When you choose to be an artisan of Spirit, an
artist of the sacred fire, writing upon the substance of
this world and illumining, through your mind, the
essences of Godhood outpictured through your heart,
you may arrive at a destiny of holiness that is yours to
know. You may feel welling up from within you that
which is of Spirit, which when impressed upon matter
manifests a living fire that inspires, that blesses
through its co-creation.
Many seek to draw from the universal something
of beauty into this world, yet it were better for most to
spend time finding themselves, knowing the God-flame within. And once that feeling, that perception,
that beingness is manifested as a veritable living fire
and reality, then what is artistically rendered, impressive in its spiritual fire, has the vitality to recreate the
viewer in a higher field of awareness and to allow each
viewer to stretch into a reality of presence beyond the
confines of the human self.
— Paul the Venetian, January 22, 2016