2017 Mexico Winter Solstice Event

The Holy Family Blesses Mexico


The Hearts Center 2017 Winter Solstice Event:

The Holy Family Blesses Mexico with the Light of Freedom and Justice—Saint Germain and Portia
Come to Illumine Families Everywhere

Cuernavaca and Mexico City, Mexico
December 16-20

With David Christopher Lewis


Celebrate Winter Solstice in Mexico with the Holy Family!

Rejoice in the family and all it means to our civilization! This December gather with your spiritual family worldwide to bless, uphold, reenergize, protect and defend the institution of the family. 
From your arrival in Mexico City on Friday, the 15th, to your reluctant departure on the 20th, you will be in the presence and loving embrace of your family in heaven—the many ascended beings who will be with you in a unique delivery of light to Mexico and the children and youth around the planet. 

An Eco-Friendly Retreat Awaits You

You arrive on Friday at Ecoaldea Bosque de Agua, meaning “Water Forest,” a sustainable eco-retreat surrounded by nature and 30 minutes outside of Cuernavaca. Resting all their business practices on the Blue Economy* concepts, the staff of Ecoaldea Bosque de Aqua grow their own organic food using rain water irrigation and heat their indoor pool with solar energy.

John the Baptist Prepares the Way

Saturday morning, the first day of our conference, you are greeted with an ancestral welcoming ceremony. Later, a message from John the Baptist, delivered through David Christopher Lewis, prepares our hearts for the love of the holy dove. This sets the stage for a teaching by Saint Germain and Portia on profound compassion. Then we go to the garden to learn about nature’s kindness with Kuthumi.
In the afternoon, let the child within you play and laugh! Engage in the Paneurhythmy and join our children in celebrating Posada with a piñata, songs and games. There will also enjoy time for swimming and just relaxing. 

The Ascended Masters Exalt Family, Nature’s Beauty, the Sun’s Radiance, Divine Love 

On Sunday morning, HeartStreams from Lanello and Clare de Lis bless the Americas with divine light. Then Mother Mary speaks of the immensity of God’s love for you, and Jesus answers questions about the dynamics of the Aquarian family. 
Exploring beautiful Cuernavaca, the City of Eternal Spring, is on your Sunday mid-afternoon agenda. Enjoy the balmy weather as you view an abundance of lush vegetation everywhere you travel in the city. The Cuernabus, a double-decker, hop-on-hop-off tour bus, takes you to the center of town to visit the Palacio de Cortés, the Catedral de la Asunción, the Jardin la Borda, and an archaeological site.
In support and defense of the family and the culture of the Mexican people, on Monday, Jar-El-Um and the Angel Deva of Mexico deliver their messages during our morning service. Later, Sanat Kumara and Venus come with a reminder that divine love is the resolution to all current issues in families, in Mexico and the world.

Visit the Pyramids; View the Miraculous Tilma 

The world-renowned Teotihuacan pyramids beckon you on Tuesday. An early departure takes you to this complex of pyramids, set amid what was Mesoamerica’s greatest city. At the Pyramid of the Moon we reignite the focus of the Maltese cross placed there in the etheric plane by Saint Germain during our first Hearts Center pilgrimage to Mexico in 2005. 
Then on to the Pyramid of the Sun where El Morya encourages us to create the Aquarian culture today. And at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl the Divine Director with Melchizedek initiates a spiral of God-consciousness.  
On the last day of our event we honor Mother Mary and her humble servant Juan Diego, now ascended, with a pilgrimage to the Basilica to see the original tilma, or cloak, of Juan Diego with the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe imprinted upon it, perfectly preserved since the Virgin’s appearance to him in 1531. While at the Basilica, Juan Diego’s HeartStream reveals aspects of his heavenworld experience. Then our beloved Mother Mary emanates special blessings to all families and children worldwide.  

A Magical, Innovative Workshop Will Keep Your Children Enthralled!

During our event, a special workshop for children, ages 4 to 14, “Awakening Magic and Inner Consciousness through Playing and Creating with Nature and Spirit” includes ...
  • Biodance
  • Meditation
  • Creative spiritual art
  • Ecological waste management and worm casting
  • Animal fables to demonstrate ecosystems
So, follow the star of your innermost promptings. Come to Mexico at Christmastime with your children and all of your family for a special visit with the Holy Family! 

Preview Our Mexico Event--Make Plans to Come!


Program, Information and Links

Program PDF

Prayer and Song Booklet English and Spanish

For questions or comments email Mexico2017@HeartsCenter.org.


Mexico Event Winter 2017 recorded on flickr

Visit Flickr to view The Mexico Event Photo Gallery. Click here:


Cuernavaca winter days are usually sunny with temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 F. The nighttime temperatures are from 59 to 65 F. 



The event from 6:30 pm Friday, December 15, through 3:30 pm Monday, December 18, will be held at:
Ecoaldea Bosque de Agua
Carretera Federal México-Cuernavaca Km 63.3
Senda Ensueño #2, 62517 Cuernavaca, Mexico
It takes approximately 2 hours to drive from the Mexico City International Airport to Ecoaldea Bosque de Agua.
Website: http://bosquedeagua.mx/


Venue Images

Food and Lodging

Group Lodging
Will be at Ecoaldea Bosque de Agua or Sexto Sol. Click here for more info.


The lodging for the nights of Friday, December 15, through Sunday, December 17, will be at Ecoaldea Bosque de Agua or Sexto Sol (Sixth Sun) with options of overflow lodging in other places nearby. We will be assigning rooms based on how our group can fit best into the various lodging options, taking into consideration families with children, couples, roommates, and singles. 

Sample room: Ecoaldea Bosque de Agua, Alcatraces 1

Sample rooms at Bosque de Agua

Bathroom at the Bosque de Agua

Sample room: Alcatraces 2

Alcatraces 2 sample room photo

And the Plaza 1

Plaza 1 at the Bosque de Agua

Sample Room at the Casa Sexto Sol:

Sleeping room Casa Sexto Sol

More information on meals

Vegetarian meals will be served at Ecoaldea Bosque de Agua with food from their own organic gardens. While in Mexico City, we will be eating at nearby restaurants. 

Lodging in Mexico City
Sevilla Palace Hotel: Click here for more info.

The lodging for the nights of December 18 and 19 will be at:

Sevilla Palace Hotel

Paseo de la Reforma 105, Tabacalera, 06030 Ciudad de México, CDMX

+52 55 5705-2800



Single or double room without meals including tax is 1,392 MXN, approximately $74.00 USD per night

Single room with breakfast including tax is 1539.32 MXN, approximately $82.00 USD per night

Double room with breakfast for 2 including tax is 1.713. 32 MXN, approximately $100 USD per night

The rate in US dollars will depend on the exchange rate at the time of payment.


Email reserva@sevillapalace.com.mx to reserve your room. Give them your name, address, phone number, the room type, and the dates you are reserving. Tell them you are getting a group rate, the code is BETTY, and you will pay when you arrive.  

If you have any questions or problems,  send an email to Betty at heartfriendsmexico@gmail.com with your phone number and she will contact you.




A passport is required to travel back and forth from Mexico. See the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative website for more details.




Mexico City International Airport (Benito Juárez International Airport) Airport code: MEX

You must arrive at the Mexico City airport by no later than 2:30 pm on December 15. We will be gathering at the shuttle van meeting place at 4:00 pm and will leave for Bosque de Agua at 4:30 pm. 

Book your flight home on December 20, no earlier than 3:00 pm. The morning outing to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe ends at noon. 


Please email Mexico2017@heartscenter.org if you have any question about booking your flight.