2017 Autumn Event:Twelve Archangels Illumine Chicago

The Twelve Archangels Illumine Chicago


Autumn Equinox Event 2017

Experience the Heart of Loving-Kindness
and the Joy of Compassion—the Twelve Archangels

Illumine Chicago with Cosmic Joy

September 21-24

With David Christopher Lewis

Our Ever-Present Angelic Help

In the thirteen-year history of The Hearts Center movement, the archangels and their complements have come numerous times to share fiery messages of God's love, wisdom and faith through David Christopher Lewis.1  Each of the seven archangels have come in sequence on two occasions to give comfort or chastisement, to call us higher, or to illumine our minds with divine truth. 2

Archangel Michael, the Captain of the Archangels, has spoken 47 times to and through David. And two new age rosaries naming the archangels and their twin flames have become favorites of devotees the world round. 3  

The Archangels Come to Raise Up Chicago!

In recent years, Chicago has experienced an increase in gang murders, and despite the efforts of law enforcement, this scourge continues. In answer to the prayers of righteous souls for mitigation, God is sending his powerful angels to deliver an important sequence of messages to counter this darkness and anchor light in the Heartland of America.

This September, come to hear the impassioned Voice of Spirit as it speaks to your heart and inspires you to a higher calling and more intimate love of God daily and hourly. Both Chicago and you will forever be changed!

Archangel CDs, Images, E-Book and More for You

Visit our online store for products to help you commune with our blessed archangels!



1.  On Nov. 29-Dec. 6, 2004, the Seven Archangels; on May 20, 2006, the Seven Archeiai; on May 27, 2006, the Seven Archangels; on June 12– 18, 2007, archangels came in sequence for seven days and their complements all released messages the same year;  the Archangels of the Five Crystal Rays as one, on 3 occasions; the Archeiai of the Five Crystal Rays as one on 3 occasions

2.  Between April 21–May 3, 2011, and  January 8– March 1, 2013, including Uzziel. Also separately: Jophiel, 7 times; Chamuel, 17; Gabriel, 13;  Raphael, 14; Uriel, 13; Zadkiel, 24

3.  Rosary of Faith and Rosary of Divine Quintessence


Soul-Raising Sessions with David Christopher Lewis

In-Person Soul-Raising Sessions with David

​Receive a direct teaching from the Holy Spirit, uniquely personal for you. An everlasting grace and individual blessing flows directly to your soul.

In-person Soul-Raising Sessions will be available by appointment during the Chicago Autumn Equinox Event.

  • Schedule your session during the event with Joyce Genis. Due to the varying time slots, we are not able to offer online pre-registration.
  • Pay Steven at our onsite Hearts Center bookstore and bring your receipt to your session. You must have your receipt in order to receive your session. 


  • 10-minute session: $72
  • 20-minute session: $144
  • 1-hour session: $333

You may schedule a session during these time slots:

  • Thursday, Sept. 21:  7:30-8:30 pm
  • Friday, Sept. 22:  7:30-8:30 pm
  • Saturday, Sept. 23:  7:30-8:30 pm


The Holy Spirit Overshines David to Bless You

During our 2016 summer solstice event, the Maha Chohan, representative of the Holy Spirit, initiated a new cycle and dispensation of healing grace through The Hearts Center movement.

Through this new mantle, David is conducting Soul-Raising Sessions sponsored by the Holy Spirit. The tremendous power of the release of light through the agency of the Holy Spirit will afford you relief from ancient patterns and records lodged in the subtle fields and folds of your subconscious and unconscious mind and being. You will experience change, transformation and elevation.

The divine spiritual grace flowing to you will be personal for you. The Holy Spirit will do what she desires in each session. Personal healings are not guaranteed, yet possibilities for healing may come through the Holy Spirit’s divine grace and comfort. By giving the Holy Spirit license to perform this alchemy with your soul, the wave patterns of light released through the agency of the Holy Spirit will be such that you will receive initiatic cycles of light.

David's Comments on Soul-Raising Sessions from July 20, 2016

"Sometimes the anointing, the blessing, the encouragement, the soul raising is facilitated in such a way that you can expand it and help others. That’s what I saw over and over again. It is not just about your own soul raising. You are raised up so that you can raise others up. And that is the magnanimous nature of each one of these blessings.

You are consecrated, accelerated, and invested with greater light and fields of divine joy and beingness. I see each person who goes through this as now being even more expressive of their true Self. You have a greater sense of your purpose and mission beyond what you may have humanly conceived you were capable of because God is great and God is great in you.

