ALL 34 eBooks in a SINGLE ZIP FILE for FREE Download (November 5, 2024 UPDATED Collection) |
Simply click "Download" to receive ALL 34 current HeartStreams eBooks in one FREE file! Or you may download individual free eBooks lower on this page. (Suggestion: If you download the zip file, then also click here to download free "PeaZip" to extract (separate) the individual eBooks from the zip file.) PLEASE HELP The Hearts Center spread the word by forwarding these FREE eBooks to your friends. (Just email each friend a SINGLE eBook Volume as a file attachment. Don't try to email the entire 20 MB zip file because it is too big to send by email.) Saint Germain thanks you for doing your part to spread these Ascended Master Teachings around the world!
File size |
27634 K |
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606 |
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Tue 11/05/2024 |
The soul of Saint Germain has played brilliant roles upon the stage of life for hundreds of thousands of years. Today Saint Germain is the avatar of the dawning Age of Aquarius. His forté is the recycling of all that binds and hinders the full expression of the soul into liberating light—an alchemy that anyone can learn. It is the alchemy of forgiveness. He is the Lord of the Seventh Ray, the violet ray that emanates freedom, alchemy, transmutation, justice and mercy.
File size |
887 K |
Downloads |
283 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Saint Germain is the Lord of the Seventh Ray. As Jesus Christ was the master of the Piscean Age, Saint Germain leads us into the Age of Aquarius, the next 2,000-year cycle. His great gift to mankind is the knowledge of the violet light, an aspect of the Holy Spirit, whose vibration is mercy, forgiveness and freedom.
File size |
886 K |
Downloads |
118 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Archangels and Archeiai - Volume 1 |
Archangel means “chief angel”, and one of its primary roles is to radiate celestial light into our world for the illumination, freedom, and salvation of souls of all races, creeds, cultures, and generations. All the archangels, archeiai, and angels amplify and emanate the holy feelings of God, including all the virtues, graces, and benevolent light energies they use to bless mankind as well as the elemental beings of the nature kingdom.
File size |
809 K |
Downloads |
116 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Archangels and Archeiai - Volume 2 |
Archangel means “chief angel”, and one of its primary roles is to radiate celestial light into our world for the illumination, freedom, and salvation of souls of all races, creeds, cultures, and generations. All the archangels, archeiai, and angels amplify and emanate the holy feelings of God, including all the virtues, graces, and benevolent light energies they use to bless mankind as well as the elemental beings of the nature kingdom.
File size |
969 K |
Downloads |
91 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Mother Mary serves on the fifth ray, the ray of healing, abundance, vision and truth. The vibration of this ray appears as the color emerald-green. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is from the angelic realm. She is a being of great power and authority and the perfect choice for the role of the Mother of a World Saviour. She and her twin flame, Raphael, have their retreat over Fatima, Portugal.
File size |
877 K |
Downloads |
101 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Mother Mary serves on the fifth ray, the ray of healing, abundance, vision and truth. The vibration of this ray appears as the color emerald-green. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is from the angelic realm. She is a being of great power and authority and the perfect choice for the role of the Mother of a World Saviour. She and her twin flame, Raphael, have their retreat over Fatima, Portugal.
File size |
937 K |
Downloads |
79 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Afra, having ascended over 36,000 years ago, is the ascended master patron of Africa and represents unity and the true understanding of universal brotherhood.
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697 K |
Downloads |
87 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
The ascended master Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the white ray of purity. Serapis Bey emphasizes harmony and discipline. Disciples in his retreat are assigned to work on projects with others, teaching them the importance of serving together harmoniously, supporting one another. His many lifetimes exemplify his devotion to purity of motive. Serapis Bey served on Atlantis as a high priest. Before the sinking of Atlantis, he moved the ascension flame to Luxor, Egypt. Serapis Bey and his disciples are fierce and immovable in their dedication to purity and to the disciplines required for the ascension.
