We have an emotional imprint that flows through our
solar plexus and our hearts that can be angelic and graceful,
peaceful and pristine or it can be something else. When we
are not balanced in this area of our life, the intensity of the
energy in motion (which is what emotions are) that is coming
through and focused through our solar plexus and our hearts
can dramatically affect life in many realms. So we can learn
to lessen the negative imprint from our hearts and increase
the positive imprint by engaging heaven in joyous acts of devotion, of prayer and of releasing divine quintessences that
can counteract the negative emotional energies that are
spewed across the Earth.
The greatest imprint that we make is through the spiritual
faculties of our being. The solar imprint, the golden imprint
of light that flows from our God Presence when we are engaged in spiritual activity; and collectively, as one community of light, sending forth streams of God-glory to the
Earth—all of this engenders a holy imprint of higher grace.
As we draw upon these divine resources, we impress upon
the Earth engrams of sacred energy that sprout in due time,
that grow according to certain cycles and seasons into a glorious world, an Edenic sphere of influence that brings the
Earth back to its pristine glory of the golden ages of the past
and of the future within the great eternal Now.
— David