spiritual parenting made easy blog

Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!

Archive by author: SerenaReturn
20 Opportunities of Parenting

20 Opportunities of Parenting

Give birth to (or sponsor) a great soul of light and benefactor to mankind. Give birth to a soul with whom you have past karma to resolve (more resolved karma = closer to heaven)....
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Have You Ever Had This Much Fun?

Have You Ever Had This Much Fun?

Have you ever had this much fun? Have you ever had this much spiritual fun with your kids! It all started when my 6 year old son was occupying himself with building blocks. He a...
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What is the Ascension?

What is the Ascension?

One day my conversation with my son went like this: “What is the ascension?” (My son was having fun creating a video of a bird going up into the sky to the tune of the lark as...
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The Spiritual Lessons of Play

The Spiritual Lessons of Play

Play is kids work. It’s fun and it’s natural. How much more fun can it be when we naturally make it spiritual? Toys can be props for this spiritual play. Most kids love leg...
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Spirituality 4 Kids Free E-book!

Spirituality 4 Kids Free E-book!

Ten years ago, the Ascended Lady Master Meta came with a message requesting us to develop a spiritual curriculum for kids. She said in part: "So I come with a plea to all of ...
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Out of the Mouth of Parents

Out of the Mouth of Parents

Not out of the mouth of babes, but parents! What to say to a newborn? Or a baby of any age? Do you just coo, “dah, dah, dah, dah, you’re so cute, what a cute little baby!” That’...
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Conversations With Kids

Conversations With Kids

By the time you’re reading this, I’ll be holding a little newborn in my arms. So, I thought it would be wise to write and schedule this article early! I’ve shared a few example...
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Parenting and Radical Forgiveness

Parenting and Radical Forgiveness

So, today, I was reading in the Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy book about what he terms “radical forgiveness”. Seeing as I have an article to write, I got to thinking. How doe...
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Has Your Child Ever Seen Angels?

Has Your Child Ever Seen Angels?

I never thought I would be one of those mums. A mum whose child who sees into the spirit world. And yet, who can quantify a spiritual experience? Is it real? Is it not real? In som...
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Spiritual Parenting Quotes

  • You must be the ones
  • sacred science
  • Beloved muses
  • Beloved Mother Mary - Little Children
  • Mother Mary - All Children Know
  • Beloved MM - Family of Heaven
  • Beloved MM - Holiest Place on Earth
  • Beloved MM - Eyes of a Child
  • Countenance
  • virtue
  • MM
  • JEU Bedroom
  • Herc Children
  • Herc - Children 2
  • Rex 1
  • Lanello 1
  • Rex 2
  • Goddess of Purity1
  • Theosophia 1
  • Theo 2
  • Theo 3
  • Saint Germain 1
  • Nada1
  • Nada2
  • Nada3
  • MM 1
  • MM 2
  • MM3
  • MM4
  • MM5
  • Lanello 3
  • LM Nada
  • Clara Louise


Click on title below to read Pamela’s information-packed article with book lists, resources, and myriad ways to introduce spirituality to your toddler!

"Everyday Spirituality for Families and Children" by Pamela Gembica

Goal Setting Magic Makes Kid's Wishes Come True! - Discover More

Most Viewed Spiritual Parenting Posts

Angels Family Service


Nature Spirits



Spiritual Songs for Families!

Spiritual Books for Children Series! 

This is a playlist of videos on "Spiritual Books for Children".
(Click on the top left side of the video to view the playlist.)

About Us

I blog on spiritual parenting and include teachings that have come through The Hearts Center wherever possible.

  • Are you a parent following a spiritual path? 
  • Are you an educator with a spiritual calling?

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Spiritual Rituals for Families