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Quote of the Day

The family is supposed to be modeled around the concept of a circle. Each member of the family has his or her own innate wisdom and understanding. When you know the law of reincarnation, you can see that children often have greater attainment and understanding (which they bring back from past lives) than the adults. If the parents are truly initiates and understand this dynamic, they will create an atmosphere within the circle of the family that allows for the child to develop his or her soul with a great level of freedom and opportunity, and even allow that child to take his or her position within the family circle as a leader at times, to lead discussions, for example.

Those who grew up in wholesome families know that the family meal, especially dinner, was very important. That is a time when, in the circle of oneness and fellowship, you can have an interchange of ideas, discussion, and questions and answers, whereby the innate wisdom of each person is recognized. There can be a sharing of what occurred during the day that is of value. There can be questions about what the family is doing, what the family’s goals are, what the family’s mission is and what its purpose is as a sacred unit of souls who chose to incarnate together to fulfill both their personal missions and dharma, as well as their family mission and dharma.

— David Christopher Lewis (inspired by the Divine Director and Jesus),  July 12, 2014

Heartfriend Wisdom

Who Are We?

A Heart-Centered Community

Our passion is drawing forth God's Light for the coming Golden-Crystal Age.

The Hearts Center is a global spiritual community united in our love of God as we experience the tangible presence in our midst of the ascended masters during our free, daily, live broadcasts and other events and classes. We come together in physical and virtual gatherings to meditate, pray, sing, dance and play to achieve personal and planetary enlightenment, Self-realization and inner peace. We study the masters' progressive revelations and share practical teachings, relevant for our world situation today.

We are heart-centered initiates, walking a joyous spiritual path together. Our greater spiritual family is always evolving, and we invite you to join us in all our fun and friendship on this sacred adventure together. 

Heartform for 2024

Beloved Gautama Buddha releases the heartform for the year 2024 through David Christopher Lewis​. 



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