To be, or not to be—that is the question.* The
answer is to be of God, in God, as God and not to be
anything outside of the circle of God’s being. You
have the solution, the answer, right within your heart.
And though questions may arise from time to time as
to just how much of this godly beingness you are able
to anchor and to fulfill in your life, yet if you remain
tethered to your Godhood through the science of being,
then the solution always appears. Then the answer
always arises from within, through a deep reflection of
yourself within the pool of awareness that is the God
Presence and beingness of all.
It is time that many more enter upon the stage and
play their role as actors of the Lord in the great drama
of life such that the entire collective awareness of
humanity can merge with the highest stream of God’s
awareness of himself as life upon Earth—free to be
all that it is meant to be.
* Shakespeare’s Hamlet, act 3, scene 1
— Saint Germain, December 26, 2009