click here

Check with your airline carrier to determine the number of bags allowed and applicable weight limits. Traveling lightly is recommended. You may have to maneuver your own luggage in some places, for example when we board the ferry to go to Uruguay.

We recommend that your daypack or carry-on contain at least one change of clothes in case your luggage arrives sometime after you do. Also, pack anything you cannot live without (i.e. prescription meds) in your carry-on. Everything else should fit inside your main, checked suitcase, preferably a roller bag.

Mark your bags clearly with your name and contact information, both inside and out. Put your business card or contact information inside every bag including your camera case and backpack. It is also a good idea to put your destination hotel information on or in checked baggage.

Buenos Aires has a warm, humid, temperate climate with hot summers and no dry season. October and November are springtime months leading to summer that starts in December. October is characterized by rising daily temperatures, with daily highs ranging from 66° F to 72° F over the course of the month.

On October 16, a representative day, the sky is clear, or mostly clear, 35% of the time, partly cloudy 11% of the time, and mostly cloudy or overcast 28% of the time. The median cloud cover is 47% (partly cloudy) and does not vary substantially over the course of the month.

The average probability that some form of precipitation will be observed in a given day is 34%, with little variation over the course of the month. Given this report, it would be a good idea to pack a light rain jacket. The temperatures will be moderate and comfortable for outside activities.

Again, travel light. Research has shown that less than a third of vacation travelers wear everything they pack on a trip. The best advice is, “If in doubt, leave it out.” 

Essential Packing Quick Checklist

  • Passport, travel protection/insurance, flight ticket and other necessary documents, including a print-out of this travel info
  • Money belt, credit cards/pin codes, and spending money (see "Money and Budgeting" below)
  • Electrical converter(s)/adapters, travel alarm clock
  • Personal medicines/prescriptions
  • Sunhat, moisturizing cream, chapstick, insect repellent
  • Easy-care creaseless layered clothing
  • Comfortable tried-and-tested walking shoes
  • Toiletries, tissues, antibacterial wipes
  • Camera/video equipment, extra film/memory cards/batteries, etc.
  • Small folding umbrella and/or fold-up poncho

Toiletries, Medicines, Sundries
Make sure you’ve included a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, razor, shaving cream (not the pressure-can type that can burst in a depressurized aircraft), plenty of tissues, some antibacterial wipes, lady’s necessities, and plastic bags for damp laundry. It is a good idea to carry toiletries in plastic bags to protect against leakage. Bring small trial sizes of toiletries to reduce luggage weight.

Pack an ample supply of any medicines you are taking, copies of your prescriptions, and the telephone/fax number of your doctor.  Because of strict drug laws in some countries, drugs you take on doctor’s orders should be carried in their original container showing the prescription label. Tell your tour director if you are currently under medical treatment. Always keep medicines safely in your hand luggage, as your suitcase may not easily be accessible while traveling and touring. This also avoids additional problems should your suitcase get lost, damaged, or delayed.

If you wear glasses, pack an extra pair and/or a copy of your prescription. If you wear contact lenses, remember to pack eye drops. If you use a hearing aid, bring a set of spare batteries. It may be time consuming to find new batteries abroad.

Other items you may wish to bring are earplugs for sleeping, a small flashlight, manicure set, and a mending kit. Remember, for airline security reasons, pack these in your suitcase, not in your hand luggage during flights.

Communication with Home
Communication with home is very easy from Argentina either by telephone or Internet. If you are planning on taking your cell phone, check with your service provider about international service and per-minute charges. Some providers will have to make a change to your service to accommodate international calls. The hotels in Buenos Aires have very good internet connections. The venues where we will stay in Uruguay have less reliable internet connections.