HeartStreams Library - Messages from the Ascended Masters

DeliveredTimeDelivered ByTitleMedia 
10/11/24 20m Buddha of the Ruby Ray I Choose to Be Perfect Love Today, with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray I Choose to Be Perfect Love Today, with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray
4/10/06 13m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 060410 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 060410 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
8/4/21 9m Buddha of the Ruby Ray The Buddha of the Ruby Ray Honors the Creativity and Devotion of Servitors within the Hearts Center Community The Buddha of the Ruby Ray Honors the Creativity and Devotion of Servitors within the Hearts Center Community
3/11/09 11m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 090311 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 090311 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
2/13/10 13m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 100213 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 100213 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
4/16/06 14m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 060416 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 060416 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
11/12/18 26m Buddha of the Ruby Ray David Delivers Live Two Buddha of the Ruby Ray HeartStreams from November 2004 David Delivers Live Two Buddha of the Ruby Ray HeartStreams from November 2004
11/24/04 6m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 041124 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 041124 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
11/2/04 9m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 041102 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 041102 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
2/15/14 6m Buddha of the Ruby Ray Use Ruby Love To Direct All Within Your Life Use Ruby Love To Direct All Within Your Life
11/3/11 7m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 111103 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 111103 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
5/4/09 10m Buddha of the Ruby Ray A Ruby Fire Blessing To Comfort Your Hearts I Come To Instill A New Level Of Ruby Love Within You A Ruby Fire Blessing To Comfort Your Hearts I Come To Instill A New Level Of Ruby Love Within You
10/23/08 8m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 081023 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 081023 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
7/2/09 28m Buddha of the Ruby Ray How Can Each One Of Us Become A Buddha Of The Ruby Ray?" How Can Each One Of Us Become A Buddha Of The Ruby Ray?"
4/25/09 28m Buddha of the Ruby Ray 090425 Buddha of the Ruby Ray 090425 Buddha of the Ruby Ray
5/22/08 17m Buddha of the Ruby Ray The Buddha Of The Ruby Ray Enfolds Us In A Ruby Sphere Of Cosmic Energy The Buddha Of The Ruby Ray Enfolds Us In A Ruby Sphere Of Cosmic Energy
10/22/06 9m Buddha of the Ruby Ray Your Earth Body Must Be The Practical Manifestation Of Buddha Where You Are. Your Earth Body Must Be The Practical Manifestation Of Buddha Where You Are.
12/21/05 12m Buddha of the Ruby Ray The Buddha Of The Ruby Ray Enfolds Us In A Ruby Sphere Of Cosmic EnergyFor The Realizing Of Our Buddhic Attainment And The Saving Of Sentient Souls The Buddha Of The Ruby Ray Enfolds Us In A Ruby Sphere Of Cosmic EnergyFor The Realizing Of Our Buddhic Attainment And The Saving Of Sentient Souls
12/30/05 16m Buddha of the Ruby Ray Love All Mankind. Love Is Pure Holiness. Love All Mankind. Love Is Pure Holiness.
12/16/05 5m Buddha of the Ruby Ray The Buddha of the Ruby Ray imparts a blessing for the acceleration of the ruby ray within us. The Buddha of the Ruby Ray imparts a blessing for the acceleration of the ruby ray within us.