File size |
662 K |
Downloads |
92 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Known as the Mother of Mercy in the East, Kuan Yin has been worshipped by Buddhists for thousands of years. She is the greatest of Bodhisattvas and embodies the totality of compassion for humanity.
File size |
849 K |
Downloads |
87 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Jesus and Magda - Volume 1 |
Beloved Jesus and Magda share core teachings on returning to the heart of God and fulfilling our divine mission, to be and emanate light, to always be one with God's Presence where we are and making our ascension. Our Lord and his divine complement impart higher truths for today.
File size |
739 K |
Downloads |
89 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Jesus and Magda - Volume 2 |
Beloved Jesus and Magda share core teachings on returning to the heart of God and fulfilling our divine mission, to be and emanate light, to always be one with God's Presence where we are and making our ascension. Our Lord and his divine complement impart higher truths for today.
File size |
797 K |
Downloads |
72 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Buddha (Sanskrit) is the title given to one who is an “awakened” being. A Buddha has attained eternal liberation from the rounds of rebirth and understands and lives the Truth. Buddhas, according to teachings delivered through The Hearts Center movement, are masters in the use of the Five Crystal Rays.
File size |
897 K |
Downloads |
60 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Buddha (Sanskrit) is the title given to one who is an “awakened” being. A Buddha has attained eternal liberation from the rounds of rebirth and understands and lives the Truth. Buddhas, according to teachings delivered through The Hearts Center movement, are masters in the use of the Five Crystal Rays.
File size |
897 K |
Downloads |
60 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Kuthumi and Djwal Kul - Volume 1 |
Kuthumi is an ascended master who serves on the yellow ray of illumination. He was embodied as Saint Francis of Assisi. A master psychologist, Kuthumi’s assistance may be invoked as we work on the subconscious as well as conscious patterns of behavior that limit our ability to experience our true nature as compassionate servants to life. He serves now as World Teacher with Jesus. Djwal Kul, also called “Master D.K.” or “The Tibetan,” is known in esoteric circles for his embodiment as a Tibetan master and also as an ascended being who assists planetary evolution. He was introduced to a wider audience through the writings of Madame Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, a messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, revealed that Djwal Kul had been embodied as one of the three wise men, named Caspar.
File size |
784 K |
Downloads |
68 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
El Morya is the Lord of the First Ray, the ray of God’s will. Through his many embodiments, including the Biblical patriarch Abraham, the visionary King Arthur, the principled Thomas Becket, the renaissance Indian mogul Akbar, the stalwart St. Thomas Moore, and the sensitive and loyal Irish poet Thomas More—the soul of El Morya excelled in its tenacity to principle and obedience to the highest understanding of the will of God.
File size |
999 K |
Downloads |
78 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
El Morya is the Lord of the First Ray, the ray of God’s will. Through his many embodiments, including the Biblical patriarch Abraham, the visionary King Arthur, the principled Thomas Becket, the renaissance Indian mogul Akbar, the stalwart St. Thomas Moore, and the sensitive and loyal Irish poet Thomas More—the soul of El Morya excelled in its tenacity to principle and obedience to the highest understanding of the will of God.
File size |
970 K |
Downloads |
72 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Divine Director and The Manus - Volume 1 |
The Divine Director is a cosmic being on the blue ray, or first ray, of power, protection and the will of God. Known in his role as the Guru of Saint Germain, he is available to each child of God to assist, as his name attests, in guiding us to walk in the highest will of God. He is also the manu (progenitor, lawgiver, and sponsor) of the seventh root race and a member of the Great Karmic Board, which adjudicates divine justice in the affairs of mankind and in the individual lives of the sons and daughters of God.
File size |
835 K |
Downloads |
74 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Hindu Gods and Goddesses - Volume 1 |
Hindu Gods and Goddesses, including Brahma, the Creator, Vishnu, the Preserver, Shiva, the Destroyer, and many others revealed in the ancient Vedic scriptures.