That’s the beauty of these sessions. It reconnects us to the sense of who we truly are as spiritual beings—yes, living in these veils of flesh—and yet still totally connected to God and one with God in our essence, and having all these sacred abilities, resources that we can draw upon, and dynamics of alchemy that we can utilize in our work. It’s so important that you have these sessions.



"This was a cosmic experience, something I’ve never had in my life! I was taken right up to the throne of God and shown my divine purpose as a being. I tell you, this changes how you think about yourself! I still get chills when I think about everything I learned about my soul. I can’t tell you how life-changing it is and I encourage everyone to have a session." —C.B.

"Once you get the blessing, you will know that it’s not some random blessing that comes out of a hat. It’s really for you. It gives you such a feeling that the Holy Spirit really knows you. You know that everything about you, what you’ve been doing and what your real Self is, God knows, and this communion that you have is undeniably sincere and the truth." —N.B.

"Among other things, I was granted a talisman and an ability to bless and raise locations in the Earth and people, and groups of people. I feel that it is something that I will use. And I will continue to develop the ability to use it more efficaciously all the rest of my life. It’s like a life assignment and a grant in a more than ordinary way." —B.B.


Program, Information and Links

Video Replay Price:

Flexible fee: $100 suggested, with a minimum of $75
Register for the video replays


Event Program PDF


Visit Flickr to view The Chicago Event Photo Gallery. Click here:


Chicago weather in September can be very lovely and dry with temperatures between 50 and 80 degrees. The trees will be just beginning to display their fall colors.



Techny Towers Conference and Retreat Center
2001 Waukegan Rd.
Techny, IL 60082
Website:  technytowers.org



Local Airports

Chicago Midway International Airport (MDW)
5700 S. Cicero Ave.

Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD)
10000 Bessie Coleman Dr.


Airport Taxis

Airport Taxi Service
Techny Towers has a corporate account with 303 Taxi.
Click here for more info.

Airport Taxi Service

303 Taxi Instructions:

  • O’Hare Airport to Techny Towers and back: $30 each way
  • Midway Airport to Techny Towers and back: $58 each way
  • Rate is per trip, not per person.
  • Up to four people can ride together per trip.
  • When you arrive at airport ...
    • Call 847-256-8294 (answered 24/7).
    • Give them the Techny corporate acct. #: 847-272-1100.
    • They will tell you where to meet their taxi.
  • Call to arrange your ride from Techny to airport at several hours in advance of your departure from our event.

If you would like to coordinate taxi service from the airport with other registrants ...

  • Choose “Yes” for airport taxi when registering for the event.
  • Enter your flight information where prompted.
  • Approximately one week before the event you will be notified of schedules of those arriving or departing at similar times as you.
  • You can then arrange to ride together.
  • As flights can be delayed and cancelled, have a contact phone number for the person(s) you are planning to ride with.
  • You can always take the taxi on your own if there are flight delays or cancellations.
  • O’Hare has 3 passenger pickup lanes surrounding the arrival level of the terminal. Taxi pickup is the second, or center, lane out from the terminal building.

Food and Lodging

Lodging: Book before Sept 4!
Looking for roommates? Email lodging@heartscenter.org
Click here
for recommended lodging options.

If you are looking for roommates, email: lodging@heartscenter.org with your name and phone number.

Techny Towers Conference and Retreat Center
(Reserve by September 4!)
2001 Waukegan Rd., Techny, IL  60082
Website:  www.technytowers.org

  • Twelve comfortable rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis until  September 4.
  • Each room has a private bathroom.
  • The beds are twin-size.
  • Room rate is by occupancy regardless of number of beds in room.  
  • Price per night (3-night minimum):

Single occupancy     $68
Double occupancy    $99
Triple occupancy      $135

Lodging payments are non-refundable.


Sheraton Chicago Northbrook Hotel
1110 Willow Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062
Website: www.sheratonnorthbrook.com/

  • Reserve your room with Brad Miller at 847-897-6403.
  • Tell him you are attending an event at Techny Towers and would like a room at the following special rates:
  • Wed–Saturday: $112/night. Total with tax: $126/night, or
  • Thursday–Saturday: $99/night. Total with tax: $111.38/night
  • Sheraton provides shuttle service to and from Techny Towers (about a 3-minute drive).
  • Shuttles run from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm daily.

Restaurants near Techny Towers Click here!

View/print: Area Restaurant Guide PDF 

Provided by the Techny Towers Retreat Center.