Event Information

Pricing & Registration

Registration Fees
In-Person Attendance
Rate for USA participants
Rate for Spain-Europe participants $92
Rate for Central and South American participants $15
Daily Rate for newcomers onsite (attending from 17:30 to 19:30) $15
Children 17 and under Free
Internet Broadcast Attendance

See store page for reduced international and senior rates.
*Spanish translations will be broadcast on an alternate channel whenever possible by our volunteer translators.
If you desire to sell consignment items or donate items to be sold at the event, please see The Hearts Center Consignment Policy.



Thursday, October 17, 8:00 am Spain time Morning Field Trip

Trip to Ávila (Ávila City)


Avda. de Madrid, 39 – 05001
 Madrid – Spain

Aproximate Costs:

Uber Round Trip  to Train Station: 20 Euros- Shared among riders

Round Trip Train Ticket to Avila: 26 Euros per person

Food: Estimated cost of 1 meal is  25 Euros per person. Plan about 50 Euros for 2 meals (lunch and dinner).

Distinctively known by its medieval walls, Ávila is sometimes called the Town of Stones and Saints, and it claims that it is one of the towns with the highest number of Romanesque and Gothic churches per capita in Spain. It has complete and prominent medieval town walls, built in the Romanesque style. The town is also known as Ávila de los Caballeros, Ávila del Rey and Ávila de los Leales ("Ávila of the knights", "Ávila of the king", "Ávila of the loyal ones"), each of these epithets being present in the town standard. It lies on the right bank of the Adaja river. Located more than 1,130 m above sea level, the city is the highest provincial capital in Spain.

Ávila is the birth place of Santa Teresa de Jesus, the founder of the Order of the Barefoot Carmelites, with almost twenty convents, Ávila is deeply impregnated with the figure of this nun. So much so that she is referred to as La Santa and is the patron saint of the town; her feast day is celebrated on 15 October. St. John of the Cross worked closely with St. Teresa in the reformation of the Carmelites and spend long periods in Ávila.

Ávila was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. The site originally consisted of the walled city and four extra muros churches. The number of churches included in the site has since been increased.

Source: Wikipedia and avilaturismo.com

Friday, October 18, 8:00am Spain time Morning Field Trip

Cerro de los Angeles (Hill of the Angels)


Carretera de Andalucía (A4) km. 13.5
28906 – Getafe
Madrid – Spain

Aproximate Costs:

Uber Round Trip to Cerro de los Angeles: 20 Euros- Shared among riders

Food: Estimated cost of 1 meal is 25 Euros per person. Plan about 50 Euros for 2 meals

The Cerro de los Ángeles (Hill of the Angels) is a hill located in Getafe, Spain, about 10 km (6.2 mi) south of Madrid. The site is famous for being the geographic centre of the Iberian Peninsula. On top of the hill there is a fourteenth-century monastery named Our Lady of the Angels (Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles), as well as the Monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Monumento al Sagrado Corazón), built in 1919 to dedicate the country and inaugurated by king Alfonso XIII.

Source: Wikipedia

Saturday, October 19, 8:00 am Spain time: Morning Field Trip

Catedral de la Virgen de la Amudena (Virgin of Almudena Cathedral)


Calle Bailén 10, 28013, Madrid

Aproximate Costs:

Uber Round Trip : 20 Euros- Shared among riders

Food: Estimated cost of 1 meal is 25 Euros per person. Plan about 50 Euros for 2 meals

The Virgin of Almudena (Virgen de la Almudena) is a medieval statue of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary is regarded as a patroness of Madrid, Spain, under this title.

The Cathedral of Madrid is dedicated to the Virgin under this title, and the feast day, 9 November, is a major holiday in Madrid. There are replicas that are used in processions, as well as more recent versions of the statue at various places.

Saturday, October 19, 12:00 pm Spain time:

Lunch at Restaurante Botín (Restaurant Botín)


Calle Cuchilleros 17

28005, Madrid

Aproximate Costs:

Uber Round Trip : 20 Euros- Shared among riders

Food: Estimated cost of 1 meal at this restaurant is 35 Euros per person. Estimated cost of dinner (meal at the hotel is 30 Euros)

Casa Botín, founded in 1725, is the oldest restaurant in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records and a benchmark of Madrid’s best traditional cuisine.

Forbes magazine gave the House third place in the list of the world’s top 10 classic restaurants, together with its two specialties, the delicious suckling pig and lamb roasted in the Castilian style.

