The first ray of the dawn is there for each of you, day
after day after day through all the days of your life. You may
be resurrected in that moment, and rejuvenated, refreshed,
and invigorated in the very vital, living Presence of God as
light, as warmth, as life-giving radiance. When you are there
meditating in silence and stillness, God sings a new song
unto your soul through the Sun, and its radiance holds you
in a beautiful divine embrace that is so magical that you will
remember these sacred moments forever in the eternal cycles
of being.
Who is God? What is God? God is you becoming You,
with a capital Y. God is in you. God is always expressive
through you if you choose your Higher Self, your noble Self,
your Divine Presence, the beloved You whom God created
as part of him/herself in the beginning.
— El Morya