What really matters is your God Self, one with every
other God Self as a part of the One God and the One Selfhood, which is the greater being of the Creator throughout
the universe. When you are restored to an understanding of
life as one, of all beings as one being, what transpires within
the Earth plane of illusion is truly senseless; and there is a
diminishment of that not-self through this understanding. The
unity field of your higher beingness in God arises. As you
focus upon that, your Buddha nature flowers, the golden light
of your own Solar Selfhood increases, the brightness of the
true you is exemplified and fully manifest, and then you
shine like the sun. This reality displaces every other vanity,
everything that you had heretofore thought may have been
somewhat important.
Those who meditate upon the great light of their Presence know these truths when they have pierced the veil to
see, to behold and to accept their Solar Selfhood. Have you
yet pierced this veil and realized your eternal nature? Have
you found mooring within the higher worlds where illusion
is no more and maya has been displaced by Reality? Embrace
all that is sublime, holy and real beyond human suffering
with its focus upon what is temporal.
— Buddha of the Golden Light