Imagine if there were some people out there who were dreaming, planning and accomplishing wonderful things for our families, dreaming of ways to lift them up into the light of the Spirit and bless the little ones. Would you enjoy hearing about it? Well today you can! The Heartfriends of Chile have been busy, busy, busy and these are some of their dreams:
— Translating into Spanish the Angels Your Friends and Helpers book and A Coloring Book of Angels of the Rainbow, both by Nancy Kolze and Alvera Kubal.
— Creating illustrations that encourage children to invoke heavenly superheroes who are none other than the Archangels. For example, Super Michael (Archangel Michael).
— Creating T-shirts for children with images of angels as superheroes.
— Having teddies in the shape of angels.
— Creating a poster showing angels as superheroes.
— Creating pocket books with stories of angels and the spiritual path.
— Creating a video game about the spiritual path for children.
— Creating spiritual songs for children.
— Creating a cell phone app with content for children such as books and audio books.
Some of these ideas are being worked on as we speak. Others require more time and money. Please pray for them, for God's highest plan for the beautiful children of Earth.
I envision our Heartfriends coming up with these and more ideas and having the resources to fulfill them! God bless them!
I would like to thank the Heartfriends of Chile for sharing their presentation with me so that I could share their wonderful vision with you. God has great things in mind for our children today!
Do you wish to help? Get in contact with us today!