Be in the now
I confess to not having awareness in the present, at times, and yet my kids have taught me that I MUST. In order to parent them, I must be here now. And how could I not want to when this little child on my lap searches my face and eyes for connection each moment. To what better time could I travel than the moment that is now?
Reach for the (seemingly) unreachable
When you watch a child learning to walk, it is truly magical. But, how is a child to know that walking is such a difficult thing or that learning a new language is hard? Yet they do it with such alacrity and skill. It’s such a miracle to watch. Let our reaching outward and upward be also a miracle to behold.
Be inquisitive
You would be amazed at what fascination a baby can have when supplied with something as simple as a lid. Why, my little daughter plays like a cat! After looking at it she swats it this way and that on the floor, seeing how it moves, what it does, how much fun can be had with it. It was Einstein who said, “Play is the highest form of research”[i] Plastic lid anyone?
Focus on the goal
When my little, almost one year old girl toddles tentatively forward to reach her baby cup, her eyes are on the goal, her whole body language focuses on it. She doesn’t look around or even notice what she is walking over; instead focusing on that goal. What a great lesson for us! May we be so one-pointed in all our goals.
Be joyful over nothing
If you could see the joy with which my little girl stands, shaking a bib or a hat, with such joy on her face, you’d think the whole universe was hers (and in a way, it is). Babies can be so happy over virtually nothing and we would do well to do likewise.
What lessons have you observed while watching your own children or those in your care?
[i] Quoting Albert Einstein, Goodreads,