The fastest way to clear yourself is to be one with
God, for when you enter into God’s Presence, everything is clear. There is no unreality in that realm of pure
beingness. All that is illusory disappears, and then what
is true and holy comes into prominence. And as you
come into that light of the sacred state of perfection, of
the very Presence of your own godliness, there is no
darkness. In that luminosity, there is no hell. In fact, in
heaven there is only the brightness of the Sun shining
Therefore this day, enter the Sun Presence of your
Divine Self and feel the largesse of your magnificent I
AM Presence. When you imbibe the light of your
Presence, you are happy. When you feel the joy of your
divine reality, there is a new life offered unto you, and
this new life may be yours every moment, if you
choose. For in that moment of sacredness, you have
access to very high frequencies that will provide you
with all the energy you require for all that you desire to
do. And when you are in the intelligence of God’s
divine wisdom that is embedded within the light of
your Presence, you have the formulas for perfection
and the mathematics of divinity.
— Kali, July 11, 2017