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Conference Audio Replays

Conference HeartStreams

Dec 18, 2021 4:35 PM1mSaint GermainAnchor Light for the Golden Age of Aquarius
Dec 18, 2021 5:32 PM28mPortia and Saint GermainSaint Germain and Portia: How to Become a Resilient Aquarian Family
Dec 18, 2021 7:08 PM21mDivine DirectorWhat Happens at the Retreat above Cuernavaca
Dec 18, 2021 7:42 PM17mDivine DirectorDivine Director: The Divine Archetype for Children and Youth of the New Age
Dec 19, 2021 5:03 PM7mLanello and Clare de LisDiscourse on the Innocence of the Child
Dec 19, 2021 5:09 PM31mLanello and Clare de LisDarshan with Lanello and Clare de Lis
Dec 19, 2021 5:50 PM11mDavid LewisThe Importance of Using I AM Affirmations
Dec 19, 2021 6:55 PM5mDavid LewisWe Are Crystalline Beings of Light
Dec 19, 2021 7:01 PM16mJesus and MagdaJesus and Magda: Fostering Loving Relationships within Aquarian Families
Dec 20, 2021 4:50 PM17mHoly SpiritMaster the Art of Silence
Dec 20, 2021 6:56 PM15mHoly SpiritGroup Soul-Raising Session with the Holy Spirit
Dec 20, 2021 7:21 PM14mMother Mary and RaphaelMother Mary and Raphael: Angels Are Key in Protecting and Nurturing Aquarian Families
Dec 20, 2021 7:35 PM23mDavid LewisPre-release of Mother Mary's Messages Book
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The Hearts Center of Mexico Presents

The Victory of Aquarian Families:

Children and Youth Free in a New Age Dawning Now!

Livestreamed from Livingston, Montana
December 18-20, 2021
With David Christopher Lewis

Full Conference Program

Questions and Assistance

For questions regarding this event, email

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All about the Aquarian Family

An etheric retreat honoring children and families resides over Cuernavaca, a city sixty miles south of Mexico City. And the theme of our conference reflects the purpose and work of this heavenly oasis. Every day we engage in meditation, prayer and song focused on the unborn, our precious children, our dynamic youth, our individual families.

On Saturday, Saint Germain and Portia give us understanding of what it will take to become successful, resilient families as we fully enter the Aquarian Age. Later that day, the Divine Director shares a message with us entitled, “The Divine Archetype for Children and Youth of the New Age.” Sunday includes a darshan with Lanello and Clare de Lis, and a HeartStream from Jesus and Magda, who share ways to encourage loving relationships especially within our families.

Celebrating Christmas—South of the Border Style

Also on Sunday we celebrate Christmas enjoying the captivating harp music of Nicolas Carter as he plays a variety of traditional Spanish carols. Then Nicolas narrates in both English and Spanish the story of the Nativity, brought to life by his lively story-telling and music!

Another special treat is the presentation in costume and song of Los Posadas by The Hearts Center of Mexico and Nicolas. Las Posadas is an important Mexican Christmas tradition, taking place on each of the nine nights leading up to Christmas. Posada means "inn" or "shelter” and in this tradition, the Bible story of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem and their search for a place to stay is re-enacted as groups go from home to home in search of refuge.

2022 and Beyond—Getting into the Aquarian Spirit!

Many wonderful projects have been envisioned by our leadership for the coming year. You have received glimpses of those plans through their Golden Agenda sharings. On the final day of our event, we hear more from our council in a brief presentation. Later that day, experience the presence of Mother Mary and Raphael, coming with a reminder that invoking angelic help is the key to the victory of our children, our families, all our familial relationships. And for the grand finalé of this event, receive Holy Spirit renewal through our Group Soul-Raising Session.

Consecration of Karmic Board letters

At summer and winter solstices, it has been our tradition to make a request of the Karmic Board. It is a time to assess where progress has been made and where improvement is needed in our lives. We offer the Karmic Board our gratitude and explain what we will give of ourselves in the next six months in service, in prayer, in relinquishing negative habits. In this manner we are clearing the way to receive their help.

Prepare your letter prayerfully in advance. If you are attending in person your letter will be collected on the final day, consecrated and burned.

Celebrate the Holy Family with Us!

May you find yourself in Livingston, Mexico City (if you live in that area), or glued to our broadcast for three days of celebrating the Holy Family, your family, and the family of God on Earth this December 18-20. It will be glorious! ¡Será glorioso!

What some of our participants loved most from our Spring Equinox Prayer Vigil


"…Amazing tech to link us all together, thank you! Wonderful to see heartfriends around the world!"


"“I loved the format. I really felt a sense of family and community."


"Good Joyful, spiritual positive feelings. Lovely to see HC friends on video."


"The strengthening of our antahkarana of Light with heartfriends around the world participating! The sharing of a powerful vigil to a unified cause!"


"Many magnificent dispensations. So nice to see all my spiritual brothers and sisters around the world with their smiling faces."


"…Amazing tech to link us all together, thank you! Wonderful to see heartfriends around the world!"


"“I loved the format. I really felt a sense of family and community."
