Happy 2021 to all parents out there! What are your concerns, your hopes, your dreams for this coming year? I think most of us have felt keenly the burden of world events this last year and we’re hoping for a better outcome in 2021. How can we make that happen? That is the question! The Masters always talk about us being awake and realizing our own God-identity. By recognizing and accepting ourselves as Divine Beings, we are able to let the light flow and let God work through us in ways we may not yet comprehend. Of course if we can help more understand this, all the better.
As a parent, my primary concern regarding the world right now is for freedom to prevail in all events and scenarios, whether it be political elections, declared pandemics or other. Without freedom of the soul, spirit, body and mind, what do we have? Nothing. I am so grateful for Saint Germain and his embodying of the flame of freedom. He has been called the ‘God of Freedom’ for the Earth. Does this mean that he is displacing Almighty God? No, not at all! Rather, as an advanced Son of God, he can hold that quality for an entire planet! It is said that Earth is destined to be the planet of freedom, Freedom’s Star and interestingly, this is the age of Aquarius, of the Master Saint Germain.
What then do we see, but the direct attack upon that destiny through AI and surveillance and ‘big brother’/’big tech’ control in so many ways, including in the name of the ‘pandemic’. I think that the greatest darkness comes before the dawn. That’s where I feel we are right now. They know that they have but a short time through which to pander their wares. I say, let them be revealed for who they truly are and what they stand for! As Jesus said, ye will know them by their fruits.
What will we do then? Having realized ourselves as powerful spiritual beings having direct access to our God, we will demand and command, affirm and request God’s will to come into full manifestation right here and now in our world, in our media, our government, our justice system and more.
To that end, let us break forth from the bonds of fear and darkness and celebrate the brightness of life, the New Day of hope! Yes, the Golden Age can begin in your aura this instant! Person by person, soul by soul, the awakening begins. I’m just waiting for that ‘tipping point’ where we reach that ‘critical mass’ of awakened ones.
Yes, God has the solution to every human dilemma! No matter the darkness, the mind of God has the answer. Let us then ring in a New Year then with hope for humanity, our families and our children, that 2021 shall be a year of the Great Awakening, a shift of consciousness and a victory for freedom!
What are you doing to make 2021 a better year for your family?