File size |
615 K |
Downloads |
70 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
The Lords of Creation referred to in Genesis, the “Seven Spirits of God” in Revelation, and the “Morning Stars” in Job, the Elohim are beings of immense light and power who ensoul galaxies and universes. They are also known as the “Builders of Form” because they created the physical universe in which we live. Serving under the Elohim are the Four Hierarchs of the Elements and the entire elemental kingdom of gnomes, sylphs, salamanders and undines.
File size |
749 K |
Downloads |
76 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Twin flame of Saint Germain and hierarch of the Aquarian Age, Portia serves on the Great Karmic Board as the Goddess of Justice, also known as the Goddess of Opportunity. Portia has remained in the octaves of light during Saint Germain’s embodiments upon Earth to hold a spiritual focus for him, supporting his work on behalf of mankind. Sponsor of Eastern Europe and a member of the Karmic Board, Portia's etheric retreat is over Ghana, Africa.
File size |
515 K |
Downloads |
57 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Mighty Victory - Volume 1 |
Mighty Victory is a cosmic being from Venus who mastered the victory flame eons ago, and has offered his mighty victory flame to sons and daughters of God upon Earth to awaken and bring in the Golden-Crystal Age of Aquarius and to assist each one to abide in that divine flame every moment.
File size |
487 K |
Downloads |
60 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Lanello and Clare de Lis - Volume 1 |
Lanello is the ascended name of Mark L. Prophet. Lanello is a combination of his names in two previous embodiments—Lancelot and Longfellow. Mark served as a messenger of the Great White Brotherhood in the United States from 1958 to 1973. He founded The Summit Lighthouse in Washington, D.C. in 1958 as a vehicle for disseminating the teachings of the ascended masters. Clare de Lis is the ascended-master name of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who in her final embodiment, with Mark L. Prophet, was the spiritual leader of The Summit Lighthouse and messenger for the ascended masters. She made her transition from this octave and ascended in October 2009. Her students affectionately refer to her as "Mother" and "Guru Ma."
File size |
647 K |
Downloads |
58 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Lanello and Clare de Lis - Volume 2 |
Lanello is the ascended name of Mark L. Prophet. Lanello is a combination of his names in two previous embodiments—Lancelot and Longfellow. Mark served as a messenger of the Great White Brotherhood in the United States from 1958 to 1973. He founded The Summit Lighthouse in Washington, D.C. in 1958 as a vehicle for disseminating the teachings of the ascended masters. Clare de Lis is the ascended-master name of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who in her final embodiment, with Mark L. Prophet, was the spiritual leader of The Summit Lighthouse and messenger for the ascended masters. She made her transition from this octave and ascended in October 2009. Her students affectionately refer to her as "Mother" and "Guru Ma."
File size |
719 K |
Downloads |
48 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Maha Chohan, The Holy Spirit and Paracletus - Volume 1 |
The Maha Chohan, meaning the “Great Lord,” is the representative of the Holy Spirit to the Earth. It is his work to assist mankind to contact the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.
File size |
645 K |
Downloads |
60 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus and The Kumaras - Volume 1 |
The Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9, 13, 22), Sanat Kumara is the original Keeper of the Flame, and the spiritual ruler of the planet Venus, existing in the etheric plane beyond our mortal vision. Many eons ago, he offered to assist Earth, karmically scheduled for destruction. Its evolutions no longer acknowledged or were connected to their Source, having extinguished the divine spark within their hearts. Sanat Kumara was granted permission from a cosmic council to come to Earth with 144,000 other lightbearers to help Earth’s citizens awaken to their true divinity and regain their soul freedom. He is also known as Dipamkara in Buddhism, Kartikeya (second son of Shiva and Parvati) in Hinduism, and Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism.
