Paul the Venetian on Friendship with the Holy Spirit

Come into the communion chamber of the heart with me as we meditate in perfect clarity on your divine plan….

Holiness Is the Need of the Hour

May the Love of the Holy Spirit descend in this hour upon you, my beloved friends. Friendship with the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift of friendship that you will ever know; for that intimate relationship with the very person of the Great Lord, the Maha Chohan, will lead you into that holiness which should be the goal of every keeper of the flame of life. Holiness is the quality most conveyed by this son of fire and is the reason why we chose this one to represent that Spirit on behalf of all the chohans and on behalf of all life.

Holiness is the need of the hour. Where this sacred gift is both emulated and offered, brother to brother and heart to heart, there is the quelling of carnality and of the ego-self and the raising up of the spiritual realm within the lives of all such that all can see and know the true fire of God resident within all life. Holiness is the balm of sensitivity that breeds compassion, respect and all the virtues that saints of the true Church and of the community of lightbearers must possess. Holiness engenders that one-pointed vision of each soul as blessed and borne on the wings of eternal love, truly cared for by the Mother, protected by the Father and directed by that Spirit that knoweth whereof it cometh and goeth, for it is the living fire of God.

Communicating in Grace, Pursuing the Highest Calling

As you develop the sensitivity of how to communicate in loving grace, using words which extol the beauty of the soul in the true knightly grace that each deserves, you will begin to know how we, as ascended masters, do commune with and work with each other. For having all entered into that sanctity of oneness with the divine self, we have entered that unity within all where all communication is both instantly perceived and understood and where there simply is no division but oneness of purpose born of that Holy Spirit.

When you enter into the relationship with the Holy Spirit as your mentor, friend and personal coach, you have the greatest guru available to assist you in pursuing the highest calling, the quickest path home, and the purest way to accomplish those God-dreams which you know are more real than the seeming reality of this plane in which you temporarily dwell!

Meditate with Paul the Venetian on Your Divine Plan

Come into the communion chamber of the heart with me as we meditate in perfect clarity on your divine plan, which must include the gleaning of a greater quotient of fire from the eternal flame that burns on the altar of our retreats. Close your eyes and see yourself dressed in white garments lined in gold, clad with golden sandals and beaming with the radiance of your divine presence shining through your entire being.

See yourself in your youth in that visage of purity that you knew before you entered the lower realms of this earth on a sphere which was free of pollution, newly created of etheric fire. Know who you are now in the eyes of God whose love for you is still as real and strong and vital as when you were first sent forth as a new and pure living spirit. Now utilize this vision of your soul as the pure and radiant one to see all other souls populating this world as pure souls also clad with the robes of grace and holiness that you wear.

The Miracle of Pure Vision

Cannot holiness and reverence for each one now become a permanent quality that you exhibit, that you share with all? Cannot you see the beggar or the youth with his temporary outer garments of unreality actually as the real soul that he is? For when your vision is pure, you raise up that one. And as your vision becomes more powerful through the intensity of its backing by your decrees, you can literally change the earth and its peoples by this holding of the immaculate concept for all.

Oh, how I would continue to teach you about the holiness of cosmic beings whose auras are so vast and expansive that they literally hold great stellar systems within their perfect gaze, their single-eyed vision of perfection of all that is included in their sphere of influence. Can you imagine what would happen if these immortal ones would for an instant lower their vision from that perfection that is the Spirit most holy within all?

You Are Creating Your World Daily

Yes, we have created worlds and you are creating your world daily. Would you create a sphere of loveliness garnished with Venusian culture, ensconced with those transcendental images of glory that can only raise one's spirit unto the living presence of love, able to view the bridal veil of the Cosmic Virgin who nourishes all?

Dear hearts, as you extol holiness, earth shall be raised unto the glory of Aquarian love, which is a love that you can scarcely now imagine. Virtue, grace, beauty and compassion can be won when you are wed to the reality, that God-reality that is the very living presence of the Holy Spirit.

You will become God incarnate when you want to be. But this panting for and deep desiring for the Beloved will only come when your holiness is real, not contrived through outer display or a need for outer recognition but won through an inner fire of humility, sanctified by the grace of the Maha Chohan.

Breathe deeply now and imbibe that divine Spirit, beloved. Know the increase of spiritual fire permeating your entire being. I, beloved Paul the Venetian, seal this action of fire mixed with air, this divine pneuma. May you know the fire of holiness this hour. May you hold it. May you release it. May it ever increase within you. May the cloven tongues be ever upon you as you remain holy, holy, holy.   —Paul the Venetian through David C. Lewis, November 17, 2004

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