El Morya says, “Replenish your inner sanctum through prayer.” Prayer allows us to have the rejuvenation of our soul, our hearts and the innermost part of our beings. True prayer nurtures us as much as it nurtures those for whom we pray or situations that we pray for. In this replenishing of our inner sanctum, we are rejuvenated through spiritual light. We are comforted by the Holy Spirit. We receive the divine resources to go through our day. That’s why prayer is excellent early in the morning before we engage in our daily work, so that we have that reservoir within our inner sanctum of light. We’ve replenished our light by connecting and reconnecting with God—God within us, God all around us— through prayer and through meditation so that our day is fully charged with joy, radiance and light.
“Co-create a new, loving logic.” It’s interesting, because you don’t think of logic as being about love, and yet there is a logic to love that is beyond this world, that is godly and is of the Logos. So if we are co-creating a new, loving logic, it transcends the logic of our human society and civilization today. And it goes into pure compassion, which is Buddhic mindfulness of the highest order with Lord Maitreya, planetary Buddha and former World Teacher. This type of loving logic is what Buddhic mindfulness, compassion and loving-kindness are.