2017 Spring Equinox Meru University Event
Serapis Bey on Adeptship and the Ascension
Vista and Questhaven Retreat, CA (San Diego area)
With David Christopher Lewis
Adepts, Make Your Plans!
Come in person or join online for our spring equinox retreat on adeptship and the ascension with Serapis Bey! What will the white ray master of purity, harmony and discipline do for us? Be there and see for yourself.
The Divine Director said on June 13, 2016, that he will come to infuse with his light and a new energy spiral the initiates and those who decide to be at the spring retreat physically.
So make your plans to be in Vista in March. Our venue? The beautiful home of heartfriend, Dennis Fisher, which has become in recent years an outer retreat of the ascended masters.
Keys to Your Ascension from Serapis and Company Await You
After Jesus’ welcome to the initiatic path on Thursday, prepare to receive an ascension spiral of light from Serapis Bey! This event is meant to give you many keys to your ascension. When the hierophant of Luxor stands before you to initiate you in the ascension currents, the Divine Director will stand also with him to empower you to a new level of beingness.
Through the transformative days of this event...
- John the Beloved will lead us in a meditation on love.
- Confucius will discourse on the path of enlightenment.
- Mother Mary will bless us with her sacred healing touch.
- Serapis Bey and Amen Bey will darshan with us.
- The Spirit of the Cosmic Christ will perform an amazing alchemy with the Earth and with all of us in our Higher Selves.
- Saint Germain will come with his miracle pouch of light.
- When Kuan Yin releases you from your past with the great mercy flame of her bodhisattvic heart, you will be a new creature.
- And... the Divine Director will perform a cosmic clearance!
Questhaven—an Ideal Retreat Setting
Discover the peace and joy of lodging at Questhaven, a 655-acre retreat center secluded in northern San Diego County. Each morning before leaving for our sessions in Vista, we will all gather for Paneurhythmy, a dance and moving meditation that opens us to the presence and power of Spirit within ourselves and the universe. After our sessions in Vista, we will return to Questhaven for the balance of the day to enjoy activities in nature and share our meals in community.
Will You Be “Front and Center” with Serapis?
After your ascension, you will look back to this spring equinox 2017, the Divine Director tells us, and you will say, “O Lord, I am grateful I made my plans and my choice to be present, front and center, with you. For that was a turning point; that was a new spiral. And because I chose to be there, you, O God, provided the impetus for my ascension, for my victory, for my Self-realization in light.”*
So join David Christopher Lewis, spokesman for the ascended masters for our Hearts Center community, and join students on the initiatic path worldwide in a seminar that will leave a deep imprint in the Earth, accelerating its resurrection and ascension. Plan now to be in Vista in person or over our broadcast!
*Divine Director, June 13, 2016