2016 Gnostic Wholistic Festival - Panel Discussions

Friday, July 1, 2016


  • Using the divine power of our Presence to transform the world from within Beyond ego-centric and ethno-centric habits, how do we converge with one
  • The Mind Body Connection and how can Energy Healing help me?
  • How to be free in the illusion of the so called "real world". What about chemtrails, climate change, GMOs, Fluoride, racism, the illuminati, vaccination, radiation and so called freedom and democracy?


  • Michael Rault
  • Anne- Lise Bure
  • Howard Goodman
  • David Christopher Lewis USA
  • Diana Smith
  • Allison Scott


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Saturday, July 2, 2016 


  • How best to collaborate with other conscious lightworkers, spiritual teachers and their movements.
  • Is depression caused by being trapped in a doom and gloom world?
  • There is no comparison or competition in life.


  • Michael Rault
  • David Christopher Lewis USA
  • Diana Smith
  • Allison Scott


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Sunday, July 3, 2016


Utilizing our personal spiritual gifts and blessings while avoiding ego. Space Clearing and Geopathic Stress and its impact on your health? False flag operations. Fracking. Totalitarian police state. Nuclear waste. Election fraud. Global Corporations. Geoengineering. Climate change. Fema camps. Oil. Microchipping of the population.


  • Michael Rault
  • David Christopher Lewis USA
  • Diana Smith
  • Allison Scott


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2016 Gnostic Wholistic Festival - Lectures

David Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and author, gave three lectures on soulful living in Africa, during the Gnostic Wholistic Festival in Cape Town, South Africa, July 1-3, 2016.

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3


Launching Afra’s New Book on the African Continent

Afra's new book, Living a Soulful Life, was launched by David Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and author, on the African Continent at Novalis Ubuntu in Cape Town, South Africa, on June 30, 2016.

Heartfriends' visits in Johannesburg area, South Africa

July 5: Visit the Cradle of humankind (west of Johannesburg).
July 6: Go to a farm near Nigel (east of Johannesburg) to meet Heartfriends.
July 7: Visit Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Bronkhorstspruit (east of Pretoria)


Program, Information and Links

Images from this event

HeartStreams from this Event

Saint Germain July 06, 2016 The Power of the Word Is Infinite When Spoken with Cosmic Intention
Watch now

El Morya July 06, 2016 El Morya Warns Initiates Against Using Ayahuasca and Other Drugs
Listen now


Books by David Christopher Lewis


David’s Latest Book!

Afra book

Living a Soulful Life: Afra’s New Teaching on Love, Brotherhood and Freedom

Afra, the divine patron of Africa, exemplifies universal brother/sisterhood and embodies the flame of freedom. In this book, he reveals how to connect fully to the light and fabric of our souls. Master Afra, whose name means “brother,” models the essence of soulfulness, kindness, and brotherly love. His stories, revelations, and insights—from past civilizations through modern times—show us how to reconnect with the Divine for personal and planetary unity and enlightenment. (Includes 16 color images by Slavaka Kolesar.)

Read this book to quicken an awakening of your soul—and experience harmony, peace and freedom in your life in new and powerful ways!

Buy Now! 

advanced sutdieos of the human aura

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura: How to Charge Your Energy Field with Light and Spiritual Radiance 

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura takes studies of the aura to an exciting new level. In Part One, El Morya presents long-awaited teachings that complete the trilogy begun by his holy brothers, the ascended masters Kuthumi and Djwal Kul. In Part Two, David Christopher Lewis provides practical steps to expand and purify our auras as he recounts experiences from his own life.  Advanced Studies includes 16 beautiful paintings by French-Canadian visionary artist Mario Duguay and also practical meditation exercises.

Buy Now!
mother mary mission book

Mother Mary’s Missions—Messages from the Divine Mother on Pilgrimage to California’s 21 Spanish Missions

As pilgrims visit each of the missions dotting the California coast in October of 2005, Mother Mary and other masters share, through David Christopher Lewis, teachings on life’s holy purpose, our roles as co-creators with God, the importance of sacred ritual, the science of sound, and the law of the I AM.

She expounds on secret-ray (now termed “crystal ray”) teachings, our work with the angels, and what it means to hold the immaculate concept.

Through her heart, learn more about true forgiveness, the power of silence and meditation, teachings on healing, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the importance of family relationships, and teachings on prayer and fasting.

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