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L. Frank Bahm stated God inspired him to write the novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz has been called American's first fairy tale, and the novel has been translated into many languages and loved by many cultures.
L. Frank Bahm was writing about the spiritual path. He could have written a book for adults, but instead chose to write the Wizard of Oz novel for children. Bahm also wrote 13 other fairy tale novels..
In the last several decades, about 10 books have been written on the symbolism on the Oz story. Wayne is using the book by Jesse Stuart, Secrets of the Yellow Brick Road, for this upcoming playshop.
In this presentation Wayne asks us to journal on the following questions:
1. What myth are you living?
2. What tests do you continually face on the path of life? (the yellow brick road)
3. What virtue do you desire to have more of and what would you do with it?
Wayne answered the third question by singing a song to us!