Sunday, October 20, 8 :00 am Spain time: Morning Field Trip

Parque del Buen Retiro (The Retiro Park)


Plaza de la Independencia, 728001

Aproximate Costs:

Uber Round Trip : 20 Euros- Shared among riders

Food: Estimated cost of 1 meal is 25 Euros per person. Estimated cost of dinner (meal at the hotel is 30 Euros)

The Retiro Park (Spanish: Parque del Buen Retiro, literally "Good Retreat Park"), also known as Buen Retiro Park or simply El Retiro, is one of the largest city parks in Madrid, Spain. The park belonged to the Spanish monarchy until 1868, when it became a public park following the Glorious Revolution.

The park is located at the edge of the city centre, near both the Puerta de Alcalá and the Museo del Prado, and covers 1.4 km2 (350 acres). It has gardens, monuments, galleries, an artificial lake, and event-hosting venues.

In 2021, Buen Retiro Park became part of a combined UNESCO World Heritage Site that also includes Paseo del Prado.

Soul-Raising Sessions
with David Christopher Lewis

In-person Soul-Raising Sessions will only be offered at our event on Thursday, June 20, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm. If you would like a Soul-Raising Session, be sure to plan your travel accordingly. Schedule and pay at the onsite store when you arrive at the event.

Choose from the six different Soul-Raising Sessions described below.

Wave patterns and initiatic cycles of light will be released through the agency of the Holy Spirit to perform an alchemy with your soul. The session includes a soul reading, aura clearance, chakra balancing, and question(s)* addressed. Receive a direct teaching from the Holy Spirit uniquely personal for you. Expect positive change, transformation and elevation!

The focus is on helping us to enter into radical forgiveness of ourselves and others and to commune with Kuan Yin’s great Bodhisattva heart, providing the impetus of light we require to have our victory. Through Kuan Yin’s presence, we may find the courage to ask God’s forgiveness for anything we perceive we’ve done in error. Or if we are not feeling the compassion required to forgive another, this session may be the catalyst for entering into that state of liberating grace.

These sessions help us to heal family relationships. This healing will go to a very deep level, including past lifetimes, the karmic cause of conflict with loved ones. Many of our physical ailments involve working out family karma. Mother Mary comes to help us resolve our troubled relationships so we may move on, so we can be in a place of divine dispassion. She blesses us with her comfort flame assisting us to love more deeply, appreciate more consistently everyone in our family.

The focus is on the psychology of wholeness within ourselves. It is a time in Kuthumi’s presence to come to terms with those little peccadilloes in our human personality that grate upon our soul’s ascent and can definitely grate upon others. And unless we resolve them, they can be stumbling blocks. One of the qualifications for the ascension is to resolve our psychology, moving beyond blame, shame, human drama, and past hurts that rob us of our progress and joy.

These sessions help us to accelerate our pathway to the ascension. Serapis teaches us how to be true to our Higher Self, to be directed in our approach toward oneness with God. We learn to recognize the dweller on the threshold, baiting and switching us again and again. We are encouraged to know the victory over habit patterns that have defiled our souls and our spirit, that have besmirched who we truly are as sons and daughters of God. Serapis, as a master tactician of light, uses the aspects of the ascension current and the fourth ray to pervade through our being such intense energy that it can literally dissolve ancient karmic traits and hang-ups.

These sessions will instill in your soul courage and confidence to meet the challenges ahead victoriously. David Christopher Lewis will be overshined by beloved Archangel Michael to convey information and teaching that will assist you in achieving greater spiritual progress. Archangel Michael is our everlasting protector and he sends his angels to surround you at your call. His protection is required by all lightworkers as we do our part to raise the consciousness of the planet.

* You may ask one question during a 10-minute session. You may ask more than one question if the session is 20 or 30 minutes long. It’s best to prepare your questions. Questions may not be asked about twin flames/soul mates, one’s divine plan, or the percentage of karma balanced.

Note: Two sessions each is the maximum any heartfriend may experience with Kuan Yin, Serapis Bey, Mother Mary, Kuthumi, and Archangel Michael. Holy Spirit Soul-Raising Sessions are unlimited, though no more than one per month.

Prices: 10-min.:$72;   20-min.:$144;    30-min.:$200

After your session you will be emailed a link to an audio file enabling you to listen to and save your message.

These sessions are alchemical spiritual experiences and are not intended or designed to be psychological counseling sessions. When purchasing a session, you consent to this disclaimer.

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