spiritual parenting made easy blog

Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!

More Examples of Spiritual Conversations – With Your Baby!

More Examples of Spiritual Conversations – With Your Baby!

Okay, this is part 2 to spiritual conversations with your children and this is all about babies! My child was 11-13 months or so when I recorded these, which goes to prove that you can have spiritual conversations with babies!


Example 1. After dressing your baby in white and noticing how nice she looks

Hello beautiful. You look beautiful and pure, just like your Real Self.


Example 2. While your baby coos adoringly and you coo back

I love to hear you talk, little girl, little daughter of God.


Example 3. Baby points to your breast while feeding

Breast. That’s where the milk comes from. Actually, I don’t really make the milk. God does. God made the milk. And God made the angels and God made you. God made everything.


Example 4. While dancing around with your little girl and pointing to a little angel statue in our house

Look, there’s an angel statue. A little angel, having a rest. Even angels have to rest!


Example 5. While doing flashcards with your baby

Eyes. This word says “eyes”. You can open your eyes and close your eyes. Open your eyes and close your eyes . You also have a Third Eye . That’s a spiritual eye.


Example 6. When you go to wake up your baby

Wakey, wakey. Wakey, wakey, little one. Time to come back from the angel realms.


Example 7. Baby points to an image broadcast on my computer screen, asking to know what it is

“Ehhhh” That’s a photo of a statue of Kuan Yin. Kuan Yin is like Mother Mary. She’s a heavenly being.


Example 8. When your baby asks if Daddy is home

“Dadda?” Dadda’s not home at the moment. Just you, me, Michael and the angels…and the nature spirits, I guess.


Example 9. While spontaneously singing “Mary has a little lamb” and playing together

Mary comes from heaven, heaven, heaven

Mary comes from heaven, her heart is full of love.

Love and light come from you, come from you, come from you,

Love and light come from you, that is who you are.


Example 10. After kissing your little girl goodnight

Goodnight. I love you. Fly in your spirit with the angels. Happy dreams.


Example 11. While going for a walk outside and baby points to things, asking to know what they are

Yes, snow. It looks so pretty with the sun sparkling on it. Sun, that’s the sun. The sun represents God because God is Light. God in us is Light too.


Example 12. Talking lovingly to your baby while breastfeeding

You are so beautiful. Such a divine being in this beautiful little body.


Example 13. Random commenting on nature scenes you are looking at together

Lake. This is the lake and this is the reflection of the mountains in the lake. We should be a pure reflection of God, just like that.


Example 14. During time for baby food

Say ‘thank you God’ . We say thank you to God because God is the source of everything, including our food.


Example 15. When your daughter finds a picture and babbles, pointing to it

Archangel Michael . Michael. That’s Michael . Archangel Michael. Angel. He’s a heavenly being. Of course, we’re heavenly beings too.


Your turn. Please share how you bring God and spirituality into your everyday conversations with the little ones in your life! Feel free to share examples so that we can learn from each other!





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