File size |
508 K |
Downloads |
71 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Peter Deunov and Omraam - Volume 1 |
Peter Deunov (1864–1944), known as Beinsa Douno in his native Bulgaria, was a philosopher, spiritual teacher, and mystic who developed a form of esoteric Christianity. The major teachings and techniques for spiritual work he espoused include prayer, services, music, movement, breathing practices, greeting the sunrise, and living in community. He gave approximately 3700 lectures between 1914 and 1944, many of which are now compiled into books. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was a Bulgarian master and spiritual teacher (1900 and 1986.) His oral teachings on many spiritual topics, ranging from the importance of meditating upon the sun to commentary on the Book of Revelation, have been transcribed into publications by his students.
File size |
498 K |
Downloads |
64 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Beings from the Great Central Sun - Volume 1 |
The Source, The Center, The Great Hub, The Cosmic Sun behind the Sun are all other terms for the Great Central Sun—a massive energy vortex in the heart center of the cosmos and the nucleus from which all life originated. Sirius is the focus of the Great Central Sun in our section of our galaxy.
File size |
524 K |
Downloads |
71 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Masters Overshining America - Volume 1 |
HeartStreams on Freedom from Masters Overshining America
File size |
593 K |
Downloads |
59 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Elementals and Nature Devas - Volume 1 |
The Hierarchs of the Elementals are heavenly beings who reign over elemental life, also called the elemental kingdom, which is composed of a hierarchy of guardian spirits ranging from the mighty Elohim to the littlest sylph. This hierarchy is God manifesting in the natural world, responsible for the precipitation in form of the ideations of both God and man. One of the three kingdoms created by God—the other two being the kingdom of angels and the kingdom of man—the elemental kingdom is divided into four areas: earth, water, air and fire. Each area has its directors and servants.
File size |
579 K |
Downloads |
69 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
Hilarion, who was embodied as the Apostle Paul, is the Lord of the Fifth Ray of healing, abundance and truth. The fifth ray vibration is the color emerald green.
File size |
601 K |
Downloads |
21 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
In a previous incarnation, Lady Kristine was embodied as the sixteenth-century Catholic mystic Saint Teresa of Avila. In her final incarnation, the ascended lady master Kristine was embodied as Florence Jeannette Miller. In 1968, she joined the staff of The Summit Lighthouse, where she later served as head of the Publishing Department and as a member of the Board of Directors of Church Universal and Triumphant. The title “Lady Kristine” was given to her by Saint Germain on July 5, 1970. She made her ascension in 1979, at the age of 43.
File size |
557 K |
Downloads |
21 |
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Fri 08/09/2024 |
MEXICO - The Divine Director's Golden Tomes |
In 2019, The Divine Director revealed, during a meeting with The International Hearts Center Council, a vision of Golden Tomes of light in the etheric plane containing all the messages of light that have been released through The Hearts Center in different nations. These ebooks are a library of light with many keys, blessings and boons for the Earth and its peoples. We invite you to benefit, both personally and your nation, from all these energies in the compilation for each nation!
File size |
1520 K |
Downloads |
7 |
Updated |
Tue 11/05/2024 |
SOUTH AFRICA - The Divine Director's Golden Tomes |
In 2019, The Divine Director revealed, during a meeting with The International Hearts Center Council, a vision of Golden Tomes of light in the etheric plane containing all the messages of light that have been released through The Hearts Center in different nations. These ebooks are a library of light with many keys, blessings and boons for the Earth and its peoples. We invite you to benefit, both personally and your nation, from all these energies in the compilation for each nation!
File size |
1813 K |
Downloads |
17 |
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Tue 11/05/2024 |
SPAIN - The Divine Director's Golden Tomes |
In 2019, The Divine Director revealed, during a meeting with The International Hearts Center Council, a vision of Golden Tomes of light in the etheric plane containing all the messages of light that have been released through The Hearts Center in different nations. These ebooks are a library of light with many keys, blessings and boons for the Earth and its peoples. We invite you to benefit, both personally and your nation, from all these energies in the compilation for each nation!
File size |
1616 K |
Downloads |
7 |
Updated |
Tue 11/05/2024 |