When we engage in holy prayer and we consecrate these
prayers for a holy purpose, there is a beautiful alchemy that
occurs between our hearts. The angels are with us when we
pray. We know this. Yet what we may not always realize is
that our heart’s fire is growing. The collaborative love that
we share is expanding. In effect, we nurture each other’s
hearts with prayers because our hearts become bonded in a
sacred union of brother/sisterhood when we engage in common prayer.
By common, is meant that it is common among all of us.
We’re all in this together. We’re all sharing in this endeavor.
We’re all of one accord in one place,3 using the same words,
tuning into the same thoughtforms or heartforms. The alchemy of this oneness is a very sacred thing that we should
cherish and we should appreciate and really celebrate too.
This prayer is really a divine celebration of light because
we know the light exists; we feel the light. If we’re sensitive,
we feel the radiation of the masters, our own Presence, our
own heart fire. We feel the radiation as we pray together—this billowing light, this sacred field that we are co-creating
and that we step into as an amazing alchemical, collaborative
See Acts 2:1.
— David