God is great within each of you. Know this—it is
no longer a question. Know it as a definitive, exclamatory, and punctuated positive fact. For when you dissolve all sense of separateness from the very heart of
God, then the magical, the mystical, and the miraculous arise naturally within your life, and joy becomes
who you are, even as love is fulfilled within every
The key to living a longer life within form is the
formless state of beingness, through which the everlasting, omnipresent light may reach every cell within
your being, giving all a positive spin. For you see, so
long as your chakras and every cell are spinning with
love, there is no death. Death is denial of God in some
sphere of awareness. The death of the mortal form is
simply the casting off of a shell, a temporary coat of
skin. Therefore do not be so attached to form. Be
detached in formlessness, for that is where oneness
— Methusaleh, December 21, 2014